Website is dead


Fukushima-diary has become too big.
Unimportant things take too much time and energy, and there is nothing more recognizable target than a blog for Tepco or other trolls.

There is no reason to have to be on a blog.
Information matters. Information can be on Twitter, Facebook, telephone or paper napkin.
We can make it more contagious.

I’m thinking of closing the blog of Fukushima-diary and putting information on SNS directly somehow.

For the beginning, I’d like to post some articles just on google+ and Facebook.
One of the readers told me, it’s not website. It’s network. I think that’s true.

I’d love to hear your advice. Please give me some feedback.
Thank you.

  1. Try and keep the website going – a lot of people prefer to keep Facebook clear for personal stuff and Twitter has so much traffic. You have a lot to say and you are one of only two people doing this in English – your fantastic work in translating Japanese language blogs and bringing it to our attention in the West is much appreciated, and I also think it is really important. Please don’t give up!

    1. What happened in Japan is absolutely terrible and horrifying. I feel so sorry and so angry and as a french citizen, I also feel guilty because my country and my politicians are responsible for what happened in Japan and in many other places using the nuclear shit we are producing. Thank you for informing about what is happening in Fukushima and in Japan. Please don’t stop.
      In the french speaking areas of Europe, it is really hard to get any information at all.

      I translate and show your blog as much as I can and I hope that it will contribute to help japanese people for what can be still done through the different links you provide but also I hope it will involve more and more people here in acting for nuclear energy to be stopped.

      Things are so heavy to carry but please don’t stop, please don’t.

      Thank you for all you’ve already done

      Marie-Agnès Chergui

  2. Mochizuki-san, I hope you will still keep posting breaking news on Fukushima on the website.
    It’s a major source of information. I don’t think you need the chat part or the comments, but
    getting the main news stories out is very important.

    I look every day on and EX-SKF for news but you also have many things that
    they don’t find since you have sources from Fukushima.

    I’m not on Facebook or Google…(I worry about privacy there, maybe I’m old fashioned) but I
    think it’s very important for there to be a place to go to get the news and sources that only
    you have been posting.

    I have given up on going back to Japan, it is just too dangerous. And am urging my friends there
    to evacuate. It was my home for 17 years. Having your website with both English and Kanji has
    really helped since my friends who do not do English can read the truth there in Kanji.

    So I hope you will leave some link somewhere on web so people can get breaking news they can

    Gambatte, Diane

    1. Good idea – we don’t need comments as much as we need the stories. If you don’t allow comments, then you don’t need to waste time moderating them!

  3. If you mean close the site, then I would seriously object!!! Your site represents the true voice of the enlightened and I’d be lost without it. Finding things in facebook isn’t as easy as clicking on my ‘favorite bookmark’, besides Radchick Radiation and Fuk Radiation are already in facebook – still my must-see site is If you mean just shutting down the Forum tab – then I’d say that I can live with that as because as it is right now, it so cluttered up and filled with non-essentials questionable if they can be described as ‘information’.

    Please, please do not close your website!!!

  4. why don’t we all blog together, anti-nuke bloggers, make a common platform, share our knowledge and info.

    Closing your blog would be a huge loss…. i know it’s a lot of work but it’s important work. work that makes a difference, work that helps and cares!

  5. please maintain the blog. its where normal people with life gets info. not everyone is into social network – only those who are addicted to social network,no life, no kids etc.

    your blog played a very important part in our decision to leave japan FOR GOOD way back in october 2011. we left temporarily a week after the quake from march to may. then we came back and thought life could resume. But after daily readings of your blog we decided to leave for good.During those trying times with no other alternative English media, your blog made us decide what is the best option for our kids. Please keep it up.

  6. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. There will always be trolls and government/industry shills everywhere.

    I don’t really see a difference between posting on a blog and posting on a social networking site. I have heard that Twitter and Facebook like to violate their users’ privacy, though.

  7. Hello Iori,
    My name is Sebastian, Iam an engineer from Germany. is one of the websites I open every day.

    Your blog is one important piece of information diversity!
    It is diffrent than others, which simply makes it important!

    Anyways, dont’t forget your blog is about the largest industry accident of mankind,
    And still you are one of the top ten information resources i know.

    Get readers wher you can!

  8. Well there are a lot of your loyal readers..who are NOT trolls..who are concerned, and you are the voice of honesty. So thats my comment. I think facebook..while a network..and you dont control what is kept and what is if you post critical not depend on social media. Maybe ask Enenews or EX-skf if you can post to a forum ont THEIR site/s just for Fukushima Diary..

    1. Enenews uses this website’s information and gets all the viewers from it, so people may go over there for the stories and not come to Fukushima Diary and support this site.

      1. As long as those who use info from here link back to it, it will help in the search engines.
        This is a brilliant, if depressing, angering, sickening and sobering website.
        By all means expand with twitter, facebook etc but my advice would be to keep it as a focal and reference point. It strengthens your influence.

        Mochizuki – As for the search engine problem: Your tags are rubbish – lang=”ja-JP”> and no mettas at all.
        I will fix this for you if you want. Let me know.

  9. Really would be sad to see this website disappear. You have done an extraordinary job providing information. Thank you, Mochizuki !

  10. Do not give up hope Mochizuku! You can change a few things to make it a lot easier for you!

    Simplify the website. Focus on organizing the information and making it easy to read. The easier it is to find information, the more people can read it. Remove interactive elements, they’re a distraction.

    Find a free host that can support the traffic you have. This reduces need for donations and makes the Tepco trolls attacks worthless. is run by google. Tepco cannot defeat Google. When you focus less on administration you can focus on getting the information out.

    Turn off comments on the blog. 99% of the time, they’re not helpful. If you leave comments on, do not read them. They’ll only disillusion the great work you do.

    Interact with your users using Twitter/Facebook. You can control the trolls a lot easier. Facebook/Twitter let you block, and Tepco cannot take down twitter and facebook.

    You have my email address. Let me help you fight the good fight.

    1. They were saying Facebook was forwarding comments to Tepco, and who knows who else. Facebook and Twitter engage in controlling practices (there was talk of Twitter censoring things to do with Occupy), so they are not perfect. Google is not perfect, either. They tailor ads to people based on what is in their email box! Not exactly comforting.

      1. Facebook and Twitter censor things, that’s why this website is important. There are services besides blogger that could host the site.

        Who cares if Tepco gets all the comments people post. How does that help them stop the truth?

  11. Please leave the blog. There really are a lot of us who do not follow twitter or facebook. Also, I don’t know how you’d post photos, documents, etc. if not on a blog.

    PLEASE keep doing the blog. Cut back on extra pages, archive it more, but don’t go only to the social networking.


  12. I have been enjoying & relying on Fukushima Diary for updates & insights.. Have sent donation. As I don’t do facebook or twitter I am not sure how I would read your very important posts. Do what you need to do. Thank you for all your hard work under very difficult circumstances. God bless you and keep you safe

  13. I will miss this site. Thank you for all of your hard work and courage. The information you have given the world has beed wonderful. Again, Thank You,

  14. Please don’t shut this blog down unless you have to. A lot of people have this site bookmarked and linked to. What will happen when our links go dead? Please keep it up if at all possible. I don’t think it’s wise to exclusively use mega huge websites that are controlled.

    Do you just need more donations? What can we do to help you keep it going?

    Remember a lot of forums have your articles and reports in links that will go dead.

  15. You must continue your website. If you stop it, you are giving into TEPCO, Jap govt, multinational companies etc.
    In the world, there is only you, ex-SKF and enenews. We are doomed without you and we could die. You probably didn’t start out to be a hero, but you are a hero of the people and that is your responsibility.
    The other 2 have different perspectives, which compliment you to give a broad spectrum. You are needed, or else free speech, information and justice will be defeated.
    Like it or not, radiation contamination is a fight for life.
    Pleas continue.

  16. Noooooo…) I read you several times a week and share links to your blog as the ONLY place to learn about what is going on. You, your blog serves a very important purpose.

    I hope you reconsider…. and keep this blog.

    Thank you for all you do.

  17. Iori,
    Thanks you so much for FD. Please continue to keep alive FD because it is one of the most important places to go for daily information. What can we do to help, as it is easy to imagine the work is very difficult at times. Please keep you spirit up as we all try to do.

  18. I don’t do social media (Facebook, Google plus, Twitter). Can you leave links to those pages here for those who want to read along?

  19. Please continue his blog, I find it critically important to share important info such as this in a central location. Sharing it on social networks does not help people seeking to find the truth of what is occurring VIA a search as much. Please reconsider continuing your efforts on this blog, they are appriciated.

  20. Hi there !

    I could easily imagine the amount of work this blog represents, but :

    some people doesn’t use facebook (cause they have no trust or do not agree with FB privacy rules); some doesn’t use Twitter (when you have a slow connexion, or no cellular phone it is low convenient – and by the way, some doesn’t even use the Internet).

    May be you can just update this blog only once or twice a week and post additionnal news only whenever the situation requires it (unexpected plume, explosions, SFP collapse…) to hurry Japanese people to leave!

    There are no more than 7 reliable blogs still available on the web… and as you already said, only two that are run by Japanese guys (the others often refers to these).

    Please don’t give up.


  21. No, No, no!!!
    Please do NOT close this site.
    Its my primary source for information and i just donated money because i really like it and read it on everyday base.

    I am concerned about my privacy and so i have no google+ or facebook-account. I will never have one for sure!

    Facebook / Google+ are out of your control, every admin can delete or close your threads, you are not the master of your information anymore. You remember the lobby? If power is great enough, they may force Facebook to delete your informations or ban some other users – you give your control in the hands of some big USA-companies.

    Is that what you plan to do?

    Kind regards,

  22. Why would you give up the website that you created that got you out of Japan and has reached, I dunno, hundreds of thousands if not more? What could they be doing to you that is so bad you are giving up? You have created a wonderful site that many look to for information coming from inside Japan. Do not give in to these losers and liars! It will not be the same if you move it to Facebook or google+. I don’t understand the reason why you want to give up this website?

  23. Hey.

    Don’t close the website. There are alot of people that won’t join Facebook or other social networks.
    I don’t understand why there must be the one or the other.
    Use both a regular website and social networks to spread the knowledge as far as possible.

  24. courtesy of Iori Mochizuki,

    so far, Fukushima-diary has been one of the most reliable source of information I consult on a daily basis regarding the untold Fukushima disaster. I think that by now, the blog lives up to its name and of its creator, so it should not be closed. In my opinion, I think you can write on other sites when still keeping Fukushima-diary up to date.

  25. It’s all about you, Mochizuk. You’re right, we can get news links through twitter posts and such. I can understand the website being too much work as it is. The reason I’ve been lurking on YOUR website has been because I wanted to follow your story. It’s your thoughts and feeling on what is going on in Japan and the rest of the world because of this disaster. So even if you kill the website, I hope you will keep writing and sharing your experiences with us. That is what is important, and appreciated by more lurkers than you probably think.

    I regret that I can’t afford to donate right now, but
    I thank you [insert respectful bow here] for your efforts.

  26. Please don’t close the website if you don’t have to. I am from Europe and there sure are not many sources to learn what is really going on with the people of Japan.

    I hope you don’t expect all people to join or surf that ugly POS called Facebook. Twitter is better, but still…

    Good luck!

  27. I don’t use Facebook as a matter of principle (there you may have censorship problems for example, as well as privacy ones) and I do not use Twitter as a matter of mental health (tweet, tweet… too much noise, too short messages with too little info, what may be almost anything).

    Up to you but I won’t be able to follow your informations (except in the degree it’s mirrored by other sites) in such formats.

    “Unimportant things take too much time and energy”…

    I can’t understand how this can be: I write two blogs myself and they take nearly no maintenance other than the very occasional redesign, troll fencing (very minor at least in my case) and the real challenge: to keep them fed with interesting information (but when I don’t have any, I just do not write).

    Up to you but I’m not keen at all of Twitterbook, I have no accounts and that means limited access if any.

  28. I would miss your site as many other would, I know it takes much time a researching and that can involve hours to find a story to keep it going, I would try the other first and see how that works for you and them that want the latest !
    I think it’s a personal thing with many, we all feel we have come to know you personally, so many at other sites and radio show use you as their reference to stories !

  29. Please, please don’t shut down this website! It is so imporant to keep info out and spreading on as many platforms as possible. I check here every few days and get most valuable information. You’ve done an amazing job. Please keep it up. Thank you so much!

  30. I understand but would miss the website. No way I would comment on Facebook etc, too risky in Japan!

  31. Nooo, please don’t do this. I’m following this site several times per day and it’s one of the best sources about Fuku. I also sent you a donation and that’s something I haven’t done anywhere yet 😉
    Social networks are BS and lot of people dislike them (me including).
    Keep up the great work.

  32. Iori Mochizuki I truly appreciate your articles. The major disadvantage of only using Facebook is that you Must be registered & accept friend requests.At one time you could read pages without logging in. Now you only get to read on Facebook for a few minutes before you get a popup asking you to log-in.

    With Google+ people need to register to read your articles & you have to accept people into your circle.

    ..However with Google Blogger people do Not need to be registered to read it. From Google+ you can share directly to your Facebook page & to Google Blogger. You can access that in Google+ by accessing the Show Share Buttons box.

    You can also set up an Associates Account with Amazon. It does not cost you anything but you can embed a link on your Blogger page or other sites. Then if people use your link when they buy anything on Amazon you get a small referel fee. Find that inforamtion at the bottom of the Blogger page after you set it up.

  33. Please do not get rid of the site. It is the most important thing – it is a simnple place for people to find the information. Search engines easily find the data. It is very important to keep the site. I do web work and I can tell you that you should aldo do Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc., but you will lose a huge part of your ability to reach people if you shut the site. Please do not shut it.

  34. Hi Mochizuki san, please don’t close the blog…your blog is one of the best info blog I have come across the internet! I am sure other readers feels the same and you are doing great job providing us with info in Japan! Please Ganbatte!

  35. Hello Iori,
    please keep the website alive. It will serve for many years to come for people researching on Fukushima.
    Is the money a problem? I don’t think a google+ or facebook page would be as good.
    Hopefully other readers think the same.
    Fuck TepCo for trying to target you – ignore them. You will be vindicated in less than 3 years once the first wave of deaths happen.
    It would be a shame if the only blogger in Japan stops recording this important piece of Nippon’s history.
    You are a hero and might win a journalist prize sometime for your work.
    Keep it up! Please!

  36. Hello dear,

    First thanks for your efforts and the quality of your work. I read your blog from far away (Europe). It is really interesting as it is easy to read etc. It sounds definitely easier to follow than a facebook page or tweets, then again its your call 🙂

  37. Mochizuki-san, You will limit your audience drastically by switching to SNS. Why do people avoid SNS? Check the controversies.What organizations are behind the net? Who gave it to us? What is google really? At least people can read your blog without registering. Don’t you ever feel insulted about names like “Twitter”?

  38. In order to join FB or google+ or Twitter (which censors tweets now), you have to give up your personal information. Having a blog is the only way for some people to read Fukushima Diary without giving away their privacy. It would be great if you set up a system where people who didn’t belong to FB or whatever could still see your articles. There are people out there who care about both radiation/Fukushima AND keeping their private lives private.

  39. I am a bit disappointed that you want to close the blog now. I visit your blog on a daily basis and I enjoy reading it very much. The information on this blog has a lot of value to foreign and japanese readers. If you want to discontinue writing this blog I am sure that it is possible to find a group of people from diffenrent countries who would like to contribute on a regular basis to this blog. Nobody said that a blog should be written only by one person! I would like to contribute an article about Amakudari and Tepco.

  40. Dear Mochizuki..
    Hello..I am one of the posters at Enenews..
    It is true we need to spread the information out further.
    May I suggest you blogs other sites and drop a link to here.
    I hope you continue this blog.
    You have given us a tremendous amount of information.
    I have meant to blog here ..many times..
    Forgive….and please know you are in our hearts and minds.

  41. Dear Mochizuki,

    if you close this free available blog then another important information source will be lost for me.
    As I don’t know what/where SNS is I can’t estimate it.

    If you’re completely switching over under the thumb of the CIA (G00gle/Fakebook/Twitter) you’ll be covering up all infos instead of disclosing them. Besides you’re loosing the rights over your unique words/speech/goods… but offer them to be merchandised by others.
    You’ll give up the last of your privacy and be hunted down to the second.
    And everybody who wants to stay in contact would be forced to obey alike.

    Tepco and any Government would be pleased if you do so and become a further groundworker tempting free spirits to join the supervisory-clubs.

    I’ve always apreciated very much that you offered small insights of closed informations by spreading them on the free net.

    Another concern that I have is: if you close this blog does that also mean you’ll remove it completely? All those thousand links to your side will be dead and a great archive of history and for researches will be lost too.

    Please think about it.
    I hope you do not give up the freedom you’ve achived with Fukushima-diary. Why not keep it alive/as fallback and change your entries to weekly or occasional reports?

    Knowing the clock cannot be turned back I thank you for all you did and wish you to stay well ~ regards Vivre

  42. Please don’t… I don’t use facebook or twitter anymore, I refuse to go back to those services, FD is my only way to stay on top of this info…

  43. What you do is valuable, I think. The blog of your escape from Japan was especially moving. I would say that, if you are able to bring some new truths to the world, please continue, but if the blog is too time consuming and you don’t need to compete with enenews and ex-skf then it’s your decision.

    All news feeds are valuable in this awful situation. Anything new you can bring us from underground sources is valuable. But you may want to work through energy news and/or skf. It’s your choice as I said but your work is appreciated very affectionately. Best wishes!

    email me if you wish…

    1. Reading again, I take your point about trolls. Countering their faecal message takes time, too much time. I have tried this elsewhere, and you need big resources, big research. So I take your point about the effort you need to make just to maintain your presence. Good luck, whatever. And, a bit late but, I hope, welcome, a small donation has just been sent your way to say thanks for all your work.

      Very best wishes
      Misutu (energy news contributor)

  44. Please dont close down. I rely alot on your information – as do alot of my friends. If you find another way – more convenient and cheaper for you then please do, but let also please let us know where we can get the info.

    Thank you for all your hard work

  45. Iori: Sometime in 2012, there could be an M7 quake in Fukushima. We all know the status of the #4 fuel pool. When this happens, Japan will very much need the network of sources you have built over the past year. I pray to God that you will find the strength to continue in the very important work you are doing. Your work could save lives in the next big quake. Be strong. Stay the distance. Your service to your country is making history and will be remembered long into the future, long after the crooked politicians and greedy businessmen have passed into oblivion. Be strong, Iori. You are a true hero.

  46. Sorry about the shills – but I think you should go on as you are continuing to find and publish news.

    People have come to recognize this site as one of the top sources of info, and without it we will surely miss some things.

    I’m not a web-site owner so I don’t know how rough it can get – but nevertheless I think it is your responsibility to carry on as you are.

    Perhaps someone can assist with the attacks?

    1. Yes, we must assist him with the attacks. Iori-San is a blessing to the world right now, and Tepco is a blight on humanity. Shame on them for attacking him! We should all join together and publicly condemn Tepco and contact them telling them how we feel about whatever they are doing to him, and tell them to stop!

  47. Dear Friend,

    May I offer some advice? For a website, the image is important and the title at first glance is what will impress people. May I suggest it is not such a good idea to leave the title as “website is dead” unless AFTER you have fully confirmed you have no further interest in it? Because to put that title and leave it there several days will damage your website image and your potential business. To promote and share information on Japan and to do that as a major activity will require some income. While you can post all sorts of news and comments on many places like twitter and even a napkin from a restaurant, it is quite hard to earn any income from those places, OR from other peoples websites. A website is your own business and it is a convenient and powerful place to accomplish your goal of informing the truth on Japan governments and TEPCO lies and tricks. And it is a valid means to earn some income here and there to support your activities and efforts as a writer or author or newscaster etc. If you leave the website is dead there too long, your regular readers, which there are many as I am, will think you have given up and your website activity will decrease sharply over a short time. Once you have activity its a high value. Once it decreases its hard to get it back. Activity and a lot of followers as us are a major value. And I also suggest you put back advertising. Its no bother at all to read your posts and pass over a few ads here and there. Thats normal. I think most readers dont mind a few ads here and there, thats very normal and acceptable. Its fine to earn some income and perhaps even at some point you can hire a staff or two to help with those smaller tasks. In fact thats why you need to have some advertising not only donations. Your readers dont mind some ads at all, its just fine. And dont be intimidated or give up based on some dumb nonsense comments by idiots from TEPCO or the sneaky Japan government. When idiots make idiotic comments, there is no need to consider the comment or even think about it. You know why they say it, it is just their idiotic game to try to damage those who speak out the truth. There is no need to care what nonsense they say. Remember they are simply paid to say and do stupid things, as stupid people who engage in games, lies, and tricks. People or companies who play such lies and games can never win in the long run. So dont care what idiotic remarks they make, and dont waste time to respond to them or even post their dumb comments. We all know they just do that to harrass and try to make others give up to speak the truth. We must ignore such idiotic people and all the TECPO crappy idiots who are simple greedy rotton people after more money who will lie and cheat anyway they can. I’d suggest to quickly renew your website, remove the “website is dead” and repost the title with “Website is more alive than Ever!!!”. And post some ads, and make some money, and hire a few part time or fulltime people to help you manage it all. -Take care

  48. I prefer the website because it is easier to follow information. This is too important to only be on SNS and twitter. Please continue the website and post to FB.

  49. Hi Mochizukisan,
    please don’t close the website. I understand it must be tiring to sort out all those trolls, but it is important to have one site to turn to that is not on Google or Facebook. These are big companies, that offer service for a price, just like any other company. You don’t have to pay any money for their service, you pay with your personal data. Some people don’t like this, especially people who work in environmental or political groups. You might loose some of your best supporters! I know it is a lot of work to keep up a website, so maybe you can find people who help you. 今まで色々ありがとう。もちづきさんはひとりじゃないから、がんばってくださいね。

    P.S. I can do some translations Japanese-German-English.

  50. Dear Mochizuki,

    please don’t close this blog!
    I don’t know what trouble made you come to such a decision, but your blog is nearly the only and definitely the best english-language resource on what is happening in Fukushima. Personally, before I found your blog, (while trying to find out the background behind Tepco’s suspicious cold shutdown announcement), I wasn’t aware at all about how bad the situation in Japan still is and how terribly inadequate the reporting on this story in europen media is. So your work is needed and facebook or google+ will not be an adequate venue for this, I think.

    my sincere support for your bold work,

  51. PLEASE do not stop this BLOG alot of us can not use social networks for a variety of reasons, and must use the blogs for this kind of information that we would never get. Why would you stop? You are reaching so many people? Please reconsider your decision. Thank you.

  52. Your work has educated many people, upset more and elevated awareness about the damage to the environment and the disinformation spread by the nuclear industry and government.

    Not everybody is connected by faceboock or twitter, so this blog reaches people that would otherwise miss your information.

    Whatever your decision, your has been and will be valuable and appreciated. This is site is one of the first things I check in the morning after email. If you shut it down it shall be missed.

    Thanks Iori-san.

  53. Unless trolls are after you as a target… then by all means lighten up your life and take care of yourself.

  54. “Senya: Mochizukisan, please don’t close this website. Google and Facebook are big companies, some people avoid them for a reason”

    This quote is from your “chat” section. I read it after my posting above.

  55. I can understand you wanting to allow this blog to become more viral. That could also be accomplished by creating links back to it for updates, from twitter, facebook etc, while leaving the blog in place.

    There is tremendous value in what you are doing, and the blog seems fine to me. Just one opinion.

    What is less clear to me is the value of the chat box. Sometimes good comments, sometimes not. One thing that sets your work apart from others is that there is less “conspiracy” talk here, and more focus on activity and hopefully facts.

    Thank you for your efforts.

  56. dear iori,

    maybe you should focus more on the quality side of things, like writing more insight articles, and not just rehash every small newsbit. Less posts, but more better ones 😉

    keep it up!

  57. Lori,

    I support you in your efforts. Cut the site and brush away the smoke of tepco and the trolls.


  58. Iori Mochizuki –

    Our friend you must be weary. You need not only financial donations, but time donations. My suggestion is to put out a call for assistance. I think you will find many people who could write articles, edit and handle technical issues of the website for you. Not everyone uses social media.

  59. Consider a slow transition, so that everyone is not left to wonder where they should “go” to connect with you and others that want to stay informed! Huffington Post has way to much moderation and IMO short tweets will not do the job of providing a discussion!

    Maybe you should contact Enernews or another such blog and see if you can partner with them to reduce the workload and cost…


  60. This is your call really. You’ve created a website that seems reliable, trustworthy.
    And then, when you ask for money (I did send some), you want to stop working. And it sure doesn’t look good to me. Or is it because the response wasn’t what you expected?
    So, why are you talking about giving it up?
    Because information can be found elsewhere on the web? Well, I don’t see your point here. Why did you begin this blog in the first place?
    As a Japanese, you have easy access to the content of articles and news we, non-speaking Japanese, are tired of trying to get the gist of with the dumb google translation.
    Because some of your friend said so? That’s not good enough.
    Maybe you’re just tired or depressed and need a little break. Think it through.
    The situation is just what it is. A big mess. We have to remain motivated to disclose the truth and fight nukes, well-informed. The rest is meaningless.
    Whatever your decision will be, I will still consider that you’ve done a great job. And I’m certain you won’t change your mind about nukes. Cheer up. With my utmost respect. Sincerely. Elisabeth

  61. Hi,

    I don’t have facebook and I don’t have twitter.
    I won’t create any account on either of them, so this might be the last time we are in contact.

    Whatever you choose, godspell. I hope you’ll do ok.

    (and…maybe you shouldn’t be specific about your location right now as you have been on your blog…if the conspiracy you are often talking about is true, then I’m sorry my friend but they know where you are right now…but maybe that’s just because I used to live in southern france, very close to italy).
    Oh by the way, a japanese national is allowed to stay in the Schengen area as a tourist only 3 months. After that, if they catch you, it’s deportation (back to japan). So again, while I’m really not convinced about any conspiracy you are talking about, if it is indeed hapenning you should be much more careful than what you have been until now.

    PS: I’m just a regular guy. Not gov’t, not tepco, just a regular guy.

  62. Take a rest, this site is important but you are working too hard and are burning yourself out. You need to talk to ENEWS and other websites about how to best use your knowledge, and the fact that you are a trusted reporter, without having to be the active ‘face’ of this site.

  63. hey Mochizuki-san, I love this website, please don’t take it down. Just take a break if it is tiring you, I think it is very valuable, there’s very little else when it comes to Fukushima news. I thank you for bringing this site to the world, I think it’s a great effort. Keep up the good work. Peace.

  64. Well, it makes sense : your articles are more likely to go viral on facebook and google+.
    Personally I am not a member of those social networks. So I do not know if I will follow you there.
    Anyway, as I said before, if you want your articles to be more popular on internet, you need to be open to live comments (even those you do not like : Western people hate USSR-style censorship of their critical messages), and your articles need to be rewritten by people who write English perfectly.

  65. Closing the blog ????


    You can use Facebook and Google+ (and Twitter) as a complement to reach a larger adience but please, don’t close the blog.

    The people who don’t have an account there (I close mine because I dislike this compagny) will not be able to read your news.

    You also need something that is yours and not owned by big corporations that can close your account when they want with the new American anti-internet freedom treaties (SOPA, ACTA, etc.).

    Please, don’t do that 🙁

  66. I don’t use Facebook and I don’t plan to join it. Besides, Facebook can very easily destroy your page.

    This happened to many people last year in the Egyptian Uprising — Mubarak’s agents would just send many complaints about any Facebook member who criticized him, and their page would get deleted. It would be easy for TEPCO’s minions to say that your page is not “fair and neutral”.

    Of course you can reach a lot of people through Facebook. I’m only saying that a Facebook page is even more vulnerable than a blog.

    Maybe you should connect your tweets to the blog so that they show up.

    I also think that you are having culture shock now (regularly it happens after about three months), so don’t be harsh on yourself.

  67. Hi,

    Social Network are not trustable place for keep your articles. One day, everything might vanish without any explaination. Here everything is at the same place, and you may control it.
    In addition, many people do not like this kind of network, and thus don’t have accounts.

    You should find a way to get it easier for yourself and keep running this blog.

    Good luck

  68. Put back to adds !!
    Ask people to contribute more activily.

    Keep this place running. This is really important.

  69. Lori Mochizuki, I am sorry you have to go through so much to post what is really happening in Japan. I have just recently come across your page and I find it refreshingly honest and forthright in the information given. The forces who are battling you do not understand that it would be in the people’s best interest to take the information you are putting on your page to heart.
    You have my deepest gratitude, you have accomplished very very much. So I say do what is right for you and your heart. We all have one life and time is precious. Thank you again for getting the truth out for the people of the world to read.

    Melissa B
    Jacksonville, FL. USA

  70. Please dont go, dont give up. You know a lot, but dont forget the rest of the world doesn t. I never come to fb.

  71. Please don’t stop your blog Lori–I don’t go to facebook and never will too much nasty on there–we need your info–and you are a hero.

  72. Pleae, please don’t close this blog! You are one of the most important bloggers of the world. Facebook and Google+ are not secure. If necessary, close comments to avoid trolls, but don’t shut down your blog.

    All the best for you and thanks a lot for your work!

  73. Please, please don’t close this blog! You are one of the most important bloggers of the world. Facebook and Google+ are not secure. If necessary, close comments to avoid trolls, but don’t shut down your blog.

    All the best for you and thanks a lot for your work!

  74. I don’t like to be spied on “2.0” websites like twitter, google products, facebook, etc.

  75. If military or governmental officials read this: Fukushima-Diary is a symbol of hope. Don’t break the subtle and fragile thread that links Japan with the rest of the world on the issue “Tōhoku-Quake and it’s aftermath”. If less people are informed, the propability of finding the most-appropriate solution for the most people is reduced – therefore we can’t overcome the situation better, but most likely worse by “cutting the chords”. You may “hinder communication between individual A and B” to delay the appearance of some unpleasant representation of the actual reality and/or present … but no radiation stops at such virtual borders. But IF “we” (= you) still want to solve the issue of global species survival (i want that, that’s for sure), making ourselves artificially unconscious and therefore deny and counteract against our responsibility as a part of the global noosphere… thats just suicide on a bigger scale… and simply not more than a wimpy solution, sorry. Japan/US/mankind can do better than that. -.-

    @Iori: “too big website” = no problem, only “not properly sorted website” = problem 😉

    if “too big website” = too many visitors… hummm… then… you simply… won the “fight” somehow… and lost it at the same time. you arised tons of valuable international awareness (+1), you ran a damn fine information platform for quite some time (+1), and it’s somehow an honor, not an incrementation to be “accused of truth-telling” by gathering, sorting and reposting publicly available information and give people a communication platform and some consolation (+1)… and at the same time: you fall silent – because of to-us-unknown reasons which would leave much irritation (-1) and sadness (-1) and many people would lose a descend and crucial piece of nowadays reality (-1) and friendship, they have found (-1)… and an integrated international knowledge communication platform regarding the witnessship and potentially dealing with a widely improper-paradigm-based high-level decisionship structure would be lost (-1).

    So… i hope, it’s just about the diskspace. ^^ :}

    Greetings and regards,

  76. Are you alright? Watashi wa Noriko desu. Swiss kara ichido comento o okurimashita. paypal no hokani iroiro companies–kaisha—ga arimasu.
    Paypal ni tayoru shitsuyo wa arimasen. donation no tameni.Fukushima Diary o tsuzukerareruyo help shimasu. Iori-san no karada kara radiation o dasemasu—–hai no

    nakakaramo zenbu dasemasu. Konotsugi no toki hanashimasu. hento mattemasu. Iori san, internet cafe o tsukaeba anzendesu. atarashii e-mail adress o uso no

    information–uso no namae, address, etc. de open dekimasu. Jibun no ie–house–kara zettai e-mail shinaikoto. NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS o open suru toki mo INTERNET-CAFE kara

    suru. Kiotsukereba daremo Iori-san ga dokoni irunoka wakarimasen. Kuwashii koto wa konotsugi—-hento mattemasu. Days ago, donation o paypal kara shiyotoshitara

    damadeshita. Iori-san no karada ga yokunaruyo help shimasu. Watashi no telephone no. 00 41 76-238-6115, address Fermo Posta, 6816 Bissone, Switzerland, Ogenki-de.

    Noriko P.S.—korewa comments–resposes ni nosenaide kudasai—–Thanks. shitsukokute sumimasen—-kono comment wa nosenaide kudasai—-Iori-san ni tokuni


  77. Please continue with FD. Dropping FD would be a great loss.
    Please do NOT consider using facecrook. It is an evil corporate platform that will manipulate you and the content you post. Honestly, i find it difficult that you even consider this.
    Please make sure the content of FD will be available in the future, accessible to everybody.
    Please find collaborators to make FD stronger.
    Thank you.

  78. Mochizuki-san, Please know the incredible heart and soul you have shown in your efforts is so much appreciated by so many! Your work is too important to end now.

    Perhaps as others have suggested, you can partner with and do your reports there? It would be less work for you, but you’d still be able to update your readers.

    Whatever you decide, you have my admiration and sincere appreciation for your efforts to reveal the truth about the tragic events in Japan.

    A long-time grateful reader of

  79. Leaving Japan is hitting you. Be very nice to yourself. Don’t take offense from anyone. After extreme stress, the body insists on relaxing, regrouping. It’s natural to weigh the emotional impact and challenges of renewed survival against the past you left and all the work done. Your past lead you to where you are now. Your adventure helps those still in Japan to accept their own choices to stay or leave. Your articles are a testimony to survival in difficult times. Stay focused on your message, that is what people come to read. Put the ads back on, they bother no one really and you offer a place for vendors to reach customers (simple). I agree with others that social websites become places for opinion polling rather than thoughtful critique. The scrolling comments imho detract from your articles and the comments, unique graphics and journalistic ‘slant’ on the news. Figure out what else you might want to do in the future and research set up first. Meanwhile, maintain your independence without giving away the farm! Whatever is easiest to support the website, do that first and not worry about changing to suit everyone. Japan caved to outside pressure to host dangerous MOX technologies. Go Linus, try Ubuntu, reach out, get software help to stay safe. Don’t throw away all your hard work. Please rest up and take radiation remedies. Feel better- you will be OKAY- 🙂 We (I) love your work, Mochizuki-san!

  80. please keep posting on the blog if you can – i think it is very important work. i post to my blog, then post the URL to google plus, facebook and twitter. the more people options people have to run across this info and see this issue in their face then maybe they will begin to think and become involved. thank you for your effort!

  81. (corrected): please keep posting on the blog if you can – i think it is very important work. i post to my blog, then post the URL to google plus, facebook and twitter. also, blogs show up easily in google searches. the important this is that the more options people have to run across this info and see this issue in their face then maybe they will begin to think and become involved. thank you for your effort!

  82. Dear Iori Morizuki,
    I have nearly each day studied your excellent blog. You should know, that for non-Japanese people it is very difficult to get reliable informations about the actual situation. Your blog is a very useful format – short text and the source, so that important details could be controlled. My position to facebook and twitter – that is a form of nearly not controllable contacting with a lot of trash without depth, not suitable for systematic research over longer time. I would urge you not to finish the blog – and to win more time for you, to reduce the facebook and twitter activity.
    I would like to inform, that the “donate” way to support your blog does not work from Germany, I could not find out, why.
    Last suggestion: I am an old man and have problems to disuss with peoples with a nickname, only. Especially in controversial topics it is very important to know, who has written the message.

    I would be very interested to meet you. You have my email address. Could you send me, please, a way to find you in Japan?
    Thanks for your engagement, it is motivation for myself further to work in the nuclear critique field.
    Sebastian Pflugbeil

  83. If there is a conspiracy, and there’s no reason to doubt whatever you have said, then I can understand the hesitancy to continue. Especially if your and other people’s safety is at risk. What can we do to help? Can we join our voices together? These industries will play dirty when it comes to the truth getting out, no doubt about that.

    I might be able to help edit for English grammar sometimes. If I am going to read anyway, it’s no big deal to edit an article here or there. And I will donate a few dollars, it’s all I can afford for now.

    If you have to, get rid of the chat and the forum I haven’t even visited, and maybe the comments. Even Enenews doesn’t have a chat.

    Despite my protesting, I would like to see you safe and well. So do what’s best for you, but as everyone has said, there must be some compromise where you may be able to keep this running.

    Without this site, there will be even more of a blackout coming from Japan. It’s vitally important to get these updates. I don’t even mind every little story because it shows all the underhanded moves that add up to big injustices. Fewer stories would be ok, too, if you must.

    Maybe you can take a break for a short while? We all need a break sometimes. It’s work and stress for me to participate in discussions online, as well.

    Take care.

  84. Mochizuki-san, I am sorry you are being persecuted to where you are no longer inclined to blog. I have found your profile on Google+ and will be happy to read your information there. I hope you will continue to keep the world informed through whatever channels you feel comfortable.

  85. Please don’t close your blog! This is one of the few sites where we can find information about what really is happening in Japan. I read your blog everyday. Also I don’t trust facebook when it comes to posting this kind of information.

  86. Dear Iori Mochizuki,
    I want to say a big thank you to you, for showing the the World the TRUE consequences when Nuclear Power goes wrong. Your contacts regarding up to date news accounts are unique and valuable to put the whole situation into perspective.
    You are a wonderful Guy unique, and very precious, especially to those who are seeking the Truth.
    You must be getting very homesick and missing your family and concerned about them that is only natural.
    Can you get help as you are taking on a mammoth task you mentioned networking,what about with others who share the same goal ENENEWS.COM e.c.t.
    We are not fighting against flesh and blood but the powers of darkness in high places so stand strong.
    I think its a good idea for as many people to make comments on blogs like the BBC or newspapers to those who advocate nuclear power referring them to your website, by doing this your website will have more links,(I am doing this myself)
    What ever you decide, God Bless.
    PS don’t mind the adverts at all use every means you can.

  87. I hope you will keep this site open. I do not use facebook. I check this site and enenews every day, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. I am very interested in the technical details of the work, management omissions and how major developements can be obscured, and radiological health effects. I work in the nuclear environment daily and our utility is extremely safety concious, but statistially accidents are inevitable and I am very greatful for what I learn from your experiences. I am also truely sorry for the distress of the Japanese people. I believe they are very honorable and proud people and pray that safe pathways will be opened for their futures. I am most grateful for the truths you have provided to the world. I consider you a journalistic hero.

  88. Mochizuki, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your blog. There has been no information available to us in the uk at all and i wish more people could read your blog and realise that this is an ongoing global issue here. I check your site for new info several times daily and it has been and continues to be invaluable! Please don’t be disheartened and give in. So many people rely on your informative posts and opinions.
    Best wishes, Debbie

  89. Iori Mochizuki, your battle has been timely, courageous and honest. If people are not tuned in to this atrocity by now it is not for lack of your effort. Many others can fill your rank now so let them. It is good for everyone.

    Mr. Mochzuki, we know you will be back, such a battle as this Northeastern Japan industrial accident, has defined other lives and I hope it does not yours. Take a break for a couple of weeks/month, eat well, sleep/rest, spend some time and try not to watch TV and reduce any time with any computer shit.

    You are a resolved man; now resolve to give yourself time to rest and reinvent. This situation will evolve and upon your return it will have a much different reality; deal with that.

    Then welcome back.

  90. I am aware of all the hard work required to keep your blog up to date and it is appreciated by many. I have been following FD for the past year and have the Tepco live feed up on my second monitor daily. FD is providing the world with much needed news on the disaster in Japan. A disaster that will have an impact on humanity for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    Here in Nova Scotia, Canada, the opposite side of the world, if it were not for you I would know absolutely nothing other than a news story a while ago saying Tepco had achieved cold shutdown on a reactor or two. Nothing is mentioned in the mainstream media in this part of the world about what is happening there.

    Please reconsider, but if it does prove to be to much (I cannot begin to imagine the stresses you are under) the I Thank You for what you have done here and truly hope you get out in time.

    Gerald Richardson
    Nova Scotia

  91. Please enable GOOGLE ADSENSE or ads again to monetize on your traffic. You need a consistent income to keep the blog alive.

  92. Mochizuki. Fukushima is spreading radioactivity in the entire Earth, Tepco and the japanese government just lie to people as russian used to lie about Tchernobyl. It think your duty is to continue to inform the world. It’s a lot of work, sometimes difficult to understand but can save lives at 100 %. If i understood the n°2 reactor has plutonium on the top. We have to be informed about this situation day after day.
    I am not against facebook but many people don’t want to be on facebook. In foreign countries, we want to know if the situation is under control or not.

  93. I don’t have twitter account but I can still click the link from your tweets.
    It’s hard to get reliable information from main stream.
    I see that a lot of people are simply trusted your point of view.

    But I think… you need time off. (a couple of days, a week, a month, or any…)
    Set it free.
    There is no rule.

  94. Mochizuki-san,

    Fukushima Diary is the first site I recommend to people when they ask me astonished why I did leave Japan! Unfortunately some of them cannot read English and I am afraid the truth information will never reach them (and I will always appear as a crazy person getting scared for nothing…).
    However, at least, your blog is the public evidence that something is going on in Japan, something so serious that made a young Japanese flee his country in order to be able to avoid radiations and to tell the world what is going on (besides, here the chat and the comments also add a valuable source of info and place to share personal stories about fleeing Japan). Facebook and Co. would not be the same trustworth source of info and evidence to the public – not everybody has access to those, plus, it’s not you who controls those…
    Good luck and thanks for everything, you are a true source of inspiration.

      1. Hence, the need to live. Look after your health.

        Mess with a corrupt multibillion dollar industry? Try to take their lunch money away from them?

        Speak ‘ethics’ to our nuclear corporations and get the same speechless response as “a goat staring at thunder.” Reminders of business ethics are completely incomprehensible; don’t even waste your time.

        Seven billion people, surely one other could step for a short time.

  95. DON’T STOP! Appreciate what you’re doing so much. Important to have a gathering point en reliable newssite.

  96. please do not close down this website: i raced down to the bottom of the page to say this before the words of others could slow me down. please.

    yes, information can be on twitter or on a napkin, etc, nut it is not protected there. it is barely protected here, of course — but it has a little better chance of holding together until others read it, repost it. and the others are more likely to trust it here, where they an verify the source, check the date against other factors, then they are likely to trust a napkin. you yourself gave an example concerning issues of trust and information just a little earlier. imagine how hard it is knowing no one… with the cards stacked so against us on the other side. Tepco and vectors of censorship whereby very important video detail is fast disappearing from those few places to which it was uploaded.

    in quite a few cases now, your summary is the only place on the web in which i may access the context of certain videos, because they have been pulled by the people who posted them.

    this is just one reason. among many. and not even the most important one.

    until you stop me i hope to continue to return here to list them as i think of them. because when i think of all the people out there wasting internet space — well, i do not often think of individuals in such a harsh light when i consider them individually, since there is usually something i may learn. but of all the people!! seriously!! there is so much of actual worth you accomplish. measurable effectiveness, net gain to us human beings barely done with being monkeys and now needing to fight off evils several orders of magnitude worse than the petty sins of which monkeys dream. evils which are fearfully strong we will never overcome if we give i to fear.

    than being said, if it it interfering with your health in any way, by all means abandon ship.

    it is just that your presence will be sorely missed.

    this is a cause for which to fight. this is the only cause, really, to my mind. let there be truth and peace at last given authority, and let the evil motherfuckers fail once and for all. in our lifetime

  97. Hi

    your blog is very important, your news are essentialy
    one of the few reliable sources of information on in Japan after fukushima
    you should continue or tell us if you switch on facebook so we can read and receive news of refugees and the nuclear power plant
    let me know if you’re always in paris, I’m here too
    and It will be an honor for me to can met you and heard you.

    please don’t stop
    or let me know if we can follow news on twitter or facebook
    Marie Christine

  98. pleaaase don’t give up the site, the job and the way you’ve done is absolutly important.
    social networks are not used by everyone, to avoid personnal information out of control.
    sorry i can’t tell youu better things because my english is limited but the heart is here!

  99. Iread you each day, don t give up please, you are an very important person for people interested in that horrible drama

  100. I agree with everyone above; your site is very valuable. For many we have left facebook, twitter, and especially google etc. because they are basically data-mining tools now, bought and paid for by governments. So this week, I made my first donation to a website, ever! To your organization through the link on this website, to actively show my appreciation for your efforts, and my support for what you are doing to help inform others.

Comments are closed.

About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


February 2012