[Express] “My child has been having fever, nosebleed, diarrhea, and fatigue, what should I feed..”

Introducing important tweets as [Express] for simultaneous updates.


My child has been having repetitive slight fever and nosebleed for 2 months.

My child has been having persistant fatigue, slight fever, nosebleed, stomatitis, diarrhea for unknown reason. I take care about the food origin though.. What should I feed him..


Français :

[Express] “Mon enfant a eu des fièvres, saignements de nez, diarrhées et fatigue, que lui donner à manger…”

Présentation des tweets importants sous [express] pour mises à jour simultanées.

@mariscontact @maatann0919 @gentleman0811 こんにちは。やはり微熱と鼻血は関係がありますか。我が子は、この2か月微熱と鼻血の繰り返しです。
— tea rose*さん (@ricoricoricosan) 10月 23, 2012
Mon enfant a eu des fièvres légères à répétition et des saignements du nez pendant deux mois.


@maatann0919 @mariscontact @gentleman0811 ありがとうございます。原因不明の倦怠感、微熱。鼻血と口内炎、下痢は普通にあります。食事は産地を気を付けていますが・・・・何を食べさせて良いのか。
— tea rose*さん (@ricoricoricosan) 10月 23, 2012
Mon enfant a eu une fatigue persistante, de légères fièvres, saignements de nez, stomatites, diarrhées sans  raison apparente. Je fais attention à l’origine de ce que je lui donne à manger pourtant… Comment dois-je le nourrir…




{إفصاح} أصبح طفلي يعاني من الحمّى، الرعاف، الاسهال، و التعب.. ماذا علي أن أطعمه؟

نُشرت بواسطة ايوري موتشيزوكي بتاريخ 22 اكتوبر 2012
@mariscontact @maatann0919 @gentleman0811 こんにちは。やはり微熱と鼻血は関係がありますか。我が子は、この2か月微熱と鼻血の繰り返しです。
— tea rose*さん (@ricoricoricosan) 10月 23, 2012
بدأ طفلي يعاني من حمّى خفيفة لكن متكررة و نزيف من الانف خلال الشهرين الماضيين.
@maatann0919 @mariscontact @gentleman0811 ありがとうございます。原因不明の倦怠感、微熱。鼻血と口内炎、下痢は普通にあります。食事は産地を気を付けていますが・・・・何を食べさせて良いのか。
— tea rose*さん (@ricoricoricosan) 10月 23, 2012
يعاني طفلي من تعبٍ مستمر، حمّى خفيفة، رُعاف، وجع في البطن، إسهال لاسباب غير معلومة. على الرغم من إني أهتم بمصدر الطعام، ماذا علي إطعامه؟



Italiano :

[Express] “Mia figlia perde sangue dalle orecchie e anche molte altre persone su twitter perdono sangue dalle orecchie”
Presentazione di tweet importanti sotto forma di [Express] per aggiornamenti simultanei

@mariscontact @maatann0919 @gentleman0811 こんにちは。やはり微熱と鼻血は関係がありますか。我が子は、この2か月微熱と鼻血の繰り返しです。
— tea rose*さん (@ricoricoricosan) 10月 23, 2012

Mio figlio da 2 mesi ha spesso febbre lieve e sangue dal naso.

@maatann0919 @mariscontact @gentleman0811 ありがとうございます。原因不明の倦怠感、微熱。鼻血と口内炎、下痢は普通にあります。食事は産地を気を付けていますが・・・・何を食べさせて良いのか。
— tea rose*さん (@ricoricoricosan) 10月 23, 2012
Mio figlio ha continua stanchezza, febbre leggera, sangue dal naso, stomatite, diarrea per ragioni sconosciute. Io sto attenta alla provenienza del cibo ma… cosa dovrei dargli da mangiare?

  1. Take to the dr. Immediately for profehsional help then get attourney if it is radiation related.

  2. Hi there:
    I’m so sorry to hear of your child’s suffering. I fear you are not alone. One of the best things you can get into him is natural zeolite. It will take up cesium and strotium and he will elminate it through the bowels.
    You need to make sure that the zeolite isn’t already contaminated. My email is rockhound@flexibb.com. send me an email and I’ll send you the link to people who have excellent quality zeolite that has been disinfected and was NOT outside after 3/11.
    My sincere hopes for your family’s health.

  3. Hi, pat b is right if there is a rising radiation level where you live there is nothing you can feed your child that will effectively overturn the effects of the exposure over the longer term.
    You must increase your distance from the plant as far as possible. Don’t waste all your time on dietary supplements think of how you can use your financial resources to get your child away from there. I fully understand that may not be easy. It may be possible to send just your child alone for a recuperative visit to a foreign country, and wait at home for them. They will understand when they are older.
    Best of luck to you and our thoughts are with you.

  4. If people can not evacuate, then they must measure the food they give to their children. Fukushima is no longer 4 “simpple” reactors only. It was made flesh, soil, life. It is food.

    CRMS measures for free, for example in Fukushima: http://www.crms-jpn.com/

    And Yokohama: http://www.ycrms.net/data-1


    I uploades this video from our Chernobyl NGO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_snjQhcMLlo

    he beta radiation of strontium has a range of 1 millimeter. No matter where it is installed, it reaches the stem cells with its beta radiation. From the stem cells, everything is made. So the stem cells are bombarded constantly. What are the symptoms? We received the following reports by the children of Chernobyl: Chernobyl AIDS. Symptoms of anemia with decreased number of red blood cells. A therapy resitant anemia.

    Vitamins and iron will not help. The ongoing hemorrhage, the bleeding e.g. from the nose. Decreased number of platelets, which are indeed involved in blood clotting. The immune system of children. They are always sick, every little infection “throws them around”. They constantly have colds, infections. And low white blood cells in the blood. This is easily explained: With a Bone marrow suppression: The bone marrow – due to the constant bombardment – and especially because of the accumulation of strontium – lost the ability to compensate.

    Radioactivity means selective delivery of energy. On the molecules in our body. They are tiny pinholes in the shortest possible time. But with full force. We are constantly exposed to such radiation damage each second. Every second. Permanenent.And life could not exist and the information of Life could not be passed on, if we have not developed effective repair mechanisms. But the repair mechanisms are very complex and it takes time. The shorter the life cycle of a cell, the less time remains for the repair. This explains why children with rapidly growing tissue, with rapidly dividing cells – are particularly sensitive to radiation. Mitosis.

  5. Agree with trollhunter, best is toget the children away. If you can’t get overseas, take the highway bus to Kansai. Little money? tocoo web site usually as some outrageously low prices on hotels near universal studios. still too expensive? plan to arrive on a sunday early morning, find a Christian church, go to their service, and before the service ask the minister for help. You will likely find someone in the congregation who can help you.

    Oh, if you want the vegemite (from Australia) fbcusa.com is selling it for 380 yen a jar, plus domestic (inside Japan) shipping. fbcusa is in kobe, but ship all over japan. great source for foreign foods at reasonable prices.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2012