NHK, “3 years old children are stressed from the anxiety of radiation”

Following up this article..Nausea and headache of Fukushima children increased from 6% to 38%. Gov “It’s stress.”

The same researching group from Fukushima university conducted a research for 3773 parents with 1 year and 6 months old children and 3 years old children in Fukushima.
The research was made from November to March.

The result shows 97% of 3 years old children have emotional instability such as being hysteric to be angry or frightened at trivial things.

99% of parents also answered they feel anxious about radiation exposure, they can’t leave windows opened, or let children play outside.

The researching group concludes from these results that children are stressed from the anxiety about radiation.
However, the result showed the stress level of the children are different from 6 areas in Fukushima.
NHK did not report the connection among the distance of those areas from Fukushima plant, contamination level, and the stress level of children.


7月5日 6時14分




NHK, "3 years old children are stressed from the anxiety of radiation"





  1. FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – NHK, “Les enfants de 3 ans sont stressé par anxiété des radiations”.
    Par Mochizuki, le 4 juillet 2012.

    Le même groupe de recherche de l’Université de Fukushima a mené une étude sur 3773 parents de Fukushima ayant un enfant entre un an et demi et trtrois ans .
    La recherche s’est effectuée entre novembre et mars.

    Le résultat montre que 97% des enfants de 3 ans présentent une instabilité émotionnelle comme des colères hystériques ou des frayeurs de choses courantes.

    99% des parents ont aussi répondu qu’ils se sentaient anxieux sur l’exposition à la radioactivité, ils ne peuvent laisser les fenêters ouvertes ou laisser les enfants jouer dehors.

    Le groupe de recherche conclut de ces résultats que les enfants sont stressés par peur de la radioactivité.
    Toutefois, les résultats ont montré que le niveau de stress des enfants varie selon 6 régions de Fukushima.
    NHK n’a pas précisé s’il y a relation entre la distance de ces régions au complexe de Fukushima, le niveau de radioactivité et le niveau de stress des enfants.

    7月5日 6時14分



    (copie d’écran)

    Source :

  2. You know, I have no idea what rubbish is being spewed here. Kids at 3 do not have coherent cognitive skills yet and behave closer to pets. At 4 to 5 onwards things become cleared to them. Anxiety about radiation for kids? What would they know about radiation? What kind of survey are we talking about here?

    1. The “survey” is otherwise known as “the art of whitewashing”. And someone got paid $$$ to write it. Since “stress” is the only possible option, everyone from infants > elderly are stressed. There are no / will never be any ill effects from radiation.end of story. [btw your government loves you]

  3. It’s because fukushima university “The result shows 97% of 3 years old children have emotional instability such as being hysteric to be angry or frightened at trivial things” is making them wear dosimeters “like the forest monkeys”, making them go in to scary places with people they don’t know and are being poked and prodded and sampled and PSYCHOANALYZED and they can’t play outside like normal, they are not behaving normally because their life as normal 3 year olds is duh, no longer normal in any way, want normal? go somewhere normal where you and your kids can be normal, otherwise you’ll be abnormal. simple. Stop acting like unit 731 japan gov/fukushima university, it’s sick. STOP IT!

    1. 2 THINGS, I can safely say this will never end “the behavior witnessed and the meltdowns” this complete insanity will go on and on ad infinitum, I had a prescient dream, since I’m in N amerikka the dream is from this perspective, I dreamt we basically recieved notice that something terrible was happening “of course the in the dream still maintained their communist sympathies ie vague” the notification was 5 or 6 hours before arrival of the massive emissions of death, the only option was to outrun it “but where to? with 6 hours notice no less?”, sheltering would not be adequate unless you had 3 or four months of supplies and AN AIRTIGHT/SEALED FALLOUT BUNKER. I believe this dream will become real, there is enough fuel on site to accomplish it, know that not one fuel assembly was removed from site, not one, from spent fuel pools 1 through 6 and the above ground common spent fuel holding over 6000 assemblies 40-50 feet away from reactor four building. No one and no thing in this world can go near active exposed fissioning nuclear fuel, let us be clear on this.

      1. sorry, meant “in the dream the Media/Gov maintained their communist sympathies”

        1. If that happens yes the fallout will be immense but it is the MASSIVE RELEASES of radioactive iodines from all the fuel onsite fissioning in a nuclear inferno that will “and I have no doubt” be the reason’ detre’/cause of deaths. To avoid that is to be sealed away completely, even if you stop breathing it will be absorbed like a sponge. That will be the killer.

  4. Or is irradiation damaging their nervous systems, with consequent effects on behavior? In other words, is radioactivity frying their brains?

    1. Thyroids, then hearts then minds/”organs”, thyroids wouldn’t be a problem mind you if iodine 129-131/others weren’t being released through criticalities of open to the atmosphere fissioning nuclear fuel.

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This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


July 2012