A Fukushima worker tweeted about the actual situation around reactor3. He worked at reactor3 to build the cover and his team member was exposed to 2.55mSv in total. He mentioned other important facts too.
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 6月 1, 2012
Anyway, it’s decided to go to Fukushima plant from 6/5/2012..
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 7月 10, 2012
Radiation doesn’t kill you immediately, but debris of concrete or rebars are falling off from reactor3. They are highly radioactive but moreover, it would kill you if it hits you. That’s what is going on here.
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 7月 10, 2012
been having diarrhea since 2 days ago. couldn’t sleep at all, shall sleep already today..
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 7月 19, 2012
been covering reactor3. A trouble happened, had to go up the reactor building. APD (dosimeter cf.Fukushima worker was ordered to shield dosimeter with lead cover to make integral dose look low) immediately alarmed 3 times. tried to get back quickly but it alarmed again on ladder. Today’s integral dose was 1.69mSv/h. People who remained there to work had it to be 2.55mSv/h, they were called for the seismic isolation building.
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 7月 19, 2012
Those workers who were involved in taking out the fuel assemblies from SFP4 [Link] had 0.6mSv in total, and it was 2.55mSv for the covering construction of reactor3, which none of the news covers. I feel like I’m doing something great..
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 7月 19, 2012
I don’t know if it’s because of the fear for radiation, but some of the workers in my company are really tempered. They use violence sometimes, I was lucky to be able to talk to my boss about that. If you are worried about radiation, you are not suitable to be a nuclear worker.
— 中継班:86 @原発作業中さん (@ZillionSoul) 7月 21, 2012
There are 38 cameras around reactor3, employees in high class can tell everything going-on. We can’t take too much rest, we have to take care about safety, we are not to cause any trouble like fight. Though it’s the same as ordinary work, but this is extraordinarily sensitive.
Iori Mochizuki