Following up this article ..Radiation emit has increased since January
Tepco estimated that the cesium emission of January is 70 million Bq/h, but it increased to be 72 million Bq/h even since 1/23, when they made the estimation. The radiation leakage is in the increasing trend.
From 1/22 ~ 1/28, emission of cesium per hour was 72 million Bq/h, Tepco announced. It increased from December by 12 million Bq/h. However, this is only the leakage amount from reactor 1,2 and 3. The leakage data from reactor 4 is not published.
Tepco explains it is because they started woking in reactor 2 and 3, more people walk about so the dust flies into the air. They add, it is really difficult to reduce the emission drastically.