2 high school students, who go to the same school died in the end of 2011.
A Fukushima citizen tweeted like these below
子ども福島メーリングリストからの情報→> 偶然に今日来店されたお客様のそれぞれのお友達の息子さん達が、同じ高校でお二人共昨年の暮れに突然心筋梗塞で亡くなられたとのお話がありました。一人は運動部・もう一人は文化部でお二人とも元々心臓疾患はなかったとの事。(続く)
— 渡辺(母子避難がんばっぺ) (@k1976k1976) February 18, 2012
Information from Children Fukushima mailing list → Today 2 of our customers told me their children’s friends died of cardiac infarct at the end of last year. They went to the same high school. One belonged to a sport club, the other one belonged to a cultural club. They hadn’t had heart disease.
— 渡辺(母子避難がんばっぺ) (@k1976k1976) February 18, 2012
Neither of them wore masks to go to the school by bicycle. Their high school is located near Shinobu yama where is known to be highly contaminated. The one to have belonged to a sport club was training in the play ground, where the radiation level is extremely high, since 311.
Iori Mochizuki