A member of the House of Representatives from Communist Party, Miyamoto Takeshi commented on his blog that about 180,000 students have eaten cesium beef.
It is mentioned in this context.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology finally decided to make budget for schools to buy Nal scintillation spectrometer but still hasn’t opened bid. More importantly, Nal scintillation spectrometer is not out of stock everywhere, they have to wait for 2 months at least.
However, MEXT is asserting school lunch is safe because they check when they distribute food to the market. None of the contaminated food is in the market.
In fact this is not true. Last August they found cesium beef consumed at school. By 12/1/2011, 433 schools and 26 kindergarten in 18 prefectures and 46 cities have served cesium beef for school lunch. In total, 180,000 students have been forced to eat it.
In Miyagi prefecture, they measured 1293 Bq/Kg of cesium from beef served for school.
Currently, radiation measurement facility is in only 17 prefectures of eastern Japan, and there are only 5 in a prefecture at the most.
Iori Mochizuki