Prof. Yamazaki Hiromichi from Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University died of brain hemorrhage on 4/8/2012 in his house of Sendai. He was 58 years old.
He was assigned to be the chief of Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center this month.
Since 311, he was researching to decontaminate at kindergarten and elementary school in Fukushima and Miyagi.
山崎 浩道氏(やまざき・ひろみち=東北大サイクロトロン・ラジオアイソトープセンター長)8日午前、脳内出血のため仙台市若林区大和町1の5の31の自宅で死去、58歳。同市出身。葬儀は12日午後1時から、同市青葉区木町通2の2の13の仙台葬儀会館斎苑別館で。喪主は妻美知子(みちこ)さん。
Iori Mochizuki