@luxi_221 ここ毎日、一週間程頭痛の日々で、昨日は吐き気も生じ、最悪でした。ここのところ、自己免疫力を上げるべく薬を我慢してきましたが、耐え切れず、飲みました。一日寝込んでしまいました。寝込んでも子供達のご飯が心配。
— やまめ (脱・原発1票+2) (@Uuuyumi) April 22, 2012
I had a headache for this week, felt ill yesterday. It was horrible. Recently I tried not to take medicine to improve my immune system, but I couldn’t help taking it this time. I was sleeping all day. but even when I sleep in, I worry about children’s food.
びびび@doggarden1chan ビビった!!@Chad62Tokyo 驚愕。 RT @東京新聞。千葉県船橋市で、カエルの卵が今年は一匹もかえらず腐った。家の近くのたんぼの川や公園の池に放した80歳の女性より。ミミズも元気なし。 bit.ly/JAxREx
— tamugon(嫌東電)脱原発に70億票 (@Portirland) April 22, 2012
A 80 years old woman gave a column on Tokyo Newspaper. She released frog eggs to rice field streams and a pond in the park near her house but all of them got rotten this year. Earthworm is dying too.
@hanayuu 千葉は・・・半年以上前に知人のお孫さんが千葉から神戸に避難してきましたがその理由。体調を崩し真っ黒な便が出たから。現在は健康も回復したとのこと。
— 猫山文楽軒(脱原発に一票東京&大阪1区) (@nekoyabunraku) April 21, 2012
The grandchild of my acquaintance evacuated from Kobe to Chiba more than 6 months ago.. He had his feces turn to be totally black. Now he got recovered.
@HayakawaYukio @shizushin最近お茶が基準値以内なのは、汚染が止まったのではなく検査方法が変わった為で、茶葉で200Bq/kg以上でも茶葉10g以上を30倍量の重量の熱水(90℃)で60秒間浸出しろ過し10Bq/kg以下だと基準値以内となっている為かと…。
— yosinoya君 (@nagaokaanalyst) April 21, 2012
Recently they don’t measure radiation over safety limit from tea leaves, but that’s not because contamination stopped, that’s merely because they changed the way of measurement. Even if they measure over 200Bq/Kg from tea leaves, they put tea leaves (10g~) in 30 times much water (300g~) as the leaves, which is 90℃, leave it for 1 minute, and they measure the clear liquid without the leaves. If it’s less than 10Bq/Kg, they treat it as being safe.
仙台にいて、息子と娘は鼻血出したけど私と旦那はだしてない どこにどんな症状が出るか本当に様々だと思うんだ だから自分が大丈夫だからって全員平気だというのは止めていただきたい 責任取れないのだから
— ゆっき~ (@taji4) April 20, 2012
We were in Sendai. My son and daughter had nosebleed but me and my husband didn’t. Symptoms differ from individuals. They should not think it’s safe just because they don’t have a symptom yet. They can not take responsibility anyway.
矢ケ崎教授 (WBC)5分や10分だけで測定を済ませてしまう。そんな事をするとですね、出てくる物も出てこなくなってしまう、そういう測定がされてですね、「住民に健康被害は、放射線が体の中に入っている証拠はありませんでした」というような統計処理をされる恐れが十分あります。
— cmk2wl (@cmk2wl) April 20, 2012
( Prof. Yagasaki from Ryukyu university ) They tend to finish Whole body counter only within 5 or 10 minutes. It doesn’t detect anything even though the person is irradiated. I’m concerned that they may make statistics to state radionuclides were not detected in human body.
計測速報③JAL(日本航空)のエコノミー席機内食事(東・東南アジア便) 12ベクレル(一腐っている状態だが、全てごちゃまぜにして計測)、ANA香港便(東京ケターリング)機内食(こっちも腐敗)、28ベクレル #okfood #ngfood #hibaku #被曝 #内部被曝
— 新井聡 (@tacchyal) April 19, 2012
Measurement result of In-flight meals..JAL Economy, South east asia line, 12 Bq/Kg.
ANA, from Tokyo to Hongkong, 28Bq/Kg.
— 中下大樹 (@nakashitadaiki) April 19, 2012
(A buddhism monk) I was asked if she can marry and have a baby, by a little girl from Fukushima. Unfortunately, I had no clue how to answer. Cesium is already measured from her urine. If you were asked by her, how would you answer ?
@orgoglio13 @hanayuu @kilik47 火曜暇からうちの子供は39度代の熱がさがりません。毎日のように病院にいってますが、咳や、嘔吐、下痢 発熱の子供が多いです。瓦礫なんでしょうか…
— たんめん (@haltanmen) April 19, 2012
Since this Tuesday, my child has been having 39℃ of fever. We go to the hospital almost everyday, but other children have coughing, vomit, diarrhea or fever as well. I wonder if it’s because of the debris..
— Lightworker (@Lightworker19) April 19, 2012
Reality in Tokyo : I noticed the throat of my daughter is swollen, had her thyroid inspected last month. The result showed her thyroid had a problem, so does kidney. The expert assumed it is a typical acute internal exposure symptom.
Iori Mochizuki