[Column] You’ll never have a moment twice in your life

[Column] You'll never have the moment twice in your life

At 13:00 of 3/18/2011 , I was in the car with all the windows and doors closed, air conditioner turned off.
That was 2 days after the biggest plume hit Tokyo and revolution was still in the air.
I was working as a civil engineer at the construction area.
Because Tepco started “Power Blackout” to make us know how electricity is precious, we could no longer work inside of the office and I was taken to the construction area for the field work.
The company’s decision to make us work outside when we can’t work inside was right, if radiation wasn’t there.
I couldn’t understand why they didn’t understand the radiation risk but I had to obey otherwise I would have been fired.
I was asking my SNS friends -most of them were outside of Japan- to send me emails when something terrible happened in Fukushima.

That day, I learnt two things,
1. If you follow old Japanese, you’d be over.
2. Information matters, really.

By watching the dusts flying above the street, I was daydreaming myself to remain in the island as the last person, reporting the radiation level, mutated creatures and my own health problems.
1 year and 10 months have passed. I’m on the other side of the world.
However, I can never get back what I lost while I was stupidly daydreaming in those days.
There are 2 types of mistakes. One is something you can get back anytime, like you had your hair cut too much or spend some money on the wrong thing etc. The other one is something you can never get back, like health or time.
Every time I see this picture, I think about this.

Please don’t waste this column and I hope you to learn from my regret.




Français :

[Édito] On ne vit jamais deux fois la même chose

[Column] You'll never have the moment twice in your life

Le 18 mairs 2011 à 13:00, j’étais dans une voiture toutes fenêtres fermées et climatisation coupée.
C’était deux jours après que le plus gros nuage de retombées ait touché Tokyo et la révolution était toujours dans l’air.
Je travaillais comme ingénieur civil sur un chantier BTP.
Parce que Tepco avait commencé son “Blackout Électrique” pour nous montrer à quel point l’électricité est précieuse, on ne pouvait plus travailler à l’intérieur des bureaux et j’ai été affecté au chantier pour le travail de terrain.
La décision de la société de nous faire travailler dehors parce que nous ne le pouvions plus à l’intérieur aurait été juste si la radioactivité n’avait pas été là.
Je ne pouvais pas comprendre pourquoi ils ne comprenaient pas le risque radioactif mais je devais obéir sous peine d’être viré.
Je demandais à mes amis des réseaux sociaux – la plupart d’entre eux étaient hors du Japon – de m’envoyer un email dès qu’il se passait quelque chose de terrible à Fukushima.

Ce jour-là j’ai appris deux choses :
1. Si vous suivez les vieux japonais vous êtes cuits.
2. L’information est capitale, vraiment.

En regardant les cendres voler au-dessus de la rue, je me rêvait éveillé d’être le dernier être vivant de l’île, rapportant le niveau de radioactivité, les créatures mutantes et mes propres problèmes de santé.
1 an et 10 mois sont passés. Je suis de l’autre côté de la planète.
Toutefois, je ne retrouverai jamais ce que j’ai perdu pendant mes stupides rêves éveillés de ces jours-là.
Il y a 2 types d’erreurs. Les unes sont celles que vous pouvez rattraper à tout moment, comme de se couper les cheveux trop court, ou bien de se tromper d’achat, etc. Les autres sont celles que vous ne pouvez pas réparer, comme la santé ou le temps.
Chaque fois que je regarde cette photo je pense à ça.

Ne gaspillez pas cet éditorial, j’espère que vous apprenez de mes regrets.

  1. Iori , did you take an Oath when you became an engineer as it is the custom in North America and Europe ?
    The engineers who approved any nuclear plant anywhere specially in Fukushima betrayed the Oath .

    Most of the bad things ( from Agent Orange to pesticides and depleted uranium ammo , etc ) are 100 % the product of engineers .

    Let’s not fool ourself Again , and again , while our combination of the IQ Bell Curve and ignorance makes us vote for inept/corrupt governments ( again , and again ) no one has a gun at the head of scientists and engineers , so they are free to use their higher IQ and Wisdom to decide what’s good or bad for us . So let’s judge them by their products !
    ( hint : they went for the internal combustion engine instead of the electric motor … )

    I hope this reasoning becames more apparent in order to prepare us to take the Blame all the way to its roots : the Parents … perhaps You .

    That explains why the manager where Iori worked lucked respect for others when he asked the employees to work outside under those conditions .

    Search the net for this smashing essay with plenty of examples to shock you about the place and society where parents bring their children into : ” Parents , the ultimate Criminals ?? And their direct consequence : religion ” . Frame it !

    1. Except that patriotism, capitalism etc are also religions (“systems of belief”) if you prefer…

  2. It’s official, from your unelected Rockyfella UN (UNSCEAR pronounced “unscare”?

    “The United Nations is to adopt advice on radiation that clarifies what can be said about its health effects on individuals and large populations. A preliminary report has also found no observable health effects from last year’s nuclear accident in Fukushima.”

    “Last year, Japanese authorities protected children in Fukushima prefecture from iodine-131 by evacuating them before radiation was released, issuing stable iodine pills to block iodine-131, and preventing food and water containing the radioactive isotope from being consumed.”



  3. My mother became sick in Tokyo the day after the first plume felt over south Kanto. I know it is because of the plume.
    I narrowly avoided it by a day and left just before it arrived.
    But I was still in Japan. I am really scared that in 10, 20 or 30 years, our immune systems will just shut down, just like many downwinders, many people sick from Chernobyl and all other Nuclear Plume from different origine. It only takes a little bit to destroy us in the end.
    How many plane pilote with there whole crew? How many passengers have been through too much plume taken in the jet stream? the planes take air from the jet stream? crosses it? Too scary.
    Also I have learned that for plume, to kill, 3000 km is not far because the jet stream is very fast and keep the radionuclides compact and ready to fall anywhere.

    1. Hi Iori
      Your Fukushima Diary reminds me of the Diary of Samuel Pepys,
      who is a diarist of The Great Fire of London, The Great Plague, and the history of his times in England.
      His accounts of events were published in the 19th century and are a major source of historical knowledge.
      Your Fukushima Diary not only brings together timely factual information, but also context, and commentary that explains the very difficult factual information and its consequences for the Japanese people.
      You are bringing a situation to life and making history explicable for people all over the world. To learn from this situation, is necessary in real time, not over centuries, we don’t have centuries to learn this lesson. It is necessary for the decision makers on this planet to learn these lessons of Fukushima disaster NOW!
      So please understand that you are in the eye of a storm of a big hurricane, which is very disorientating, but amazing to see you commentate from the inside of the vortex. We appreciate every effort that you make, and how hard it is to keep working in such conditions.
      Cheers Helen

  4. Iori,
    I’m going to harass you again (like i did about your health in another comment a while ago). I’m not quite old enough to be your mother, but i have the attitude…
    Have you gotten yourself a health check-up lately? Or at all since leaving Japan? Excuse me if you’ve written about this already, but i hadn’t seen it if you did.

    I know i’m not the only one concerned about you, so please, for all your fans and supporters, and most importantly for yourself, get some health exams done if you haven’t. Maybe some acupuncture occasionally could help? Or whatever traditional or natural healing and preventative methods they have in your area. Even things like Qi Gong may boost your immunity and help detoxify. In my own gypsy-like lifestyle, i used to find deals on acupuncture, sometimes at acupuncture schools. There are some dental schools, etc, that do the same, having interns do the work. Some holistic doctors had let me pay in work-trade. I would do work-exchange on organic farms and get good food and a place to sleep (there’s also helpx.net or wwoof.org for international work exchange).

    Don’t just stay alive, go for your best! Maybe things will fall into place…

  5. By the way, maybe the farm-work exchange could be helpful for anyone ready to leave Japan. If you want to leave but don’t know where to go or what to do, maybe take a look at http://www.helpx.net. It’s not just farms, but home-stays, hostels, B&Bs, kennels, etc, which are looking for travelers who want to do some kind of work in exchange for a place to stay, meals, etc (varies depending on the host). Awesome program, and it costs something like 20 euros for 2 years, to join online. Check it out. There’s also the http://www.wwoof.org (world wide opportunities on organic farms), but the other one seems to have more variety for a single cost. Should this be posted on the “evacuate” page?

  6. Iori, what’s wrong? Please, so many of us care! You are a treasure on so many levels. If there is anything i can do please just ask and if it’s in my power i will. Stay strong young one!

  7. Hi Lori,

    We are proud of your accomplishments and the courage it has taken for you to leave your homeland and create a journal that brings important information to your readers around the world. I am constantly amazed by the lack of knowledge regarding nuclear energy and the dangers that now face the world community. The Fukushima nuclear nightmare is like the part of an iceberg that we can see, while we are aware that there is more beneath the surface with aging, cheaply designed nuclear facilities (some sitting on top of faultlines) with poor maintenance. The governments of Japan and the US have determined to protect an industry while everyone involved is aware of the imminent danger to the extinction of life on this planet. Perhaps in a way, while they appear to protect the nuclear industry, there is simply nothing that can be done to fix the growing problems inherent with the nuclear power plants.

    But it is madness to continue to build more plants and more weapons of nuclear devastation. There is an Englishman named David Iche who has been ridiculed for his beliefs, some of which are difficult to grasp; but, I am beginning to agree with him that we live in a world of illusion that has been manipulated so that we believe it to be true. When we are faced with reality, it is in our human nature to not want to believe what has been a comfortable world view. So we reject the truth and continue with the illusion.

  8. I don’t agree with you saying : “you can’t get back your health”. At some point, you can ; if you wait for too long, you can’t anymore in the same way. That’s why much precious advice has been given to Humanity in order to protect and detoxify, all published on http://attentiondanger.over-blog.com. But it is necessary to believe in it and to want to do it.
    The Institutions that should protect the populations worldwide, are all under one hat, that of money ! They have all agreed to keep silent or publish false data in order to avoid any panicking. Nuclear energy = big business for a few !
    Learn on http://attentiondanger.over-blog.com why you should be against nuclear energy. There is precious advice, plenty of warnings and explications on the consequences of radiation .

  9. Thank you ‘ De ‘ for the advice !

    Iori , no doubt you are a star : search for ‘ 7,900 radioactive rods ready to enter the Pacific ‘ and you’ll see your website mentioned many times .

    Here is some trusted Health info :

    1) eat according to your Blood Type ( see book ” Eat right for your type ” by Dr. Peter D’Adamo … btw , using cell/blood Damaging Lectins to find your blood type is ancieny medical practice done millions of times a Day around the world , yet the SAME Damaging Lectins in Foods are … ignored !! ) . This is the Foundation of proper eating , don’t screw with it ! ( i.e. if it’s not on your ‘good’ list don’t touch it never mind putting it in your mouth ! )

    2) Do not kill the veggies/fruits by steaming , boiling , frycooking etc , you will be destroying important chemicals . Wash very well and the lemon or vinegard ( acid ) added to salads also kilss bacteria nad viruses .

    3) eat only Organic food ( Duh !! )

    4) don’t eat processed foods . Buy it raw to avoid those ignorants ‘playing’ with food and destroying it . Boil the meats instead of BBQ or frying ( the FATS ! )

    5) Omega 3-6-9 oils from Hemp Seeds or Floax Seeds oils ( organic source , cold press , stored in the fridge , pressed in Nitrogen – no oxygen – , never touched metals , in a dark glass bottle , eh ! Three spoons a day spread .

    6) Vitamin C from Natural souces – fruits . When you pee you see vitamin C ! So you must take it along the day and night ( night water glass with lemon juice ) .
    It has been dicovered recently that COLLAGEN can not happened properly if protein AND vitamin C are not present : collagen is the extra-cellular scafold without which you get wrinckles on your skin And Organs , also responsible for providing material transfer between cells , very imposrtant for tissue formation .

    7) Multivitamin pills , two a day , check quality and composition , organic sources .

    8) IP-6 Only by Dr. Michael Murray associated with Natural Factors , 4 + 4 a day one hour before meals . IP-6 controls cellular division , i.e. if it`s Cancer it stops it from dividing and spreading , but the Cuban doctors don`t know this OLD news so Chavez will mostly die …

    9) if you got cancer get Enzimatically ( quality ) extracted Shark Cartilage – SC `- powder ( no capsules ) , take one hour before meals And IP-6 in this quantity : your weight in Kilos = one dose of SC in Grams , take four doses a day , one at night included . SATURATION is the name of the game since the side effects are zero . I experienced this treatment and the person told by `doctors`to have one year to live is still alive today and in Better shape twelve years later !
    I was sarcastically loughing when I saw job adds from big Pharma looking for specialists in Anti Angio Genesis ( the prevention of formation of new blood vesells ) , `Cough` , that’s How the shark cartilage works , but they would not tell us . BTW , sharks get read of any ( laboratory ) induced cancers …

    Best wishes !

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2013