Related to this article..The highest atmospheric dose is in Tochigi (Apart from Fukushima)
From the result of physical examination in 2011 for elementary school and junior high school student, 21.9% of elementary school students and 19.4% of junior high school students were told they need detailed health examination, or health advice.
The examination was conducted by Ohtawara city in Tochigi (109km from Fukushima), 1453 of elementary school students (10 years old~) and 2077 of junior high school students had the test.
The result also showed 20.6% of the junior high school students had hypertension (Max120~, Min70~). This is more than double of 9.3% in 2006.
6.5% of elementary school students had hypertension, which slightly decreased.
The ratio of the students to have hypertension is getting higher yearly.
Child health care division of the city states, some of the student are not overweight but have hypertension. It is difficult to identify the cause. It is assumed that excessive consumption of salt or stress may affect.
大田原の中学生、5人に1人が高血圧 肥満や塩分、ストレス要因?
Iori Mochizuki