Having measured 6.46 micro Sv/h at Shioiri elementary school in Arakawaku Tokyo, the ward government measured all the elementary schools, kindergarten, and nursery schools.
As a result, 50 of 82 locations turned out to be contaminated worse than 0.23 micro Sv/h, which is the “decontamination limit”.
Details are:
- 10 kindergarten
- 13 nursery school
- 16 elementary school
- 10 junior highschool
- 1 Korean school
6 of elementary schools and junior schools were contaminated worse than 1.0 micro Sv/h.
Arakawa ward government banned going into those areas and started decontamination, such as high-pressure washing, changing the soil or cover the ground with concrete.
However, some people criticizes decontamination is useless because high-pressure washing only scatters around radioactive particles, and the water is contaminated itself etc..
区は、基準を上回った五十カ所を立ち入り禁止とし、舗装部分は高圧洗浄、土は入れ替えるなどした。それでも一・〇マイクロシーベルトを下回らない場所は、土を取り除きコンクリートで固めるなどの対応を検討中。数値などは今後、小中学校などの掲示板にも張り出すという。 (井上圭子)