Tritium density in deep underground broke the highest record ever, 4,700,000 Bq/m3


Following up this article..

Extremely high density of Tritium was detected from groundwater of deep layer.

Tepco has started building the frozen water underground wall. In order to investigate the groundwater contamination outside of the wall, Tepco took sample from 25m underground.

As a result, 3,100,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium was measured from the sample taken near reactor2. The sampling date was 5/28/2014. From Fukushima Diary’s research, this is the highest reading since they started measuring.

They measured Strontium-90 from the same deep layer beside reactor4 last November.

There is a possibility that contaminated water is traveling under the sea bottom of Fukushima port to come up offshore.

(Highest density of Tritium detected from 25m underground / 3,100,000 Bq/m3 [URL])


From Tepco’s follow-up report on 6/13/2014, the Tritium density increased again and it reached 4,700,000 Bq/m3 in the same from the same sampling well (Location is on the map above).

Tepco hasn’t made any explanation on this increase in Tritium density. From Fukushima Diary’s research, this is the highest reading since Tepco started measuring groundwater 25m underground. There is a possibility that the frozen water wall is spreading contamination underground.



You read this now because we’ve been surviving until today.


Français :

La radioactivité en tritium du sous-sol profond dépasse le record absolu : 4,7 millions de Bq/m³



Suivi de cet article..

Une radioactivité extrêmement importante de tritium a été relevée dans les eaux souterraines de la couche profonde.
Tepco a commencé la construction du mur congelé souterrain. Pour examiner la contamination des eaux souterraines en dehors de l’enceinte de ce mur, Tepco a pris un échantillon à 25 m de profondeur.
Au final, ils ont relevé 3 100 000 Bq/m³ de tritium dans un échantillon pris près du réacteur 2. L’échantillon est du 28 mai 2014. Selon les recherches du Fukushima Diary, c’est le record depuis qu’ils ont commencé leurs mesures.

En novembre dernier ils avaient relevé du strontium 90 dans cette même couche profonde à côté du réacteur 4.
Il est probable que ces eaux extrêmement radioactives s’écoulent sous le fond marin du port de la centrale de Fukushima pour ressurgir au large.
( in Record de tritium relevé à 25 m en sous-sol : 3,1 million de Bq/m³)

Selon le rapport de suivi de Tepco du 13 juin 2014, la radioactivité en tritium a encore augmenté et elle a atteint 4 700 000 Bq/m³ dans le même trou de forage (position sur le plan ci-dessus).

Tepco n’a donné aucune explication à cette augmentation de la radioactivité en tritium. D’après les recherches du Fukushima Diary, c’est le record absolu relevé depuis que Tepco a commencé à surveiller les eaux souterraines à 25 m de profondeur. Il est possible que le mur souterrain d’eau congelée fasse diffuser la radioactivité dans le sous-sol.

Vous pouvez lire ceci parce que nous avons survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

  1. How far below this measurement point is the elusive ‘low-permeable layer’? Is there a significant density of groundwater 30m down? 35m down? If so, how contaminated is this water and what is its rate of seepage? The answers are directly relevant to the question of whether the proposed ice wall has any chance of being effective.

  2. Let’s re-translate this into a clearer dialect:

    They measured Strontium-90 from the same deep layer beside reactor4 last November. There is an ABSOLUTE, gawdamn CERTAINTY, that contaminated water is traveling under the sea bottom of Fukushima port to come up offshore. The highest density of Tritium detected from 25m underground / 3,100,000 Bq/m3.


  3. Maybe it doesn’t come up, just collects down there, and thats why the reading is so high?
    ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY my ass. You’re full of shit and have no clue what you’re talking about.

  4. Health Safety Tip

    The Fukushima tanks of tritiated water emit high X-Ray levels. This is due to the interaction of high-speed β particle collisions with water molecules and the steel tank walls.

    Human beings should try to minimize their internally generated X-Rays.

    Tips to the wise

    1. When a tritium atom decays, a beta particle and an He3 atom is born.

      The beta particle with 5.7 keV of energy shoots away from the it’s location of birth, transferring it’s energy to the tissue along it’s path in the form of ionization until it runs out of energy and comes to a stop.

      Occasionally the beta particle will undergo bremsstrahlung where some of it’s energy will be transferred to an X-ray. The X-ray will travel away from it’s point of origin doing absolutely nothing to the tissue it passes until it interacts with one of the electrons in your body, reaching the end of it’s existence and transferring all of it’s energy to that electron creating a beta particle. That beta particle will then travel away from it’s point of origin, transferring it’s energy to the tissue along it’s path in the form of ionization until it runs out of energy and comes to a stop.

      Total energy deposited if the original beta does not Bremsstrahlung: 5.7 keV
      Total energy deposited if the original beta creates a Bremsstrahlung X-ray of energy X?
      Energy of original beta: 5.7-X keV
      Energy deposited by X-ray: X keV
      Total energy deposited: 5.7 – X keV + X keV = 5.7 keV

      Effect of Bremsstrahlung X-ray on deposited dose? None.

      1. Do x-rays and gamma rays cause cancer?

        Yes. X-rays and gamma rays are known human carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). The evidence for this comes from many different sources, including studies of atomic bomb survivors in Japan, people exposed during the Chernobyl nuclear accident, people treated with high doses of radiation for cancer and other conditions, and people exposed to high levels of radiation at work, such as uranium miners.

        http www cancer org/ (cancer/cancercauses/radiationexposureandcancer/xraysgammaraysandcancerrisk/x-rays-gamma-rays-and-cancer-risk-do-xrays-and-gamma-rays-cause-cancer)

        Is DieMost stupid? … Yes, very much so.

        1. “Do x-rays and gamma rays cause cancer?”

          Why yes, they do. Not directly, because they don’t deposit energy as they travel through matter. They cause ionization when they interact with one of the electrons they are passing, transferring their energy to the electron creating a beta particle. The beta particle produced by the photon causes the ionization.

          This is rock-solid well-understood science. You might want to take a course sometime.

            1. Steve Martin in “The Death of Socrates”

              www youtube com (/watch?v=j9bEwxKEf4g)

              1. In the interest of making things easier for replier and reader alike, you don’t need to shorten your link that much.

                https :// is sufficient.

                Thank you.

          1. Incidentally, this is why scientists keep insisting that internal and external doses are perfectly comparable.

            It may be “common sense” that an internal dose must be far worse for you than an external dose. But when you understand how the dose is deposited they are identical.

            In internal exposure, betas are born inside you, travel in a line causing ionization until they run out of juice and come to a stop.
            In external exposure, betas are born inside you, travel in a line causing ionization until they run out of juice and come to a stop.

            The difference between them is only how the beta gets born. In internal exposure the beta is born when an unstable atom decays. In external exposure a beta is born when a gamma or X-ray traveling through your body transfers its energy to an electron in your body.

            So a microSv from a medical X-ray and a microSv from cosmic rays on an airplane and a microSv from eating Cesium contaminated food is all going to have the same effect.

            1. Horseshit

              This is why pseudo-scientists, shills and Press-Flacks continue to issue propaganda campaigns.

              Tritiated water molecules, which are incorporated into vital chromosomes, genes and other vital cellular components are disrupted, by MANY Beta and X-Ray mechanisms. The radiation beams shooting and bumping into cellular water and extracellular water have little effect.

              Your odds vary with the tissues involved. Averaging over the entire body is overly simplistic and wrong. The internal Tritium dangers are reportedly undervalued by about half.

              ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)

              1. Yeah, like we’re going to listen to science advice from Mr. 20000-dead-americans-from-the-vast-radionuclide-storm-of-2011 Duff.

                1. www fairbanksalaska us/wp (-content/uploads/2014/03/Agenda%20Packet%2003-10-2014%20-%20Redacted) pdf


                  WHEREAS, the March 2011 meltdowns of three nuclear power plants on the northeast coast of Japan constitute a danger to Japan, the North Pacific basin, Alaska and the west coast of North America; and millions of people rely on the ecosystem at risk for food, as a home, and for employment opportunities; and available information from scientific sources, the government of Japan, and the corporate operator of the facility, reveal unprecedented large and ongoing releases of extremely dangerous radioisotopes to the atmosphere and the ocean; and there are no safe levels of radiation emitted from manmade isotopes, and human and animal ingestion and/or contact with them constitutes grave risk for many forms of cancer and multiple dysfunctions in biological systems; and

                  WHEREAS, peer-reviewed work published by Mangano and Sherman link Fukushima radiation to the deaths of up to 20,000 Americans in the 14-week period following the explosions; and a review of FOIA-released documents from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows the US government was aware of the crisis nature of the disaster and failed to issue alerts to residents of Guam, Hawaii, Alaska and the continental United States; and

                  NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Fairbanks, Alaska, urges the federal government, State of Alaska, and the United Nations to begin a thorough and ongoing monitoring program of Alaska’s coastal water resources, its major fresh water streams and lakes, particularly surface waters that supply potable water to citizens. The monitoring program should be adequately funded to accomplish scientific analysis at the University of Alaska, wherein it will identify and quantify levels of radioisotopes in commercial seafood and subsistence foods. Data should be published on a web site dedicated to that purpose.

                  Section 2. PASSED and APPROVED this 10th day of March 2014. AGENDA PACKET – March 10, 2014 Page 37 of 91, Resolution No. 4617

                2. 20,000 Dead Americans

                  www fairbanksalaska us/wp (-content/uploads/2014/03/Agenda%20Packet%2003-10-2014%20-%20Redacted) pdf

                  … and WHEREAS, peer-reviewed work published by Mangano and Sherman link Fukushima radiation to the deaths of up to 20,000 Americans in the 14-week period following the explosions; and a review of FOIA-released documents from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows the US government was aware of the crisis nature of the disaster and failed to issue alerts to residents of Guam, Hawaii, Alaska and the continental United States; and

                  NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Fairbanks, Alaska, urges the federal government, State of Alaska, and the United Nations to begin a thorough and ongoing monitoring program of Alaska’s coastal water resources, its major fresh water streams and lakes, particularly surface waters that supply potable water to citizens. The monitoring program should be adequately funded to accomplish scientific analysis at the University of Alaska, wherein it will identify and quantify levels of radioisotopes in commercial seafood and subsistence foods. Data should be published on a web site dedicated to that purpose.

                  Section 2. PASSED and APPROVED this 10th day of March 2014. AGENDA PACKET – March 10, 2014 Page 37 of 91, Resolution No. 4617

                  1. Also see: http ://

                    Quote: “WASHINGTON, D.C. – December 19, 2011 — An estimated 14,000 excess deaths in the United States are linked to the radioactive fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, according to a major new article in the December 2011 edition of the International Journal of Health Services. This is the first peer-reviewed study published in a medical journal documenting the health hazards of Fukushima.

                    Authors Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman note that their estimate of 14,000 excess U.S. deaths in the 14 weeks after the Fukushima meltdowns is comparable to the 16,500 excess deaths in the 17 weeks after the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. The rise in reported deaths after Fukushima was largest among U.S. infants under age one. The 2010-2011 increase for infant deaths in the spring was 1.8 percent, compared to a decrease of 8.37 percent in the preceding 14 weeks.”

                    They upped it to 20,000 later?

        2. Quote: “an X-ray of your breasts (mammogram), hip, spine, abdomen or pelvis is the equivalent of a few months’ to a year’s worth of background radiation, and has a 1 in 10,000-100,000 chance of causing cancer”

          . http ://

          Those are cumulative risks, BTW.
          Yes, X-rays of certain frequencies, strengths & durations do cause cancer.

          Moreover, heavier atoms can capture an x-ray quanta more easily than lighter elements.

          With an addition of a source(s) of heavy-metal toxins, this is as far as i know an unknown modifier to the cancer risks associated with medical x-ray imaging.

          1. Dose.

            Everything comes down to dose.

            Energy deposited per kilogram of material.

            1 Sievert = 1 Joule per Kilogram for X-rays.

          2. No agency tracks patient cumulative radiation dosage info here in Canada, other than at the Family Doctor’s discretion or the patient’s.

            It is actually up to the patient, it seems, to determine how much is too much as far as medical radiologic imaging is concerned in any given year.

            Have turned down at least two medically unnecessary chest x-rays & one arm x-ray this past year alone.

            1. Yup.

              Your average person will cheerfully take a dose from a medical procedure and then panic about doses thousands of times smaller from fukushima fallout.

              1. ALARA,

                Medical X-Rays typically have a risk/benefit ratio to consider.

                Nuclear Fallout Internal Contamination has no benefit.

                ALARA — (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), which is kinda high these days on Honshu Island, Japan.

                1. Everything has a risk benefit ratio.

                  Electricity from nuclear power plants is considered pretty useful. People will actually pay money to have it.

                  Automobiles kill 1.2 million people per year and no one cares. We could reduce that to zero if we wanted to, we just don’t want to pay the price to do so.

                  1. Germany apparently sees nuclear power plant generated electricity to be less than useful.

                    She’s even paying good money to get rid of it.

                    Do you also have statistics concerning Doctors as a “cause of death”?

                    “Doctors bury their mistakes.
                    Architects can plant ivy.” – unknown

      2. ” an He3 atom is born ” … ionized from the start, being bereft of at least one electron to complete the base “spherical” shell of two.

        That is ionizing too. It will capture an electron when opportunity presents, perhaps assisted by Brownian motion.

  5. CANDU CanDO DuDo

    The Canada heavy water reactors produce huge amounts of Tritium in their normal operation mode. If memory serves, CANDU reactors produce roughly 300X the output of BWR. Thus Canada, like TEPCO, has a VESTED interest in declaring Tritium trivial and/or harmless.

    Emissions from inhaled or ingested beta (β) particle emitters are the greatest concern. Beta particles released directly to living tissue can cause damage at the molecular level, which can disrupt cell function. Because they are much smaller and have less charge than alpha particles, beta particles generally travel further into tissues. As a result, the cellular damage is more dispersed. Beta emitters include: tritium, cobalt-60, strontium-90, technetium-99, iodine-131, cesium-134 & cesium-137.

  6. Quote of Mr. Duff: “Thus Canada, like TEPCO, has a VESTED interest in declaring Tritium trivial and/or harmless.”


    One wonders which beta emmitters from that list have the shortest decay path lengths.

    1. “One wonders which beta emmitters from that list have the shortest decay path lengths.”

      Hmmm…. One wonders what those words even mean.

      1. Your veiled ad-homenim reference does not do you nor the reader any justice. You can do better.

        If my usage of terminology is wrong, then correct it!
        If you decline to do so, i hope that another (even you Niall) will so we all grow to know.

        Quote: “The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking…the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker.”
        http ://

        How is your (or the reader’s) thinking different now than it was four years previously?

        1. Dud. I can’t correct it because I literally don’t know what you’re trying to say.

          1. Oh. I was wondering about the maximum lengths for the actual path of any possible beta particles concerning each (or some) of those previously listed isotopes.
            Some have shorter possible “sphere’s of influence”.

            How does the maximum possible “sphere of decay” of beta compare between 40-K & 3-H, for instance?

            1. Beta path length is a function of the beta’s energy and the material it’s passing through. More energy, farther path length. For the ICRP definition of soft tissue:

              at 10 keV it’s 0.0002 cm
              at 100 keV it’s 0.014 cm
              at 1 MeV it’s 0.438 cm

              beta energy in tritium decay can vary from 0 to 18.59 keV with an average energy of 5.7 keV.
              beta energy in potassium 40 decay can vary from 0 to 1.33 MeV with an average energy of 0.56 MeV.

              1. Thank you for enlightening. No wonder tritium is relatively difficult to detect.

                Ah, so tritium can deposit more of it’s beta decay within it’s “sphere of decay” than potassium 40. Also potassium 40 has a billion year half-life compared to tritium’s 12.3 years. And, though the magnitude of energy associated with tritium beta decay may be small, is it not still ionizing energy?

                Perhaps it would be likened to a “close range weapon” such as Bear Spray, rather than a bullet?

                1. Absolutely it’s ionizing radiation. It only takes a few eV to ionize an atom so it will be able to ionize thousands of atoms before it runs out of juice.

                  Sphere of decay is not really the right way to think about it. The ionization occurs along the flight path of the beta and is a line for any individual atom’s decay. There’s only one beta per atom and then it’s done. Since the nuclides are dispersed throughout the tissue you have betas being produced at random points and in random directions.

                  The definition of Bq takes into account the half-lives.

                  1 Bq of K-40 is 1.25e9 years / 12.3 years = 101 million times as many atoms as 1 Bq of tritium

  7. 20,000 Dead Americans: www fairbanksalaska us/wp (-content/uploads/2014/03/Agenda%20Packet%2003-10-2014%20-%20Redacted) pdf


    WHEREAS, the March 2011 meltdowns of three nuclear power plants on the northeast coast of Japan constitute a danger to Japan, the North Pacific basin, Alaska and the west coast of North America; and millions of people rely on the ecosystem at risk for food, as a home, and for employment opportunities; and available information from scientific sources, the government of Japan, and the corporate operator of the facility, reveal unprecedented large and ongoing releases of extremely dangerous radioisotopes to the atmosphere and the ocean; and there are no safe levels of radiation emitted from manmade isotopes, and human and animal ingestion and/or contact with them constitutes grave risk for many forms of cancer and multiple dysfunctions in biological systems; and

    WHEREAS, peer-reviewed work published by Mangano and Sherman link Fukushima radiation to the deaths of up to 20,000 Americans in the 14-week period following the explosions; and a review of FOIA-released documents from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows the US government was aware of the crisis nature of the disaster and failed to issue alerts to residents of Guam, Hawaii, Alaska and the continental United States; and

    NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Fairbanks, Alaska, urges the federal government, State of Alaska, and the United Nations to begin a thorough and ongoing monitoring program of Alaska’s coastal water resources, its major fresh water streams and lakes, particularly surface waters that supply potable water to citizens. The monitoring program should be adequately funded to accomplish scientific analysis at the University of Alaska, wherein it will identify and quantify levels of radioisotopes in commercial seafood and subsistence foods. Data should be published on a web site dedicated to that purpose.

    Section 2. PASSED and APPROVED this 10th day of March 2014. AGENDA PACKET – March 10, 2014 Page 37 of 91, Resolution No. 4617

      1. Some gawdamn troll railing because CITIZENS have merely petitioned the government.

        This is merely a discussion of valid concerns raised by Alaskans. The same concerns have been raised in the three (3) Left Coast states in the Lower 48 region of the nation. Also Hawai’i and Guam have requested the same responses.

        Petition for redress of injury

    1. Ah, that bastion of scientific acumen … the Fairbanks city council.

      Using those data diddlers extrodinaire, Mangano and Sherman.

      1. Science requested

        The referenced city council is requesting public testing and disclosure of radiation contamination information in and about Alaska.

        Not a significant difference from what the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute has requested.

        A growing chorus, protesting the ‘Team Nuke Puke’ information block-aid.

        More data and less data-diddling.

            1. Here’s a much better use of $600.00, for example.

              Quote: “Using a $600 Geiger counter purchased by her father, Delacruz measured seafood bought at local grocery stores for radioactive contamination. What she discovered was absolutely stunning.”

              . http ://

              “Kelp-Boy” does make some important points about how there is no official testing, & that every level of governance has passed the buck on radiological monitoring (except Fairbanks & a municipality in California, IIRC).

              1. Quote: “Using a $600 Geiger counter purchased by her father, Delacruz measured seafood bought at local grocery stores for radioactive contamination. What she discovered was absolutely stunning.”

                She found that the world is radioactive and misinterpreted it as fallout from fukushima. Just like every other amateur who has ever bought themselves a geiger counter.

                  1. Really. And which regulatory limit was exceeded? Linky?

                    The reality is that you can’t use a geiger counter to distinguish different types of isotopes and the regulatory limits for isotopes are usually much smaller than what you get from the naturally occurring isotopes that are in all foods.

                    1. And this is what it looks like when someone who knows what they are doing and has the proper equipment analyzes samples for contamination.

                      http ://

          1. Quote: “Much of the seafood, particularly the products that were made in China, tested very high for radiation.”

            Whoops, that is $100 for the bucket ensemble, and apparently $600 per sample.

            Quote: “Searching online, she came across, the website started by scientist Ken Buesseler to crowd-fund radiation sampling sites along the west coast. She noticed that the David Suzuki Foundation had already sponsored two sites in B.C.”

            . http ://

            “So far, her site has raised $120. Her goal is to raise $7,200 to pay for four samples a year for three years.”

            1. “Woods Hole isn’t requesting anything”[, it’s “Kelp-Boy”‘s pet project. ]”They’re doing it” for US$600 a sample.

              Fixed it for you diemos.

  8. Maybe TEPCO can call it the “heavy-ice wall”, since it will largely be frozen tritium? BTW check out for a Chernobyl-proven algae based nutritional radiation solution that I stumbled onto.

  9. Title: “TEPCO finds water in tunnels not yet frozen”

    Quote: “Workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant say their effort to freeze radioactive water in underground tunnels hasn’t gone as planned.

    In April, they began pouring chemical solutions into tunnels at the No.2 reactor. They hoped to freeze the water to stop it flowing out to the sea.

    But tests show the water remains above freezing temperature.”
    . http ://

    Thanks to “Sadie Dog” for the link.

  10. Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s department of marine chemistry and geochemistry, in Massachusetts, who has worked with Mr. Aoyama, said he has spent much of his professional energy fighting the rumor mill. The cause is not helped, he added, by institutional attempts to gag Japanese professors.

    “Researchers are told not to talk to the press, or they don’t feel comfortable about talking to the press without permission,” Mr. Buesseler said. A veteran of three post-earthquake research trips to Japan, he wants the authorities to put more money into investigating the impact on the food chain of Fukushima’s release of cesium and strontium. “Why isn’t the Japanese government paying for this, since they have most to gain?”

    http www nytimes com/ (2014/03/17/world/asia/squelching-efforts-to-measure-fukushima-meltdown) html?_r=1

    Asia Pacific|International Education

    Squelching Efforts to Measure Fukushima Meltdown


  11. While Ken Buesseler is ‘a tool’; and often quite misleading; even he IS INDEED calling for more government radiation testing in the Pacific Ocean.

    http www usatoday com/ (story/news/nation/2014/03/09/scientists-test-west-coast-for-fukushima-radiation/6213849/)

    But Buesseler and other scientists are calling for more monitoring. No federal agency currently samples Pacific Coast seawater for radiation, he said.

    “I’m not trying to be alarmist,” Buesseler said. “We can make predictions, we can do models. But unless you have results, how will we know it’s safe?”

    The news comes three years after the devastating Japan tsunami and resulting nuclear accident.

    The deliberate and repeated LIES of LYING LIARS, notwithstanding.

  12. The above discussed matters, can also be located in Al Jazeera; which reference is provided purely for spite; and as an indictment of the LSM.

    http www aljazeera com/ (humanrights/2014/01/us-residents-monitor-fukushima-radiation-201411911450378232) html

    US residents monitor Fukushima radiation
    Activists who distrust the US government taking the responsibility of radiation monitoring into their own hands.
    Halima Kazem Last updated: 19 Jan 2014 11:30

    Seriously, ‘outdone’ by AlJez, how LAME is that?

  13. My what a shocker (NOT), the slushy wall is a bust

    ‘Fukushima operator struggles to build ice wall to contain radioactive water’, Environment Fukushima, Agence France-Presse in Tokyo,, Tuesday 17 June 2014 06.01 EDT, http www (

    Tepco said on Tuesday that a smaller, inner ice wall whose pipes it sank earlier to contain the already-contaminated water was proving difficult. “We have yet to form the ice stopper because we can’t make the temperature low enough to freeze water,” a Tepco spokesman said. “We are behind schedule but have already taken additional measures, including putting in more pipes, so that we can remove contaminated water from the trench starting next month.” The coolant being used in the operation is an aqueous solution of calcium chloride, which is cooled to -30C (-22F).

  14. -30 is not cold enough

    ‘TEPCO finds water in tunnels not yet frozen’, Jun. 16, 2014 – Updated 19:26 UTC http www3 ( html?play http www3 ( html

    Workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant say their effort to freeze radioactive water in underground tunnels hasn’t gone as planned. In April, they began pouring chemical solutions into tunnels at the No.2 reactor. They hoped to freeze the water to stop it flowing out to the sea. But tests show the water remains above freezing temperature.

    Operator Tokyo Electric Power Company believes objects in the tunnels are preventing the coolant from spreading evenly. They also said running wastewater is slowing the process. They say they are planning to find ways to control the water currents and add pipes to pour in more coolant. They say they may not be able to complete the frozen barrier by the end of the month, and dry up the tunnel next month, as scheduled. They are trying the same process in a tunnel around the No.3 reactor.

Comments are closed.

About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


June 2014