Following up this article..Another heating gauge is showing increasing temperature
The heating gauge of CRD housing has been showing the same trend of temperature as the broken heating gauge.
This thermometer is attached under the bottom of reactor.
Until Tepco “tested” the heating gauge, those 2 showed the same trend. Just after their testing, the gauge started showing abnormal temperature.
From looking at the graph, both of the gauges of CRD housing and bottom of the reactor showed the same temperature until it reached 93.7 ℃.
After the broken gauge made a huge leap, the survived gauge of CRD housing kept showing the steadily increasing trend.
At 23:00 2/13/2012, it went over 100℃, which denies cold shutdown.
The gauge of CRD housing had already been labeled as “broken” but there is no explanation why.
If they thought that was broken, it contradicts that Tepco was following after the heating gauge on the bottom of the reactor until 2/13/2012.
Iori Mochizuki