White powder is observed in Japan.
On 1/1/2012, it was observed in Tokyo for the first time. Radiation level didn’t pick up, most of the people thought it was ash from shrines because they have custom to burn paper fortune.
However, On 2/8/2012, when reactor2 was being heated, white powder appeared again in Tokyo, Chiba, Shikoku and Okayama in western Japan.
In Ichigaya Tokyo, white powder is falling ! It’s not snow.. what ?! There are a lot of people tweeting about this white powder. Feeling something bad..
Eh ? Wasn’t it snow ? I got it for about 2 minutes… have to shower..
N崎 @Nzaki0716_sub Close
It fell here in Shinagawa too. What was it..?
やまめ (脱・原発1票+2) @Uuuyumi Close
Today white powder is observed in many places. I told you, it falls. It falls very often on a cloudy day.
桑束 足湯 @eye_s_only Close
【白い粉降下】 「東京都各所」「埼玉県南部」「千葉県北西部」の「広域」で 「2012/2/8」 「8:30AM~10:30AM」頃に 「5分間~30分間」程度 「軽い」「溶けない」「小さい」 「衣類に付いても祓うと落ちる」 「白い」「粉」が降下していた模様。 成分は不明。
White powder is observed in many locations, such as everywhere in Tokyo, South Saitama, North west Chiba, date is 8:30AM~10:30AM of 2/8/2012. It fell for 20~30 minutes. It’s light, doesn’t melt, is small, can clean it with hands even if it gets on your clothes. It’s not analyzed what is made of.
@yoockin 子供が帰宅するなり、コートを洗濯してくれと。聞いたら、「朝、気味の悪い白い粉が降ってた。雪かと思ったら雪じゃなかったの、変。」とのこと。検索してみたら白い粉のツイート、たくさん。何?何なの?
Soon as he came home, my child told me to wash the coat. He told me, this morning, strange white powder was falling. Thought that was snow but it wasn’t. Very strange. There are a lot of tweets about the powder. What ? What was it ?
@w00dsto9 白い粉 確かに降ってる・・四国だけど・・雪ではない・・。なにこれコワイ。取り合えず 洗濯物を室内へ・・。風呂に水貯めて・水買ってこよう念のため・・。
White powder is falling for sure. It’s in Shikoku, not snow. What is it ? it’s creepy.. For now, took the clothes inside of the house. will keep water in bathtub and buy bottled water, just in case..
ゆっきん(脱原発に一票・TPP絶対反対) @yoockin
Probably it’s not the “Death ash” to have fellen in Futabamachi just after reactor 1 exploded. There is a report to tell it fell in Kanto area and Okayama too. Radiation level didn’t pick up. They say it was white and round. Please don’t worry too much.
The day before the white powder, massive smoke was observed in Fukushima plants and also radiation level picked up in Yokohama.
I personally suspect it was volcanic ash. This is the picture of volcanic ash from Asamayama on 2/2/2009.
Iori Mochizuki