On 1/29, Minister of environment, Hosono Goshi answered in the interview of Kyodo to admit they concealed the worst senario of Fukushima accident.
After 311, they limited the access to the worst senario such as Kan Japanese prime minister etc.. Only a few people could know what they assume to be the worst.
Hosono tells, The worst senario was unrealistic. If they announced after 311, nobody might have remained in Tokyo. If so, they could not settle it down Fukushima accident.
It is not explained why they couldn’t settle it down if nobody remained in Tokyo. It is not explained why they assumed the “unrealistic” senario either.
最悪シナリオ閲覧「数人」に限定 「混乱恐れて」と細野氏
2012年1月29日 16時34分