Hosono, minister of environment attended at the town councilor of Naraha machi Fukushima to request them to accept interim storage facility, on 4/7/2012.
At the same time, Hosono stated final disposal site must be chosen from everywhere in Japan to emphasize that they are going to choose a place for final disposal site from outside of Fukushima.
Hosono explains that soil and debris from decontamination should be distributed in 3 different interim storage facilities, in Futaba, Okuma, and Naraha otherwise it causes significant trafic jam to take in and it may affect reactor decommissioning.
In March, Japanese government requested these 3 towns to have interim storage facility but town councilor of Naraha voted for the opinion to be against accepting interim storage facility.
汚染土壌の最終処分「日本全体で」 細野環境相、楢葉町議会に強調
2012.4.7 12:05
Iori Mochizuki