Following up this article about the sudden deaths of a teacher and a student in Yokohama…
The Japanese journalist Kinoshita Kota reported 3 more people died suddenly in the same area of Yokohama.
1, An elementary school teacher (30s~40s) died suddenly, where is also in Asahiku Yokohama.
It was around 12/25/2011. The reason of death is not announced for privacy.
The radiation level was 0.13~0.17, around the street gutter, it was 0.30~0.40. Until he died, he was very active on the play ground for sport festival etc..
2, A junior high school teacher in Asahiku Yokohama. The school is only 100m away from the school of (1). He died after last Autumn.
3, A female student (20) of Nippon Sport Science University died suddenly in Aobaku Yokohama, where is next to the location of (1) and (2).
She also died in sleeping. The reason of death is not known even though they operated autopsy.
Cesium is known to cause cardiac infarct or brain infarct.
People fell down last summer too but they were labelled as heat stroke.
Now it’s in the middle of the winter. The cases of sudden death for unknown reason may start increasing.
Iori Mochizuki