Bura bura disease ? Fukushima children can’t climb a jungle gym


Strong fatigue like Bura bura disease is observed among Fukushima children. It is not confirmed the relationship between radiation and their fatigue yet.
On 7/9/2012, Ms. Hagiwara, an Economic journalist interviewed Ms. Shikamata, the principal of “Tsukushimbo nursery school” in Koriyama Fukushima. It’s restricted for children to play outside for up to 15 minutes a day. The atmospheric dose is 1.5 μSv/h around the nursery school. (60km from Fukushima plant)
She is concerned about the decrease of physical strength of the students. “Children can’t even climb a jungle gym or a slide after an interval though they used to climb them before 311. Now it’s when they physically grow up, I guess it is because the children couldn’t go out for a long time because of radiation.”


Ms. Hagiwara also visited another nursery school “Sakura nursery school” located at the bottom of Hanamiyama in Watari area, Fukushima city. (cf. Reality in Fukushima [Video])
It was banned to enter this area last year,radiation level is still very high.
79 of 0 ~ 5 years old children still go to Sakura nursery school. (The quota is 90.)
A mother of the student told Ms. Hagiwara that the children don’t want to go outside or play outside.
She thinks it’s because children feel how concerned their parents are.

Tepco and government are forward to restart nuclear plants but they haven’t even paid 12,800 USD of decontamination cost to this nursery school.


  1. FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – Maladie de Bura bura ? Les enfants de Fukushima ne peuvent plus grimer children can’t climb a jungle gym.
    Par Mochizuki, le 31 juillet 2012.

    Une grosse fatigue ressemblant à la maladie de Bura bura est constatée chez les enfants de Fukushima. La relation avec la radioactivité n’est pas encore établie.

    Le 9 juillet 2012, Mme. Hagiwara, une journaliste économiste, a interviewé Mme. Shikamata, principal de la “Tsukushimbo nursery school” de Koriyama à Fukushima. Cette école maternelle interdit aux enfants d’aller jouer dehors plus de 15 minutes par jour. La radioactivité de l’air est de 1,5 μSv/h autour de l’école maternelle. (à 60 km des réacteurs de Fukushima)
    Elle s’inquiète de la baisse de la force physique de ses élèves. “Lles enfants ne peuvent très vite même plus grimper au filet ou au toboggan alors qu’ils y allaient tout le temps avant le 11-3. Maintenant c’est leur croissance, j’espère que c’est parce qu’ils n’ont pas pu sortir pendant longtemps à cause de la radioactivité”.

    Mme. Hagiwara a aussi visité une autre maternelle, la “Sakura nursery school” située au bout de Hanamiyama dans le quartier de Watari de la ville de Fukushima. (cf. Reality in Fukushima [Video]: http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/04/reality-in-fukushima-video/)
    Il était interdit d’entrer dans cette zone l’an dernier, le niveau de radioactivité y est toujours très élevé.

    79 des enfants de 0 à 5 ans vont toujours à la maternelle de Sakura. (Son quota est de 90.)

    La mère d’un élève a dit à Mme. Hagiwara que les enfants ne veulent pas sortir ou aller jouer dehors. Elle pense que c’est parce que les enfants sentent l’inquiétude de leurs parents.

    Tepco et le gouvernement cherchent à redémarrer les centrales nucléaires mais ils n’ont même pas payé les 12 800,00 $US de la décontamination de cette maternelle.

    Source : http://zasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20120730-00000301-jisin-soci

  2. Fatigue is a symptom of exposure to radiation., so, “Bura bura disease ? Fukushima children can’t climb a jungle gym” lol,
    not sure what the sad part is,
    so many will believe theres an outbreak of bura bura in japan, lol,
    or that so many really think you will believe that.

    nevermind, all kidding aside, the sad part,
    It’s restricted for children to play outside for up to 15 minutes a day.

    Is going completly stupid another symptom of radiation exposure


  3. Ms. Shikamata,
    the principal of “Tsukushimbo nursery school” in Koriyama Fukushima.

    She is concerned

    about the decrease of physical strength of the students.

    I guess it is because the children couldn’t go out for a long time

    because of radiation.”

    A mother of the student told Ms. Hagiwara that the children
    don’t want to go outside

    She thinks it’s because children
    how concerned their parents are.

    Smart Children
    the mother still takes her child there

    If the local officals, teachers, ect want to play school in that area
    they should do so with the parents, they could use an education

    No job is worth putting children through that, if your truly concerened
    the last thing that area needs is a school.

    Sorry, but no excuse, no where else to go
    there is somewhere else to go,
    as far away from there as you can walk.

    Even if it means your homeless, it will be hard
    Have enough hope that someone would help you and your children

    come on, only allowed outside 15 mins is not a good thing

    Staying there shows the children there is no hope, that no one cares

    true most are in there own world
    but some people, still help others

    I think before the next protest
    whatever happened to them?

    Set up a network to relocate these people
    people will donate i hope

    dont wait for the govt

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This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


July 2012