私の上司の子供の小学校は天王洲近く。瓦礫燃やし始めて一週間後くらいにPTAのお父さんが全員入院してた。脳梗塞もいた。関係あった…よなぁ… RT @onodekita: 品川ガレキ焼却時のグラフ。 監視しなければ、いくらでもやる。twitter.com/#!/cmk2wl/stat…
— Saori (@taoyuri21) March 31, 2012
The child of my boss goes to the elementary school near Tennoz Shinagawa Tokyo. About 1 week later since they incinerated the debris, all the fathers of PTA were hospitalized. Cerebral infarction is included too. Maybe,,there was a connection.
東京から!?”@takaranosumire: 今年度の予定。5月の遠足が柏になってる。”
— 柏の東北人 (@odaidokoro) April 6, 2012
The school planned to send childten to Kashiwa for school trip.. (Kashiwa is known to be hotspot)
— bcxxx (@bcxxx) April 6, 2012
(After the demonstration of 4/6/2012) I talked to police. I said, “See you if we meet once again.” He was, “I wish they wouldn’t even have to demonstrate.” Recently I’m surprised at the comment of police. I was surprised today too.
— Sonntag-Fujikawa (@sonntag_F) April 6, 2012
About 2 months since city government decontaminated. It was 1μSv/h just after the decontamination but it’s already 3 times higher than that. For how long will they leave it there..
Iori Mochizuki