Mr.Koide “Robot technology can’t be help, human must decommission Fukushima by themselves.”

Tepco is trying to develop robot technology to settle down Fukushima. (cf. Tepco developing remote controlling robots, wall crawler, airship, RPV diver, etc..)

On 10/18/2012, Mr. Koide commented Tepco can’t pick up melted fuel in core but they must remove fuel from SFPs before stone coffin in the interview. (cf. Mr.Koide “Tepco can’t pick up melted fuel in core but they must remove fuel from SFPs before stone coffin”)

In the later part of this interview, he mentioned robot and stated, robot can’t do anything, human will have to decommission by themselves.



Koide : You should think robot can’t do anything basically. It has nothing to do with settling the situation.
Imanishi : We can’t count on robot.
Koide : No, we can’t. They can’t be a help at all.
Koide : Japan hasn’t developed a robot for nuclear emergency at all on the assumption that nuclear accident can never happen. However, some European nations and US have such robots indeed, but their capacity is very limited regardless of remote controlling technology. After all, it must be done by human.


Related article..Disposable Fukushima workers, “One person can only work for 30mins a day, 20 days a month, one month a life”







سيد كويدي “تقنية الروبوت لا تجدي نفعاً، على البشر تعطيل فوكوشيما بأنفسهم”

نشرت بواسطة أيوري موتشيزوكي بتاريخ 23 أكتوبر 2012

تحاول شركة طوكيو للطاقة الكهربائية (تيبكو) تطوير تقنية الروبوت لحلّ فوكوشيما.

في مقابلته بتاريخ 18 أكتوبر من العام الجاري، علّق سيد كويدي أن لا
يمكن لتيبكو جمع و إزالة الوقود المذاب في جسم المفاعل، لكن عليهم إزالة الوقود من أحواض الوقود المستنفد قبل وضع التابوت الحجري.
(cf. Mr.Koide “Tepco can’t pick up melted fuel in core but they must remove fuel from SFPs before stone coffin”)

في قسمٍ لاحق من هذه المقابلة، ذكر أيضاً أن الروبوت لا يمكنه عمل أي شيء. على البشر تعطيل فوكوشيما بأنفسهم.



كويدي: عليكم التفكير بأن الروبوت لا يستطيع عمل أي شيء في الاساس. ليس للروبوت علاقة في وضع نهاية للامر.

امانيشي: لا يمكننا الاعتماد على الروبوت

كويدي: كلا، لا يمكننا ذلك. ليس بأستطاعتهم مساعدتنا ابداً.

كويدي: لم تقم اليابن بتطوير روبوتاً للطوارئ النووية، على إفتراض إن الحوادث النووية لا يمكن أن تحدث. و مع ذلك، قامت بعض الدول الاوروبية الولايات المتحدة الامريكية بتطوير روبوتات، لكن قدرتها محدودة جداً بغض النظر عن تقنية التحكم عن بعد. في كل الاحوال، لا بد من القيام به بواسطة الانسان.


أيوري موتشيزوكي




Koide: “La tecnologia robotica non può aiutarci. Gli uomini devono disattivare Fukushima da soli”

La Tepco sta cercando di sviluppare un robot in grado di sistemare la situazione a Fukushima. (cf. <link>Tepco developing remote controlling robots, wall crawler, airship, RPV diver, etc..</link>)
Il 18/10/2012 Koide ha commentato, nella sua intervista, che la Tepco non può prelevare il combustibile fuso dal nucleo, deve prima rimuovere il combustibile dalle SFP per poter calare la copertura in cemento. (cf. <link> Il sig. Koide: “La Tepco non può prelevare il combustibile fuso dal nucleo. Deve rimuovere il carburante dalle SFP (Spent Fuel Pool – Piscine di combustibile usato) prima di calare la copertura di cemento”</link>).
Nell’ultima parte della sua intervista ha menzionato i robot e sostenuto che non possono fare niente, gli uomini devono disattivarla da soli.
Koide: Sarebbe meglio pensare che i robot non possano fare praticamente nulla. Niente che possa sistemare la situazione.
Imanishi: Non possiamo contare sui robot
Koide: No, non possiamo. Non possono affatto aiutarci. Il Giappone non ha sviluppato un robot per le emergenze nucleari perché convinto che non sarebbe mai avvenuto un incidente nucleare. Comunque, alcune nazioni europee e gli Stati Uniti hanno robot del genere ma le loro capacità sono molto limitate a prescindere dalla tecnologia di controllo a distanza. Dopo tutto deve essere fatto dagli umani.



Français :

M.Koide : “La robotique ne peut pas aider, Fukushima doit être démantelée par les hommes eux-mêmes.”

Tepco essaye de développer la robotique pour démanteler Fukushima. (cf. Tepco développe des robots télécommandés, grimpeurs de murs, aéronefs, plongeurs RPV, etc..)

Le 18 octobre 2012, M. Koide a déclaré au cours d’une interview que Tepco ne peut pas retirer le combustible fondu des coeurs mais qu’ils doivent retirer le combustible des piscines de stockage avant de faire un sarcophage. (cf. M.Koide : “Tepco ne peut pas retirer le combustible fondu mais ils doivent retirer le combustible des SFPs avant de faire le sarcophage”)

Durant la dernière partie de cet interview, il a parlé des robots et a affirmé que les robots ne peuvent rien, que les humains vont devoir démanteler par eux-mêmes.



Koide : On devrait considérer à la base que les robots n’y peuvent rien. Ça n’a rien à faire dans la stabilisation de la situation.
Imanishi : On ne peut pas compter sur les robots ?
Koide : Non, on ne le peut pas. Ils ne peuvent être d’une quelconque utilité.
Koide : Le Japon n’a pas du tout développé de robot pour les urgences nucléaires, sur son credo qu’un accident nucléaire ne pourrait jamais arriver. Néanmoins, quelques pays européens et les USA ont de tels robots en vérité mais leurs capacités sont très limitées, sans tenir compte de la technologie du télécontrôle. Au bout du compte ça doit être fait par des humains.

Article lié : Les ouvriers jetables de Fukushima : “Une personne ne peut travailler que 30 mins par jour, 20 jours par mois et un mois dans sa vie”



About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2012