Actual Fukushima worker “Mr.Happy” confesses what is in his mind, more honestly than ever.
Happy20790 ハッピー
Today the gas (mainly hydrogen gas) control system at reactor 1 has finally got into the test drive mode. The makers are different from reactor 2, so it took us time to build it for reactor 1.
The next step is to build another gas controlling system for reactor 3, but we need to fix the crane first. Maybe we can’t get it down by the end of this year..
This week we’ve seen so many wild cows (Cows at farms were released after 311 and they live in the wild now.) on route 6, where is for the Fukushima plants. I guess cows are moving to somewhere warm toward winter .. The day before yesterday, a car from Fukushima Daini crashed into a cow and had the car burnt completely.
It’s hard to see black cows at night. I saw group of cows moving today and yesterday. feel like they are moving to south gradually. I wonder what the police does if they reach to the boarder of 20 km area.
Today they were supposed to announce a “big project”, but they didn’t. I asked someone “why”, he said there were some troubles to solve so it’s taking time. They are re-making the plan again.
They say it’s going to start at 12/21/2011.
Self defense force entered Fukushima plants area since yesterday. They came to decontaminate. They are planning to make bases at Naraha, Tomioka, and Namie. I saw numbers of their cars. Self defense force cars remind me of when 311 happened.
Government seems to plan to declare “Step2 is accomplished” on 12/16/2011 but actually nothing changes at the plants.
Government wants to declare the complete of step 2 during this year to pull back the residents to the planned evacuation zone and minimize the alerting area.
However, Naraha and Hirono, where the government lifted the evacuating area, haven’t had more then half of the population come back. Schools are still closed too. Government can’t pull people back to the zone even if they declare the safety.
Fukushima local government declared safety about “rice” but every time they did more radioactive rice was found. They mustn’t declare safety so easily.
Even though they “declare” the cold shut down, no risk of hydrogen explosion, massive decrease of radiation, nobody can actually measure the temperature of dropped nuclear fuel, and hydrogen level is not stable. Radiation is still emit by 60 million Bq/h, sea contamination is ongoing..
続き8:全てにおいて完全にコントロールされてない状況なんだ。 国は原発収束に向けて全力を尽くすって言ってたけど、これが全力なのかなぁ…?東電は1兆円の支援要請したけど、国も金を出すなら東電任せにしないで口も建設的な意見や案も出せばいいのに。
The situation is totally out of control. Government has been stating they were going to make the best to settle it down, but it doesn’t seem to be their “best”. Tepco requested 1 trillion yen of financial support from government. Now that government is a sponsor of Tepco, they should take more lead of them.
Tepco still hasn’t paid their sub-contract companies or makers for the past / current construction cost. Most of the stakeholders will have to withdraw soon. If major earthquake or tsunami hit the plants, it will be the real catastrophe. That is why we need to be in hurry.
The coastal levee is not endurable enough, the pipes of water purifying system will be cluttered everywhere. The buildings may fall apart. Even if they keep the emergency power, it will be nothing if they lose the buildings.
Because the core problem has not been solved, decontamination will be a total waste of energy. We need to think more about how to solve the problems.