Following up this article ..Snowmelt will carry the radiation stocked in mountain
Fukushima decontamination company is dumping the radioactive mud to the nearest major river, Abukuma gawa.
Basin area is 5,400km2. More than 1,389,000 people use the water, runs for 239 km.
福島県民の目撃・「福島を流れる阿武隈川に夜どんどん車が向かっていて一体何を しているのかと思ったら除染作業で出た大量の汚染土を阿武隈川に捨てている。それを見て、その阿 武隈川の水を飲まないといけない生活はもうできないとゾッとして、福島には居られないと思い移住してきた。」Source
A Fukushima citizen watched lots of trucks go to Abukuma river at night. They came to the river to dump tones of the radioactive mud made from decontamination. He was terrified to think he has to drink the water from the river, decided to evacuate Fukushima.
Iori Mochizuki