A person from evacuating area tweeted about the censorship of Fukushima.
@akemizk06512 今日、福島の○○町(避難区域)から来た方が、この町ではTV出演は町を通してと言われてて、「帰りたいです」「復興」って言って出たら町から1万円もらえるという噂を。「避難したいです」は出演不可と。Source
Today I heard this story from someone in ○○ town (Evacuation area).
In that town, they need a permission of the town government to show up on TV, and they are paid 10,000JPY every time they say, I want to go home, I want it to be reconstruction. If they want to evacuate, the town government won’t give a permission.
@akemizk06512 発言者が特定されて、(町の補償などから)不利益を被ってはいけないので町名は伏せてます。こういうことを慮らないといけないというのも、つらいことです。何も引け目に感じることをしてないのに・・・・Source
If I specify the name of the town, the person will be identified and can’t get paid for compensation so I can’t even mention the name of it. It makes me feel bad to think about even such a thing. We don’t do anything wrong.
Iori Mochizuki