In Chernobyl, Radioactive fallout destroyed children’s immune system.
That was called Chernobyl AIDS and caused catastrophic damage for the people living there.
Now a very similar disease is starting from Fukushima.
It’s starting to be called “Fukushima AIDS”(Source)(Source)
Details are written on
The basic mechanism is that Cs-137 destroys children’s thymic gland,so they can’t make lymphocyte T type of cells,which turns to be immunodeficiency.
Reports from locals.
At North Kawaguchi shi,Saitama (hot spot) ,since 311,lymph gland under jaw has been lymph gland.It’s coming down to the neck gradually. Now the lymph gland on the middle of the neck is lymph gland as well.
「(関東(首都圏))6才子ども 3月末~6月 リンパ腺の腫れ、咳、お腹に痣私(母親)同じ時期、やはりリンパの腫れ 喉の痛み」
Around Tokyo area. From March to June.
6 years old child ; Swollen lymph gland,coughing,rash on the stomach.
Mother ; Swollen lymph gland, sore throat.
「(福島在住 (男性))事故後、肌がヒリヒリした後かゆくなりました。数日下痢の後にリンパの腫れ、リンパが焼けるようでした。頭痛も4月上旬まで続きました。その後、疲れやすいと感じるようになり、目もかすむようになった。7月末頃からたまに息苦しさを感じ、心臓に違和感を感じるようになった。」
In Fukushima
Male ; After 311,skin felt sore.and it started itching. having diarrhea for a few days ,and had swollen lymph gland. Lymph gland felt burning. had headache until April. then fatigue started,and got blur eye sight. Since late July,had chest hurt, my heart has been feeling something strange.
At Suginami ku ,Tokyo
Mother of a 4 years old daughter ; Originally having allergy for cat and house dust. Ige100. Had an allergy test in October. Ige spiked up to be 719,which is 7 times higher than before.
Hair dresser ; 80% of my customers had hay fever in this autumn. This is unusual. I was shocked. Some of them had hay fever for the first time,or have more severe symptom than every year.