Following up this article..Plutonium 238 measured in Minamisoma
Mr. Oyama, Minamisoma city councilor measured 500CPM from a sample of black substance.
The analysis results are like these below..
Date 4/9/2012
1) Oscillatoriales from Minamisoma 1740000 2450000
2) Soil from the place on the map below 8070 11500
3) Soil from the place on the map below 2720 3860
4) Soil from the place on the map below 7790 11100
5) Soil from the place on the map below 37900 53400
6) Soil from the place on the map below 62000 87500
↓ Microscope pictures.
He also measured 700 CPM from another sample of Oscillatoriales. He’s waiting for the analysis result.
He comments,
バクテリアが生まれ 鉄やウランなどを吸収し
Billions of years ago, when the earth was still full of radiation,
bacterias were born. They absorbed iron or uranium.
Their dead bodies became ore deposits.
Are we reversing the history ?
Micro scope pictures are below.
Iori Mochizuki