[Column] 5 most meaningful events of 2012 related to Fukushima accident

1. M7 hit Japan on 1/1/2012

At 14:34 1/1/2012 (JST), M7 hit Japan. [Link] It was scale 3 ~4 in Fukushima. 3 hours later, Tepco confirmed the water level of the skimmer surge tank of SFP4 decreased 5 times faster than before. [Link]
Also, the fall-out amount from 1/2 9:00 to 1/4 9:00 went over the total of the entire November. 2011. [Link]
Fortunately this time, Tsunami didn’t hit Fukushima plant but the plant is still vulnerable for Tsunami.

(cf, [Column] 4 reasons why we must be worried about reactor4 “other than earthquake” [Link])

2. Finding of Black substance

In February, citizen’s volunteer group and local official found the extremely radioactive material accumulated on the street in Minamisoma. It was called “black substance”.
It was not seen in Chernobyl, which is unique for Fukushima.

As it became Spring, it was mass generated [Link] and started coming down to Tokyo. [Link] Now it’s known to be cyanobacteria, but nobody has measured how much plutonium is accumulated in it. [Link]
It also produces pollen.

(cf, [Column] 3 reasons why I don’t go back to Tokyo [Link])

3. Social movement

People protested against the nuclear policy of Japanese government.[Link]
Setouchi Jakucho, Sakamoto Ryuichi, a lot of big names joined the protests but most of the media such as NHK avoided covering the movement. [Link]
From June to July, it had a peak, 100,000 ~ 200,000 people joined the protest held every Friday. [Link]
Opposing the restart of Ohi nuclear plant on 7/1/2012, protestors gathered from Sapporo to Osaka.
The Ex prime minister Noda had a meeting with the organizer.
However, Japanese government pushed their nuclear policy ignoring all the protests.

4. Nature published the report about mutated butterfly around Fukushima

On 8/9/2012, scientific reports of Nature published the report titled “The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly” to be the first to acknowledge biological mutation due to Fukushima accident. [Link]
Also, 10% of aphid in Fukushima were found deformed where it’s normally less than 1%. [Link]
Apart from insects, deformed plants and albino creatures have been seen frequently all around in Japan.

5. Tepco was sued by US Navy sailors exposed to radiation

On 12/21/2012, the complaint against Tepco was submitted to U.S. Southern District Court of California. The plaintiffs are 8 sailors of US Navy. They were involved in disaster relief operations on the USS Ronald Reagan nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. [Link] The sailors each sought $10 million in damages, $30 million in punitive damages and a judgment requiring the creation of a $100 million fund to pay for their medical monitoring and treatments.
This is the first case of Tepco being sued out of Japan. Fukushima is the marine version of Chernobyl, the entire area surrounding Pacific ocean can be the victims.
It could be the trigger of series of international lawsuits against Tepco. [Link]
Fukushima Diary was referred to on the complaints. [Link]



Français :

[Édito] Les 5 faits les plus significatifs de 2012 liés à l’accident de Fukushima


1. Un séisme M7 frappe le Japon le 1/1/2012

Le premier janvier 2012 à 14:34, un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le Japon. [Lien] Il a été ressenti en niveau 3 ~4 à Fukushima. 3 heures plus tard, Tepco confirmait que le niveau d’eau du réservoir d’alimentation d’urgence de la SFP4 (piscine des combustibles) descendait 5 fois plus vite qu’avant. [Lien]
Également, la quantité des retombées radioactives constatées entre le 2 janvier 09:00 et le 4 janvier 09:00 a dépassé le total de celles de tout le mois de novembre 2011. [Lien]
Par chance cette fois-ci, aucun tsunami n’a frappé la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima mais elle est toujours vulnérable aux tsunamis.

(cf. [Édito] 4 raisons de s’inquiéter du réacteur 4, “outre le séisme” [Lien])

2. La découverte de la substance noire

En février, un groupe de bénévoles et un représentant local ont trouvé cette chose extrêmement radioactive accumulée dans les rues de Minamisoma. On l’a nommée “la substance noire”.
Elle n’avait pas été vue à Tchernobyl, elle est spécifique à Fukushima.

Lorsque le printemps est arrivé, elle s’est reproduite en masse [Lien] et a commencé à descendre sur Tokyo. [Lien] A présent on sait que c’est une cyanobactérie mais personne n’a recherché en quelles quantités elle accumule le plutonium. [Lien]
Elle fait aussi des spores.

(cf. [Édito] 3 raisons pour lesquelles je ne retourne pas à Tokyo [Lien])

3. Mouvement social

Les gens ont manifesté contre la politique nucléaire du gouvernement japonais. [Lien]
Setouchi Jakucho, Sakamoto Ryuichi, beaucoup de grands noms se sont joints aux manifestations mais la plupart des médias tels que NHK ont évité de couvrir le mouvement. [Lien]
De juin à juillet, il y a eu un pic, de 100 000 à 200 000 personnes se sont rassemblées tous les vendredis. [Lien]
Pour s’opposer au redémarrage de la centrale nucléaire d’Ohi, le 1er juillet des manifestants se sont rassemblés de Sapporo à Osaka.
L’ex-premier ministre Noda a rencontré les organisateurs.
Néanmoins, le gouvernement japonais a continué sa politique pro-nucléaire sans tenir compte de toutes les manifestations.

4. Le journal scientifique Nature a publié l’article sur les papillons mutants de Fukushima

Le 9 août 2012, dans les articles scientifiques de Nature on trouve celui intitulé “The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly”, le premier à reconnaître des mutations biologiques dues à l’accident deFukushima. [Lien]
De plus, 10% des pucerons de Fukushima étaient trouvés déformés alors que normalement il y en a moins de 1%. [Lien]
Les insectes mis à part, des plantes déformées et des créatures albinos ont fréquemment été vues dans tout le Japon.

5. Tepco poursuivie par les marins de l’US Navy exposés à la radioactivité

Le 21 décembre 2012, la plainte contre Tepco a été déposée devant la Cour américaine du Département Sud de Californie. Les plaignants sont 8 marins de l’US Navy. Ils ont participé aux opérations de secours consécutives à la catastrophe sur le porte-avion nucléaire USS Ronald Reagan. [Lien] Les marins demandent chacun 10 millions de dollars de dommages et intérêts,  30 millions de dollars d’indemnités compensatoires et un jugement exigeant la création d’un fond de 100 millions de dollars  pour payer leur examens et traitement médicaux.
C’est la première plainte contre Tepco qui est déposée en dehors du Japon. Fukushima est la version maritime de Tchernobyl, toute la région qui entoure l’océan Pacifique peut être victime.
Ce pourrait être le catalyseur d’une série de plaintes internationales contre Tepco. [Lien]
Le Fukushima Diary est cité dans la plainte. [Lien]

  1. Thank you for having Fukushima Diary available to the world. Without you and your ceaseless vigilance the people of Fukushima would have been abandoned.
    Thank you for your hard work and service.
    Namaste Iori.

  2. For me, important events of 2012 were:

    – the video of daiichi’s reactor 4 explosion being taken of the web. And later, also the manipulation of the photographs of the reactor base. It was very clear media manipulation.

    – Television stars and idols who supported the “support by eating” propaganda started to get ill. It’s a very visible thing to many people.

    – Contamination of the sea, it’s ongoing and huge, and the effects will show quickly too. Dead fish coming onto shores, sealife dying around Hawaii, and debris arriving accross the pacific.

    – Foreign countries, most prominently Russia so far, conituing to refuse to accept certain imported goods from Japan.

    – And very personally, I saw a good colleague go to live in Tokyo with his family. It was a very sad goodbye.

    And during 2012, Fukushima Diary has been a great website,
    I also liked your video updates.
    Best regards.

  3. Dear Mochizuki-san, hope you’re in a good mood tonight. Hope you have friends with you. But you sure do have friends, people who love you, think of you, care for you and I’m proud to be one of them.
    Lots of trust and peace to your heart. Babeth

  4. 1) The US sailor lawsuite is phony .

    According to the carrier Captain Daily Log those 17 sailors did not received any substantial ammount of radiation on board of the Ronald Regan during the Fukushima incident ( they couldn’t , they were NOT taken by surprise by a Sudden plume of radiation ) :


    On March 13 , 2011 :

    ” … As you may have already heard, radioactivity was detected on 17 personnel from our ship, however, we promptly took the proper precautions and the radioactivity was easily removed by using soap and water.
    The levels that were detected were very low levels.
    To put this into perspective, the maximum radiation dose received was equalt to the amount of natural background radiation one would receive in one month from sources such as rocks, soil and the sun … MORE …. ”


    So , by making a big Public deal about this unbased lawsuite ‘they’ hope to discourage other ?

    2) The biggest event of 2012 ? I think is the Waiting to attack Iran AFTER they installed the radioactive rods ( an illegal act in the international laws ) . …. US/Israel had plenty of opportunities to bomb Bushehr reactor in the last 15 years just as Israel did decades before taking down one Syrian nuclear reactor and another in Iraq under Saddam , history already repeated it self …

    3) the most Grotesque International Act : at the UN they allowed Palestine as an ‘almost’ Statehood . Oh dear , the entire world agrees this way that Israel can keep what it already stole and still stealing daily … It’s a wonderful world , the shill in Hollywood said .

    4) the most surprising Attitude : only some two out of 120 million Japanese protested , while basically the population still allowing the ‘government’ to keep nuclear power in a country Sorounded by ocean currents …

    Happy New Year ?? Think Not !

    1. Hi Doru
      The US sailor lawsuite is phony .
      very true

      what next, a solider can sue for injuries in war
      Any rad dose these sailors got where in the line of duty

      No lawsuit will get into court,
      they knew the job was dangeroues when they took it.


      Japan has already been Condemned internationally and being predicted to became a depopulated radioactive waste-land ?

      again as foolish as it may sound
      you maybe right
      they do need a place to dump this waste

      1. Dear Terry ,

        Your angle on soldier’s risks are true beyound even the battle field : 99.99 % of soldiers do not know who they are killing yet they join the army . Killing in 21 century just because a guy in uniform tells you to is no longer acceptable .
        ” Sir General , I want to meet those Chinese and have a chat , go fishing , drinking , see what the problems is , before I shoot them !
        ” , ecerpt from the future film ” When the ‘elite’ hits the fan ” .

        Coming back to the US sailor lawsuite , it is absolutelly Funny because basically they complain of being hurt on the job . Well , will the families of soldiers killed while on duty sue the Army or the enemy ??
        Keep it in perspective , they do have Navy Conceiling and advisors including Navy Lawyers so all is carefully Played … or Orchestrated .

        But for the superficial reader the headline of ” US sailors radioactivity lawsuite against Japan dismissed ” pretty much sounds like is not worth suing on those bases .

        Who benefits besides the Japanese government ? Or is just a Show of force by the western ‘elite’ specially since the carrier Captain Diary was already on the Net/Facebook since 13/03/2011 ! I mean if you let the dogs loose and people start suing TEPCO/Japan government it will ruin the country with all the implications .

        This ‘elite’ plays ball with that ‘elite’ while we eat radiation among other crap …

  5. Iori , here is a job for you , what else can you dig on this : they bring More radioactive waste into Japan !!

    Does it mean that Japan has already been Condemned internationally and being predicted to became a depopulated radioactive waste-land ?

    ” … In a statement on Friday 29 December, Anthony called on the UK to stop the forthcoming transshipment of Vitrified High Level Waste to Japan via the Caribbean Sea.

    ” The United Kingdom’s imminent shipment of radioactive waste follows 14 such shipments to date, each of which has been strenuously objected to by Caricom Heads of Government, Caribbean business communities and civil society , ” Anthony said … MORE … ” .


    Also read about the ocean salt water continiously damaging the reactor concrete structure besides radiation .

  6. Doru

    Do you take the captain’s log as truth and as sufficient evidence for measuring the sailors actual exposure levels?

    I doubt the lawsuit is frivolous. That said, I suspect that liability may be limited for a number of reasons.

    The former sailors are taking a big risk with this lawsuit. I sincerely doubt they are making it all up… I wish them the best.

    1. Dear Majia ,

      I was asking myself the same question .
      The answer is provided by what is stated even by the Captain in that particular entry saying that the Ronald Regan was on-course to ‘ provide help to Fukushima ‘ , in other words they knew what’s coming hence had the time to prepare . So the intensity of the readiation is secondary to the more important action of getting ‘prepared’ , because if you get prepared you’ll not get sick . Did the Captain prepared the crew properly ?

      That Captain entry is more than a year old , plenty of time to delet it or change it but is still saying that no one got a great deal of radiation exposure that day … and certainly the Japanese Defence will use it against the sailors .

      Than WHERE from did the 17 sailors got their radiation exposure if their symptoms are true ??

      Conclusion : when sailors started the lawsuite while the Captain contradicts the sailors in such an open way it points to … colussion/cooaperation between them via the Navy Advisors chanel .

      Why : the other source of radiation would be the two nuclear reactors that power the boat , but , short of those sailors playing ‘spin the bottle’ and kiss the Reactor , only a sudden release of radioactive steam from the boat reactors could provide an Unexpected Exposure … are ‘they’ hiding a weekness of nuclear-powered carriers when exposed to intense radiation ?? ( electronics failure )

  7. What I consider the mega event of 2012 is the Silance of the scientific community over the deduction using empirical formulas that we and the Universe are made of a special Super Fluid !

    Here :


    and here :


    and for the record :


    So how does it relates to Fukushima ?
    Since all is made of the same SuperFluid means that ALL phenomena that can occur in this SuperFluid are only : waves , vortices and their Harmonics .
    In other words the deadly radiation could only be a wave , a vortex or their harmonics . This knowladge SHOULD help us neutralize radiation !

    So where is Science/Nature/Time magazines being all over the SuperFluid Universe ? Nowhere in site !
    Among other reasons is that the SuperFluid Universe would neutralize the need for a Mass particle since the SuperFluid it self is The mass ( making the LHC just a Contractor’s Paradise ) … than we get into free , green renewable energy … and deadly WMD … but it can save us from the radiation just as we can neutralize waves , vortices or their harmonics …

  8. What I consider the mega event of 2012 is the Silance of the scientific community over the deduction using empirical formulas that we and the Universe are made of a special Super Fluid !

    Here :


    and here :


    and for the record :


    So how does it relates to Fukushima ?
    Since all is made of the same SuperFluid means that ALL phenomena that can occur in this SuperFluid are only : waves , vortices and their Harmonics .
    In other words the deadly radiation could only be a wave , a vortex or their harmonics . This knowladge SHOULD help us neutralize radiation !

    So where is Science/Nature/Time magazines being all over the SuperFluid Universe ? Nowhere in site !
    Among other reasons is that the SuperFluid Universe would neutralize the need for a Mass particle since the SuperFluid it self is The mass ( making the LHC just a Contractor’s Paradise ) … than we get into free , green renewable energy … and deadly WMD … but it can save us from the radiation just as we can neutralize waves , vortices or their harmonics …

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2012