Amari Policy chief of LDP, “It’s impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants”

Amari, the policy chief of Japanese liberal democratic party commented it is impossible to shut down all the nuclear plants in the interview with Jiji on 10/18/2012.



Jiji : Will Japan possibly shut down all the nuclear plant ?
Amari : It’s difficult. Germany and Spain developed new energy but they can’t be independent from nuclear energy as they expected. It’s impossible to replace all the nuclear plants with new type of energy sources.

Jiji : Will Japan keep nuclear technology ?
Amari : Whether Japan stops nuclear plants or not, nuclear plants will be built more and more internationally. Japan has the most developed nuclear technology. Because Japan has had a nuclear accident, it is our responsibility to help other countries develop nuclear power not to cause an accident.

自民党政調会長の甘利明氏は 2012年10月18日に 時事とのインタービューで すべての原発を停止するのは 不可能であると話しました。

-原発ゼロに進む可能性はあるか。 それは厳しいと思う。新エネルギー先進国のドイツやスペインも思った通りにはいかなかった。原発を全部代替することは不可能だ。 -原発技術を維持すべきか。 日本が原発をやろうがやめようが、世界の原発は増えていく。技術開発は日本がトップランナーだ。事故を起こした日本だからこそ、事故が起きないように他国の開発に協力するのが責務だ。

<Translate> Jiji : Will Japan possibly shut down all the nuclear plant ? Amari : It’s difficult. Germany and Spain developed new energy but they can’t be independent from nuclear energy as they expected. It’s impossible to replace all the nuclear plants with new type of energy sources.

Jiji : Will Japan keep nuclear technology ? Amari : Whether Japan stops nuclear plants or not, nuclear plants will be built more and more internationally. Japan has the most developed nuclear technology. Because Japan has had a nuclear accident, it is our responsibility to help other countries develop nuclear power not to cause an accident. <End>




<Settlement report 決算書 10/13~18/2012>

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Amari Policy chief of LDP, "It's impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants"

Amari Policy chief of LDP, "It's impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants" 2

Amari Policy chief of LDP, "It's impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants" 3




Français :

M. Amari chef politique du LDP, “Il est impossible d’abandonner toutes les usines nucléaires”

Au cours d’une interview avec Jiji ce 18 octobre 2012, M. Amari, le chef politique du Parti Démocratique Libéral nippon (Liberal Democratic Party, LDP) a déclaré qu’il est impossible d’arrêter toutes les centrales nucléaires.

Jiji : Est-ce que le Japon peut arrêter toutes ces centrales nucléaires ?
M. Amari : C’est difficile. L’Allemagne et l’Espagne ont développé les énergies alternatives mais, contrairement à leurs attentes, ils ne peuvent se passer complètement de l’énergie nucléaire. Il est impossible de remplacer toutes les centrales nucléaires avec les énergies nouvelles.

Jiji : Est-ce que le Japon va garder la technologie nucléaire ?
M. Amari : Que le Japon arrête ses centrales ou pas, internationalement on va en construire de plus en plus. Le Japon possède la technologie nucléaire la plus avancée. Parce que le Japon a connu un accident nucléaire, il est de notre responsabilité d’aider les autres pays à développer une électricité nucléaire qui ne provoque pas d’accident.



<Rapport financier du 13 au 18 octobre 2012>

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Amari Policy chief of LDP, "It's impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants"

Amari Policy chief of LDP, "It's impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants" 2

Amari Policy chief of LDP, "It's impossible to abandon all the nuclear plants" 3

  1. More evidence that the LDP must not be allowed back in power.

    These old fossil politicians protecting old ideas and old technology. Give them the old boot.

  2. He’s right though. There is no way to continue the Great Ponzi without the nuclear energy. There is not the capital and time to develop sufficient alternatives since constant GROWTH is all that matters.

  3. They don’t even have the capital and time to maintain the reactors we already have, or even to shut them down at the end of their life spans, like they’re supposed to.

  4. Oh my god, this so lied! I am German and our country has increased renewable energy around 25% in only one year. Easily. Why one never hears about that is the same reason why people tell Japanese citizens not to sue or to eat contaminated food: the nuclear lobby. Part of German citizens are afraid they won’t be able to pay for ‘green’ energy because the lobby and our politicians (obviously friends with with the mentioned lobby) tell them it would not be affordable. But in truth power companies refuse to accept all power made by single average German households. Here every second home or appartment house has photovoltaic cells on the roof. If you drive from one part of the country to the other (say south to north i.e.) you will see hundreds of wind power plants, they look like giant flowers made of metal. And you can see fields of dark purple photovoltaic cells, hundreds beside the highways (Autobahnen). People started to make gas and warmth out of their organic waste, farmers in particular. Many couldn’t live anymore from selling milk or beef or eggs. So they recycle organic material. Gas power plants look like round little domes. You can see them very often in rural areas as part of a farm.
    Also there are inventors who made very quiet small wind power devices for private homes that look like art sculptures and only cost around 1000 Euros per unit. (You can see them on Youtube, copy in ‘ Windenergie selbst günstig erzeugen! ‘ which means producing wind energy affordable yourself.)
    Last month I saw a balcony in the city of Leipzig, on which the tennant had put some baby small solar panels on.
    For the last years a lot of house owners were afraid of high prices for fuel heating so they had little power plants installed into their homes. They run on waste chipped wood and mostly deliver more energy than one house needs.
    Some days ago a local power company started a virtual power plant by using those private energy amounts remotely. Everything that isn’t used in the producing home is used for other customers.

    All that is good one would think. But it isn’t wanted by our politicians or the huge energy companies. Because it means their power lessens and people could live well and healthy. So the energy companies fight with making people araid of the costs. Last autumn they even told people if the immediately in 3/11 shut off nuclear plants wouldn’t be turned on again soon Germany would face a total shuttdown powerwise. No industry, no wallstreet, no nothing. And what happened? Without the nuclear plants Germany was still able to EXPORT power to other European countries all autumn and winter long…
    Today I was psitively surprised to read in national articles and news feeds that German citizens are determined to do whatever it takes to turn all nuclear plants eventually off.
    We were to close to Tchernobyl in the eighties. Our soil is still contaminated in a lot of places where the first rain came down then. It makes people determined. Many try to get as much information about Fukushima as they can. Although our lobbies try to keep it from TV news and major newspapers. Well, a lot of other important things do never show up there, too. I guess that is part of our times.

    Well, whoever reads this – don’t believe all those panic strategies of politicians and lobbies. The worst case if there is no power is that we have to improvise. Use candles, get away into huts and just be a little less consumer. That’s all. Having all the world contaminated one place after the other is worse I believe.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2012