3 prefectures of disaster area are suffering from the shortage of blood transfusion.
Especially in Fukushima, though some people are still living, blood transfusion bus can’t come because radiation level is too high and people evacuated. From alerting area in Fukushima, more than 60,000 people have moved out.
From last March to December, the donor decreased by 30% compared to last year.
In Miyagi, it decreased by 21%, in Iwate, it decreased by 18% as well.
Basically, blood is not transfused from other prefectures but they have to depend on other prefectures now.
None of the local governments have depended on other prefectures for blood transfusion for this long.
According to Fukushima red cross blood center, last April, the blood transfusion decreased by 96.3 % because the bus couldn’t get in.
Though it picked up in May, it decreased by 30% , 76,859people from March to December.
Fukushima local government have to depend on other prefectures for 1,000 people’s blood. Miyagi local government depends on other prefectures for 1,000 people, Iwate local government depends on other prefectures for 300 people because the shuttle bus decreased along the coastal area.
読売新聞】被災3県、献血足りず非常事態…他県が融通 1月26日
投稿日: 2012年1月26日 作成者: 遠野市災害ボランティアセンター情報班
Iori Mochizuki