Young generation are always sent to the front line whether it’s police or army.
But this is the fight against nuclear. so we must protect them from black rain.
RT @maya1318: “@Angama_Market:@YUKARING1222: :teroimo 泣いてる警察官。俺が「ホンマは原発の再稼働は辛いんやろ?」声をかけると歯を食いしばりながら軽くこちらを向き頷く機動隊員。本当に涙が止まらない瞬間が何度もあった。 …
— みーこさん (@miicoblog) 7月 1, 2012
We found police crying. I asked one of the riot police officers if he’s actually against the restart of nuclear plant, he turned to me and slightly nodded to bear up in tragedy. There were numbers of times when I couldn’t stop my tears.
RT @tokyo_sabako: 娘がさっきぽつりと「私たち選挙権もないのにこんな事故起きて、始末をずっと任されていくんだよね」 「作って推進してきたおじいさん達に本気で再稼働する気持ちを聞きたいよ」と言っていた。 本当に申し訳ないと思う。 親の世代で止めるために粘る。 …
— YUKARI(*”*)(さよなら原発)さん (@YUKARING1222) 7月 1, 2012
My daughter suddenly and quietly told me, “Though we don’t even have right to vote, my generation is going to have to settle the nuclear accudent, isn’t it ?” “I want to ask how the pro-nuke old generation can restart the nuclear plant.”
I really feel sorry for them. To stop it in our parental generation, we keep on fighting.
大飯封鎖現場。FMKの撮影した写真。強制排除の瞬間。「原発をとめて!」の叫び声。 twitter.com/katsura_moshin…
— KatsuraMoshinoさん (@katsura_moshino) 7月 1, 2012
Occupy Ohi nuclear plant. Photo taken by FMK. The moment of pre-emption. Shouting “Stop the nuclear plant.”
再稼働反対のコールが鳴り止まない中、差し入れなどで出たゴミの片付け。事故が起きれば万年単位の汚染物質をばら蒔き、後片付けもせず責任もとらない電力会社の敷地でも、自分達が汚した場所は綺麗に片付ける。これが当たり前のことなんだよ。 twitpic.com/a2qry7
— Saikeさん (@Saikeman) 7月 1, 2012
Though they were still chanting “No restart”, protests collected garbages which were given by the supporters. Power companies scatter around the nuclear waste in case of an accident and it lasts for tens of thousand years, take no responsibility and can not even decontaminate, but we clean where we made occupied. This is common sense.
↓ She was eliminated by police but came back and tied herself with a chain.
Iori Mochizuki