[Analysis] Where Japan goes in 2013 -Part1 “Similarity of Japan after 311 and the Soviet Union before Dissolution”

The highest priority of JP Gov is to remain as a “country”

What I remember after 311 is that not few people, I was one of them, expected Edano, former Chief cabinet secretary to be our hero.
His tone of voice, speed of talking, poker face, everything looked dependable, in the first few press conference. I remember some people even commented they feel relieved to see him in TV.
I thought Kan, Ex Japanese prime minister was taking the command to departments in charge or Tepco etc..
Personally, and honestly, I got the impression that Edano wanted us to decide what to do after the first few press conference. What to do – to evacuate or not to evacuate.
I had the impression that he was trying to imply it is overly serious for them to decide for the government, for the country, for the world economy and for our individual life.
At least nobody regulated us to leave. They did not shut down public transportations.
However it wasn’t totally up to our free will because they put media blackout. We had to decide in the wrong / limited information.

Additionally, instead of banning escape, Japanese government started pushing the contaminated food into our mouth and lungs.
As the latest topic, on 1/8/2013 Consumer Affairs Agency set up a taskforce to control the harmful rumor. It consists of 14 members, they are to improve the understanding of the consumers to resolve harmful rumor. (*1)
(cf, Confusing medical industry and demographic statistics help JP gov conceal the radiation effect on health [Link1])
Also, Japanese government invested 80 billion yen into JAEA to develop an R&D facility in Fukushima prefecture. It’s to analyze the highly radioactive material and develop nuclear disaster robot. They will develop PCV in the actual size to simulate by newly developed robots and train workers. (*2)

Logically speaking, they should exclude contaminated food and support evacuees instead of investing into the R&D facility. The government is going totally opposite of where they should go.

After all, now Japan is only trying to remain as a country. This is all they do. Functioning as a country is their highest priority, and the lives of the people are the lowest priority.


Japan meets Soviet Union

In December of 2011, the house of representatives published a mysterious report about Chernobyl with no media coverage. (*3)
They sent 13 members of the house of representatives to Ukraine, Austria and France to research the influence of Chernobyl from 10/5 to 10/13/2011.
Why did they go to research Chernobyl ? As their “impression”, they wrote like this

“In Ukraine, all the assembly members, governmental members, private sectors in charge we met stated this in common, “The government of Soviet union concealed the facts.”.
Some of them say, the concealment caused the distrust of the government, and it ended up being the reason of Dissolution of the Soviet Union.
At the beginning, in the disaster investigation report, Soviet Union tried to conclude the nuclear disaster was a man-made accident by a breach of the rules of workers. However, due to the democratization and the disclosure request by the people, the assembly had a discussion about the disaster ,though it was still under the pressure of Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the design flaw of the reactor was pointed out to be acknowledged widely. “

The potential meaning of them associating Japan after Fukushima with Soviet Union after Chernobyl is significant. The 13 constituent members were from LDP, Democratic Party of Japan, the communist party etc..The person who wrote this report is clearly aware of the fact that the people’s trust in Japanese government is starting to meltdown, this could be the trigger of the potential dissolution of Japan if it’s connected to the health problems due to radiation.

To be continued..

*1 http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=soc_30&k=2013010800940
*2 http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2013010901001364.html
*3 http://www.shugiin.go.jp/itdb_annai.nsf/html/statics/shiryo/201110cherno.htm




Français :

[Analyse] Où va le Japon en 2013  – Chapitre 1 – Similarités entre le Japon d’après le 11-3 et l’Union Soviétique d’avant sa Dissolution


La plus haute priorité du gouv. japonais est de rester en tant que “pays”

Ce dont je me souviens d’après le 11-3, c’est que pas mal de gens, dont moi, s’attendaient à ce que Edano, l’ancien secrétaire du  Chef du Cabinet devienne notre héros.
Le ton de sa voix, la vitesse de son élocution, son visage impassible, tout avait l’air sérieux au cours des toutes premières conférences de presse. Je me souviens même de gens disant qu’ils se sentaient réconfortés de le voir à la télé.
Je pensais que Kan, l’ex-premier ministre du Japon, allait prendre la direction des services responsables ou de Tepco, etc…
Personnellement et honnêtement, après les premières conférences de presse j’avais l’impression qu’Edano voulait que nous décidions de la suite. Que faire – évacuer ou ne pas évacuer.
J’avais l’impression qu’il essayait d’insinuer que c’était trop sérieux pour décider eux au nom du gouvernement, du pays, du monde économique et de nos vies privées.
Au moins, personne n’a légiféré sur nos évacuations. Ils n’ont pas fermé les transports publics.
Toutefois, ce n’était pas totalement à nous de décider puisqu’ils ont imposé un black-out médiatique. On a du décider sur des informations fausses et limitées.

En plus, au lieu d’interdire les évasions, le gouvernement japonais a commencé à propulser la contamination dans nos bouches et nos poumons.
Leur dernière trouvaille : Le 8 janvier 2013, la Consumer Affairs Agency (Agence de la consommation) a mis en place une force de travail pour contrôler les “rumeurs malveillantes”. Elle est formée de 14 membres, ils doivent améliorer la compréhension des consommateurs pour mieux combattre les “rumeurs malveillantes”. (*1)
(cf. Les statistiques embrouillées sur l’industrie médicale et démographiques aident le gouv jap à censurer les effets de la radioactivité sur la santé [Lien 1])
En outre, le gouvernement japonais a investi 80 milliards de yens dans la JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) pour construire un centre de R&D (Recherche & Développement) dans la préfecture de Fukushima. C’est pour analyser les matières hautement radioactives et concevoir des robots de catastrophe nucléaire. Ils vont construire une PCV (enceinte de confinement primaire) grandeur nature pour tester les nouveaux robots et former les ouvriers du nucléaire. (*2)

En toute logique, ils devraient exclure les nourritures contaminées et soutenir les évacués au lieu d’investir dans un centre de R&D. Le gouvernement va dans la direction radicalement opposée à celle qu’il devrait suivre.

Après tout, à présent le Japon essaye seulement de subsister en tant que pays. Ils ne font rien d’autre. Fonctionner comme un pays est leur plus haute priorité et la vie des gens est leur dernière.


Le Japon rejoint l’Union Soviétique

En décembre 2011, la chambre des représentants a publié un rapport mystérieux sur Tchernobyl, sans aucune couverture médiatique. (*3)
Ils avaient envoyé 13 membres de la chambre des représentants entre le 5 et le 13 octobre 2011 en Ukraine, Autriche et France pour rechercher l’influence de Tchernobyl.
Pourquoi sont-ils aller chercher sur Tchernobyl ? En tant que leur “impression”, ils en ont écrit ceci :

“En Ukraine, tous les membres de l’assemblée, du gouvernement, des secteurs privés, nous nous sommes  mis d’accord pour affirmer ceci : “Le gouvernement de l’Union Soviétique a caché les faits”.
Certains d’entre eux disent que cette dissimulation a provoqué une méfiance contre le gouvernement qui s’est avéré être une des raisons de l’effondrement de l’Union Soviétique.
Au début, dans le rapport d’enquête sur la catastrophe, l’Union Soviétique a essayé de conclure que la catastrophe nucléaire était due à une erreur humaine, par non-respect des règles par les travailleurs. Toutefois, à cause de la démocratisation et de la demande de divulgation des gens, l’assemblée a débattu sur la catastrophe, bien qu’elle ait toujours été sous la pression du Parti Communiste de l’Union Soviétique, les vices de conception du réacteur ont été mis en avant puis largement reconnus”.

La signification probable de leur association du Japon de l’après Fukushima avec l’Union Soviétique de l’après Tchernobyl est lourde de sens. Ces 13 membres appartenaient au LDP, au Democratic Party of Japan, au parti communiste, etc… Celui qui a écrit ce rapport est clairement conscient du fait que la confiance des gens envers le gouvernement japonais commence à s’effondrer, que ce pourrait être le catalyseur d’un dissolution du Japon si la chose est relié aux problèmes de santé dus à la radioactivité.

A suivre …

*1 http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=soc_30&k=2013010800940
*2 http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2013010901001364.html
*3 http://www.shugiin.go.jp/itdb_annai.nsf/html/statics/shiryo/201110cherno.htm

  1. Be careful Iori. Sowing distrust of national government was one of the original tactics of the Bolsheviks that overthrew Russia. This is a classic tactic used by Zonist Communists to overthrow countries. Read the history of Bolsheviks on the web and how they overthrew Russia. It started by sowing mistrust of the national government.

    Also, the radiation was deliberately spread to give cancer and kill the Japanese because they refuse to accept foreign workers and globalize.

    Zionists seek world control of all countries and Japan is no exception. In order to accomplish this, Japan must first be balkanized and the unity of the Japanese people must be weakened. Just as Zionists are now conquering America, they want Japan to. Most likely they got to Tepco/DJP people and threatened them not to provde for safety of Japanese people. Do your research on the web and you will see this is true.

    The Zionists KILL anyone who does not go along with their plan. They killed Aaron Russo and Steve Jobs because they were powerful and would not go along with the plane. Since Japan refuses to globalize, the globalist zionists are now also killing the Japanese people with cancer.

    Both Russo and Jobs died young of cancer.

    It’s not a coincidence!

    1. The action of spreading the radioactive material accross the country in an effort to minimize hot spots is a simple tactic to avoid international intervention , just like supressing damaging information .
      Hence , indeed , as Iori analysed corectly , it is a matter of keeping Sovereignity above all , above future cancers locally .
      It is a national sacrifice .

      Let’s look at Precedents and the Law :

      Sovereignty vs. trans-boundary environmental harm :

      The evolving International law obligations and the
      Sethusamuduram Ship Channel Project


      And :


      … go to page 19 half way , see ” non-accidental damage …. dumping , releasing of fumes , etc … ” .

      Conclusion : being a matter of National Security with the purpose of maintaining Sovereignity enables that ANYTHING GOES . Including Drafting .

      As for the Israeli Zionists mentioned in someone’s post above , besides that an Israeli company installed Security equipment in Fukushima you can take a pick at this as well from the top Israeli newspaper Haaretz :


      Israeli firm which secured Japan nuclear plant says workers there ‘putting their lives on the line’

      ” …. The CEO of the Israeli company that installed the security system at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant said Thursday that those workers who have elected to stay behind are “putting their lives on the line” to save Japan.

      Magna BSP set up the security system about a year ago at the facility, which suffered extensive damage after the recent earthquake and tsunami, with particular concern over radiation leakage from the reactors at the site … ” .

      BTW , on that site , an original photo : The damaged No. 4 unit of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex in Japan, on Tuesday March 15, 2011. Photo by AP

      And here is a bloger that picks it up :


  2. If you think mistrust of government is bad now, wait until the deaths and cancer start accumulating in large numbers. This information CANNOT be suppressed in the internet age (thank you Iori! you are our hero!). When these happen, government trust will be gone. Only the emperor will be able to bring Japan together as Japanese people.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2013