[Column] The only thing to interest me

Some people say someone should make a movie of my footage, but I’m sure that would be boring.
I sit at the PC and work on the internet for 99% of the time. No gun shooting, no bombing scene, I don’t even climb up on the wall.

Get a lot of peace and a little bit of nutrition, then you get a wide view over the world, but why is it so difficult to live like that ?

I’m moving. I’m looking for the place to get out of all the stupidity. Capitalists are chasing its own tail. Now they are looking for the new business chance called “war” but their target is on their own butt.
Nuclear power has no place to put the waste, so keep building new plants to store the spent fuel as if they build them to generate power. TV tell us to want more, go faster, more everything. Supermarket sells 50 types of caffeine drinks to make yourself work harder and we don’t even have job.

World was round and beautiful. I used to think democracy exists, economy runs on free competition. Family members help each other, and society raises their children.
but we got the piece of apple. Nothing I believed in was true.

I see people killing each other for what they don’t even really want. They only hear what they want to hear but they can’t tell what they want to say.

It’s going to be a long way to fix.

Nuclear, fake capitalism, fake democracy, they are all connected. You can’t resolve just one of them. It’s all or nothing. but I doubt it can be done in this rule. We need a whole new rule.

Now we have the internet. Even if you live like hermit, you can have clairvoyance.
Twitter is one of the ways. Since the day zero, I’ve been learning how fast and accurate the information twitter brings is. Soon journalists will have to compete with them. iphone+internet, then anyone can be a great reporter in ground zero, and anyone hears you 0.1 seconds after you tweet it.

but not so many people use the term of “Twitter journalism” or “Web journalism”.
I wish to have some company or organization or whatever to do it from my hermit-ness.

I wasn’t rich, but Japan was a rich country. Fashion, club, restaurant, I’ve seen it all and nothing even interests me anymore. and now it’s radioactive.
I just want to try how Web journalism goes. (I don’t even like the word of “Journalism”, I simply want to say “see”.) I just want to see how it can fight traditional media that killed me.


(مقال) الشيء الوحيد الذي يثير اهتمامي

قد يقول البعض إن على أحدهم عمل فيلمٍ يوثق أعمالي و لقطاتي، لكنني متأكد بأن هذا الفيلم سيكون مملاً.
أجلس أمام حاسوبي و أعمل على الانترنت 99% من الوقت. لا اطلاقَ نارٍ، و لا مشاهدَ إنفجارات، حتى أنا، ليس بأمكاني تسلق حائط.
“حاوِل الحصولَ على الكثيرِ من السلام و قليلٍ من الطعام، سوف تحصل على نظرة أوسع للعالم”، لكن، لماذا العيش هكذا يكون في غاية الصعوبة؟
أتنقل. أبحث عم مكانٍ ما للتخلص من كل هذا الغباء. الرأسماليون يطاردون “ذيولهم”. الاّن، هم يبحثون عن فرصٍ جديدة للعمل تسمى “حرب”، لكن هدفهم موجود على “مؤخراتهم”.
المفاعلات النووية، لا يتوفر مكان لدفن مخلفاتها، فلهذا، ترى إستمرارية في بناء معامل لتخزين الوقود المستهلك، كما لو أنهم بنوها لتوليد الطاقة. يلقننا التلفزيون بأننا نريد اكثر، و علينا أن نتحرك أسرع، يريدنا أن نزيد في كل شيء.
تبيعنا المحلات الكبرى 50 نوعاً من مشروبات الكافيين، لتعطينا طاقةً اكبر للعملِ أكثر، حتى و إن كنا عاطلين عن العمل.
كان العالمُ مستديراً و جميلاً. كنت أظن أن الديمقراطية فعلاً موجودة، و إن الاقتصاد يعمل بمبدأ ” التنافس الحر”. أفراد العائلة يساعدون بعضهم البعض، و المجتمع هو المربّي للاطفال. لكن، تناولنا العلقم، و لاشيء مما كنت اظنُ صحيحاً.
أرى الاّن، أناس يقتلون بعضهم لاجل أشياء، هم في الحقيقة لا يريدونها. هم يسمعون فقط ما يريدون سماعه، لكنهم لا يسمعوا ماذا يريدون قوله.
طريق الاصلاحِ طويلٌ.
الطاقة النووية، الرأسمالية المزيفة، كلها مرتبطة ببعضها البعض. لا يمكنك حل واحدة دون الاخرى. أما كلها أو لا شيء منها. لكنني بدأت أشك في مدى فاعلية هذه القاعدة. نحن بحاجة إلى قاعدةٍ جديدة.
الاّن، و نحن لدينا الانترنت، حتى لو كنت تعيش مثل ناسك، سوف يكون عندك بعض الاستبصارو الاطلاع على مستجدات الامور.
تويتر هو إحد الطرق، منذُ اليوم الاول، بدأت أتعلم مدى دقة و سرعة المعلومات التي يزودنا بها تويتر. قريباً، سيتوجب على الصحافيين التنافس مع هذه المعلومات . لو جمعنا تويتر مع الايفون، أي شخص عادي بأمكانه أن يكون مراسلاً صحافياً من موقع الحدث، و أي شخص سيسمع لك بعد 0.1 ثانية من تغريدتك.
لكن، ليس الكثير من الناس يستخدمون مصطلح “صحافة تويتر” أو “صحافة الويب” .
لم أكم في يومٍ غنياً، لكم اليابان كانت بلداً غنياً. أزياء، أندية، مطاعم، لقد رأيت كل شيء و لم يبقَ شيئاً يثير إهتمامي بعد الاّن. و الاّن، كل شيءٍ أصبح مشعاً.
كل ما أريدهُ هو المحاولة في معرفة عمل صحافة الويب. (أنا حتى لا أحبذ كلمة “صحافة” كل ما اردت قوله هو “أنظر”). أريد فقط معرفة كيف يمكن محاربة الاعلام التقليدي الذي قتلني.



[Editoriale] L’unica cosa che mi interessa

Alcune persone dicono che qualcuno dovrebbe girare un film sulle mie ricerche ma sono sicuro che sarebbe noioso.
Mi siedo al PC e lavoro in internet per il 99% del tempo. Niente sparatorie o scene con bombe, non mi arrampico nemmeno sui muri.
Con una buona dose di pace e un po’ di cibo riuscirai ad avere un’ampia vista sul mondo… ma perché è tanto difficile vivere così?
Mi sto muovendo. Sto cercando un modo per mandare via tutta la stupidità. I capitalisti si stanno mordendo la coda. Ora stanno cercando la nuova occasione di business che si chiama “guerra” ma il loro obiettivo è il loro stesso sedere.
L’energia nucleare non ha un posto in cui mettere le scorie, perciò continuano a costruire nuovi impianti per contenere il vecchio combustibile come se li costruissero per generare energia. La TV ci dice di volere di più, di andare più veloce, più di ogni cosa.
I supermercati vendono 50 tipi di bevande alla caffeina per farci lavorare meglio quando nemmeno abbiamo un lavoro.
Il mondo era rotondo e bello. Io ero solito pensare che la democrazia esistesse, che l’economia girasse sulla libera competizione. Che i membri di una famiglia si aiutassero tra loro e la società crescesse i propri figli.
Ma abbiamo mangiato la foglia, niente di quello che credevo è vero.
Vedo le persone uccidersi per avere qualcosa che nemmeno desiderano davvero. Ascoltano solo quello che vogliono ascoltare ma non riescono a dire quello che vogliono dire.
Ci vorrà molto tempo per riparare a tutto questo.
Il nucleare, il finto capitalismo, la finta democrazia, sono tutte cose connesse. Non si può risolvere solo una di queste cose. E’ tutto o niente. Ma io dubito che si possa fare in questo modo. Ci serve un nuovo modo.
Ora noi abbiamo internet. Anche se vivi come un eremita puoi essere un veggente.
Twitter è uno dei modi. Dal giorno zero ho imparato quanto veloce e accurate siano le informazioni che Twitter porta. Presto i giornalisti dovranno competervi. Iphone+internet, in questo modo chiunque può essere un bravo reporter nel giorno 0 e chiunque può leggere appena 0,1 secondi dopo il tweet.
Ma non così tante persone usano il termine “Giornalismo di Twitter” o “Giornalismo informatico”.
Dal mio eremitaggio spero di trovare qualche compagnia o organizzazione o quel che è che lo faccia.
Io non ero ricco ma il Giappone era un paese ricco. Moda, club, ristoranti, ho visto tutto ma niente mi interessa più. Tutto ora è radioattivo.
Vorrei solo provare a vedere come va il giornalismo informatico (non mi piace nemmeno la parola “giornalismo”, semplicemente vorrei “vedere”). Vorrei solo vedere come si possono combattere i media tradizionali che mi hanno ucciso.




Français :

[Éditorial] La seule chose qui m’intéresse

On me dit parfois que je devrais faire un film de mes séquences mais je suis sûr que ça serait ennuyeux.
Je suis assis devant le PC et je travaille sur internet plus de 99 % du temps. Pas de bagarres au revolver, pas de scènes de bombardement, je ne grimpe même pas un mur.

Je prends un peu de paix et un tout petit peu de nourriture, on a alors une vue large sur le reste du monde mais pourquoi est-ce aussi difficile de vivre comme ça ?

Je déménage. Je cherche l’endroit où je pourrais sortir de toute cette idiotie. Les capitalistes se mordent la queue. Maintenant, ils cherchent une nouvelle opportunité d’affaires qui s’appelle “la guerre” mais leur objectif est leur propre fin.
L’énergie nucléaire n’a pas d’endroit où mettre ses déchets, donc ils continuent à construire de nouveaux bâtiments pour stocker les combustibles usagés comme s’ils allaient produire du courant. La télé nous dit de vouloir plus, d’aller plus vite, plus de tout. Les supermarchés vendent 50 types de boissons caféinées pour nous faire travailler plus quand on ne peut même pas trouver un travail.

Le monde était rond et magnifique. J’ai longtemps pensé que la démocratie existait, que l’économie marchait en libre compétition, que les gens d’une même famille s’entraidaient et que la société élevait leurs enfants.
Mais nous avons croqué la pomme. Rien de ce que je croyais n’est vrai.

Je vois des gens s’entre-tuer pour des choses qu’ils ne veulent même pas. Ils n’écoutent que ce qu’ils veulent entendre mais ils sont incapables de dire ce qu’ils veulent en fait.

Ça va être long à corriger.

Le nucléaire, le faux capitalisme, la fausse démocratie, tout est lié. On ne peut en corriger l’un sans corriger les autres. C’est tout ou rien mais je doute que ce soit faisable avec ces lois. Nous avons besoin de règles entièrement nouvelles.

Maintenant nous avons internet. Même en vivant comme un ermite, on peut avoir la clarté.
Twitter est un de ces moyens. J’ai appris tellement vite depuis le premier jour et l’information apportée par Twitter est juste. Bientôt, les journalistes entreront en compétition avec ça. iphone+internet, et tout le monde peut devenir un grand reporter “à ground zero”, le monde entier vous entends dans le dixième de seconde qui suit votre tweet.

mais il n’y a pas tellement de gens à utiliser le terme de “Twitter journalisme” ou de “Web journalisme”.
J’aimerai une entreprise, une organisation, ou n’importe quoi du genre pour le faire depuis mon “ermit-icité”.

Je n’étais pas riche mais le Japon était un pays riche. Mode, clubs, restaurants, j’ai vu tout ça et rien ne m’en intéresse plus désormais, et maintenant c’est radioactif.
Je voudrais juste essayer de voir comment marche le Web journalisme. (Je n’aime même pas le mot de “journalisme”, je veux simplement dire “voir”.) Je veux juste voir comment combattre ces médias traditionnels qui m’ont tué.

  1. Do you live in Japan now, Mr. Mochizuki?
    My sadest moments regarding Fukushima is when I first heard, all I could see in my mind were the whales and the fishes. We have pods of Orca whales here on the Washington coast. I cried for the ocean… as well as the people of Japan.
    I wish people would move far away from there if they can. It must be very hard to walk away from everything…
    Peace and blessings to you, Mr. Mochizuki.

  2. We read you. Keep on informing us. The world needs your point of view. Ganbatte !
    LiLo, France.

  3. Iori,
    I don’t think there is anyone who can honestly say that they have not felt the same way you do at one time or another. People do care about you though and appreciate you for what you do, even if you can’t see them 🙂 Keep the faith and keep going even when it hurts! May God bless you always.

  4. I stumbled on this article while doing research about Lebanon’s situation… And, although it has nothing to do with Lebanon, I was surprised how well it echoed to my own preoccupations : “I’m looking for the place to get out of all the stupidity. Capitalists are chasing its own tail. Now they are looking for the new business chance called “war” but their target is on their own butt.” Every country should have a Fukushima-diary to tell the truths no one wants to hear.
    Thanks for this article, it made my day!

  5. You seem to be very nihilistic, and after all you have seen and all you have been through, I can understand why.

    Yes, there will always be biased journalism, and many people will search for the news they want to hear/read.

    But we live in a new age where information is extremely easily obtainable, a lot different than even 10-15 years ago. Mochizuki, you need to be one to educate people and give people information that they wouldn’t aquire otherwise.

    And I know it may take a while for everyone to catch on and realize the amount of fake news in the world but you need to stick with what you are doing and help people know the truth.

  6. Little by little we can win this. The lies and the corruption are taking a fall, and you are doing a fantastic job exposing them. It’s difficult enough to obtain information on what’s going on inside our own countries, nevermind what’s happening in Japan. Your contribution is priceless.
    Best regards from Ontario, Canada.

  7. Hey there…funny,, we do a newspaper in Canada..mostly in B.C. Vancouver now…a real news newspaper…and have covered Fukushima..quite a bit..my girlfriend is Japanes…and so this is close to my heart..I like this post very much..and was wondering if you were going to translate it…to Japanese so she could fully understand your heart and what you are sharing….I think many Japanese people would find it worthwhile to read your posts…big Cheers. Lorenzo

  8. great post bro!

    check out the bbc enenews article if u get time.. will post this there.. heart of the rose gave us a heads up..

    so appropriate…
    peace light and love to you and yours

  9. Iori – US can be a very abusive place. But you can always find people who are devoted to serving OTHERS in the Salvation Army. Whether you are religious or not, volunteer with them and your soul will start to be restored and your outlook on humanity will become more balanced.

  10. The U.S. has some of the worst places in the world to live, but also may have some of the best prospects in lesser-populated areas with access to water and land.

  11. Everything you say is right. What you’ve done is amazing, building this website, leaving your job, family, japan, travelling the world on almost no money … I hope you eventually find a great place to settle down. And know that, in a way, you are lucky, because you are single and not tied to family. I’m stuck because my husband refuses to admit the seriousness of what has happened in Japan. I can’t convince him, no matter what I say, we have children and I am stuck.

    1. Escapee – if you are Japanese, please, you must go to the demonstrations and connect physically with other like-minded people. You need to help organize them. Bring 500 copies of a printed letter inviting anyone of them to join a meeting to help you organize a new political party that will run together on one issue – nuclear energy.

      Make it a one issue political party – and allow all members of the party to vote their own conscience on all other issues. That way you don’t need to worry about making a complete platform on economy, foreign policy, etc. Japan’s biggest threat right now is nukes. Japan’s greatest economic opportunity right now is to lead the green technology revolution that will sweep the planet. This IS a SINGLE ISSUE time. Don’t allow the new party to be drawn into, or bogged down by any other issues. You can tell the voters that your party will do whatever it can to stop nuclear power in Japan, and that its members are free to align themselves with any of the other political parties (or vote independently) on all other issues, based on their own individual conscience.

      At the first meeting you will need to form some committees. One committee will need to research the steps needed to become recognized as a national political party. They should be asked to do their work and come back in two weeks with a list of specific actions needed.

      Another committee will need to determine how many candidates they will need to field, in which places in Japan and, in what timeframe. Again, they should come back in two weeks with a clear requirements list, showing for every elected office in the national government, where they will need to recruit a candidate (which prefectures, and which areas of which prefectures) and when they would need to have the candidate certified for the ballot.

      Another committee should research the minimum qualifications and paperwork needed for getting candidates on the ballot. Is there a minimum age? A number of years residency requirement? Do you need petitions, etc? Again, in two weeks they should come back with an action list.

      Another committee should be charged with creating a fund raising action plan, and come back in two weeks with specific plans and action items.

      Another committee should be charged with creating the platform – what exactly do you plan to accomplish when you say you will stop nuclear power? How will you explain to the public about how your party will (not) address other issues?

      Another committee should establish the party membership rules, application process, mailing list management process, dues.

      People would join committees according to their interests and abilities. Each committee, in this first meeting would elect a tentative chairman. This chairman would represent the committee on the executive committee.

      The chairmen of each committee should be subject to re-election after three months, earlier if the executive committee decides that committee is failing the effort.

      I think you get the idea. The first meeting would create these committees and give them their assignments. Later meetings would hear their reports, and agree on the next two-week assignments.

      If any committee fails to meet its two week goal, then that committee leader must be replaced and the committee itself needs to be purged of anyone who might have caused the delay. The competing political parties and the nuclear industry will be sending shills as spies to delay and disrupt.

      You will also need a quality committee of people you trust to evaluate the work product of the other committees. Those shills may seek to sabotage the plans by introducing errors in the committee work products. A smart quality group will be able to ferret these out.

      To organize this, you need to meet to determine what you need to do. People need to take assignments that must be completed in two weeks (don’t give them one month targets or three month targets – break bigger targets and goals down into two week steps).

      Hold them accountable at the end of two weeks for delivering the results needed to move forward. If they fail, they committees leaders should not be allowed to continue, and the committee’s process needs to be reviewed to remove incompetent people and potential shills. It’s not mean or cruel. It’s just that Japan needs results. This effort needs to be successful.

      It will take months or perhaps years of hard work, but JAPAN is worth it.

      I think you get the idea.

      Demonstrations aren’t working. The government is not listening. And talking and writing about the danger of nuclear power is not so much needed. Most of the Japanese people don’t want nuclear power. If you love Japan, you need to help organize a political party made up of ordinary people to exercise your democratic rights.

      Of course all this assumes you are Japanese. Non-citizens are prohibited by law from certain political activities. If you are not Japanese, I would encourage you to talk with your family and friends in your home country. if your children are not yet teenagers, simply buy them plane tickets and resolve to take them back to your friends and family before the end of 2012 (teenagers are emotionally more difficult to uproot, younger kids will get over it). If your husband loves you, he will follow. Please understand that if you wait until the kids are older, it becomes even more difficult to move them, and you may have to wait it out until they are college age.

      Please keep us posted about what you decide to do about your situation.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2012