Tepco is trying to develop the remote decontamination technology by using robot.
They conducted the radiation survey at reactor1 in May [Link].
On 7/5/2012, Tepco announced the radiation survey result of reactor2 and reactor3. (Only the first floor)
It was done from 5/28 to 5/31 in reactor2, from 6/11 to 6/15 in reactor3, but the results have not been published by the day.
The highest reading was 203.1 mSv/h in reactor3, 40.8 mSv/h in reactor2.
Also, they took samples to detect contamination state of those reactors, but the results are not published yet.
Samples of dust, peeling paint and drilling core (of floor) will be analyzed at JAEA Oarai Research and
Development Center. (Unit 1 sample has been sent on June 22,
Unit 2-3 samples will be sent on July 18.)
Those samples were taken by human workers.
↓ The survey data etc
Iori Mochizuki