Actual Fukushima worker Happy20790 tweeted about the situation of reactor4.
He states they are planning to move the spent fuel to another pool, but the pool is already full too. New building for dry cask is needed but the construction has not even started yet.
However, he says reactor 4 is in the best condition compared to other reactors.
Happy20790 ハッピー
Today I’m going to tweet about reactor4. Now they are dismantling the operation floor, which is going to end as the step 1. The next task is to remove the controlling facility.
Happy20790 ハッピー
When they all end, they are finally going to set the crane on the roof and FHM, cover the reactor to remove the spent fuel. The removed fuel will be moved to another fuel pool in common use for multiple reactors,which is located in a different building.
Happy20790 ハッピー
but the pool is already full of other spent fuel, no space for the 1300 fuel assemblies from reactor 4. so we are going to have to remove other spent fuel in the fuel pool in common use to somewhere else. The crane of the pool in common use has already been fixed, now they are trying to fix other facilities and power source.
Happy20790 ハッピー
The nuclear fuel in the pool in common use will be preserved in dry cask, but the building to keep dry cask has not been constructed. Only the location is decided. I wonder when it ever starts. It will be numbers of the dry cask. I’m afraid the construction of the building might not be on time.
Happy20790 ハッピー
The SFP of reactor4 and the situation of the reactor would be published as video soon. We want to remove the spent fuel too but we have too much to do, and that’s not an easy task so we are taking time. However, reactor 4 is in the better condition than other reactors.
Iori Mochizuki