[Column] After the half-life of human memory

The guy sitting in front of me asked, so what is not reported about Fukushima in America ?
The cameras are filming us.
At 19:30 11/5/2012, I was having a TV interview in San Diego.
My brain returned me “#VALUE!”.
I remembered Daniel Craig in the movie called Layer Cake. The question was too expanding.

Nothing is reported in US, even in Japan. To try to tell everything unreported in US, I’d have to read everything on Fukushima Diary. Most of the human beings don’t have patience to listen to more than 3 words about something they are not really familiar to. but I didn’t want to sound stupid to say, “(1)It (2)is (3)over.”

I’ve been increasing the volume of news on Fukushima Diary since September. I was aware that people are starting to forget about Fukushima. It wasn’t due to 911 related events. It’s the matter of half-life of human memory.
Half-life of human memory is shorter than most of radionuclides.
but health problem will appear in 2013 ~ 2015. The more we forget, the worse our future will be.

Now it’s my time to swim upstream.

They say, Fukushima diary was one important source to get information about Fukushima last year.
but I think Fukushima Diary exists for times like now.

Fukushima Diary started to spread the information out of Japan, but now the mission is to keep the international attention to Japan otherwise when health problems appear, nobody would notice it.
If we lose everyone’s attention, that would be terribly difficult to get their attention again.

Now it’s my time to be patient.

There are a lot of experts in the world, but there is no expert about nuclear accident itself.
There are plant engineer, physicist, doctor, computer engineer, political researcher, accountant, but there’s no one who’s familiar to all of those things equally. This is why I can be standing here too.
When it comes to the nuclear accident, everybody’s amateur.

Taking advantage of this fact, governments and mass media have been winning so far.
They managed to manipulate our focus. NHK reports when a panda bore babies but never report on-going things in Fukushima. and people are willing to be deceived. This is their victory in the short term.

Now it’s time to put up with the pain. I blogged yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. These steps are important.

We went to a Mexican restaurant this evening. There was an asian family next to us. They had a little boy, maybe he’s 2 or 3 years old. With the chubby cheeks, he was eating soft things slowly, and became mischievous. Babies like him are still in Fukushima and in eastern Japan. This is the reality.

At least in my definition, I’m doing something right. but I often have paranoid about what I might be done by power. Probably, that would be so much easier for me to jump into their side being blind. but I can’t lie to myself.

I’m patiently waiting for myself to get used to this life of hiding all the time.
If we see Fukushima Diary around this time next year, that would be one of the victories of us anti-nuke side.




[Editoriale] Dopo metà vita della memoria umana

Il ragazzo seduto di fronte a me mi ha chiesto: “quindi cosa non è riportato di Fukushima in America?”

Le telecamere ci stanno filmando.

Alle 19:30 del 05/11/2012 stavo tenendo un’intervista a San Diego.

La mia testa mi ha risposto “#VALUE!”.

Mi sono ricordato di Daniel Craig nel film chiamato The Pusher. La domanda era troppo vasta.

Niente è riportato negli USA, nemmeno in Giappone. Per provare a dire che non è riportato nulla negli Stati Uniti avrei dovuto leggere tutto Fukushima Diary. La maggior parte degli esseri umani non ha la pazienza di ascoltare più di 3 parole su qualcosa di cui non sono molto esperti. Ma non volevo suonare stupido dicendo “(1)Ormai (2) è (3) finita”.

Ho aumentato il numero di news su Fukushima Diary da Settembre.

Ero consapevole che le persone stavano iniziando a dimenticarsi di Fukushima. Non era dovuto agli eventi relativi all’ 11 Settembre. Il problema è la mezza-vita della memoria umana.

La mezza-vita della memoria umana è più breve della maggior parte dei radionuclidi.

Ma i problemi di salute compariranno nel 2013 ~ 2015. Più dimentichiamo e peggiore sarà il nostro futuro.

Ora è il mio tempo di nuotare controcorrente.

Si dice che Fukushima Diary sia stata una risorsa importante per ottenere informazioni su Fukushima lo scorso anno.

Ma io penso che Fukushima Diary esista per momenti come questo.

Fukushima Diary ha iniziato a diffondere le informazioni al di fuori del Giappone, ma ora la missione è di mantenere l’attenzione internazionale sul Giappone, altrimenti quando appariranno i problemi di salute nessuno lo noterà.

Se perdiamo l’attenzione di tutti sarà difficile riottenerla ancora.
Ora è il mio momento di essere paziente.

Ci sono molti esperti nel mondo, ma non c’è nemmeno un esperto a proposito dell’incidente nucleare in sé.

Ci sono ingegneri d’impianto, fisici, dottori, ingegneri informatici, ricercatori politici, ragionieri, ma non c’è nessuno che sia esperto di tutte quelle cose insieme. Questo è il motivo per cui ci sono anche io, qui.

Quando succede un incidente nucleare, nessuno è più esperto.

Prendendo vantaggio da questo fatto, i governi e i mass media hanno decisamente vinto. Si sono impegnati per manipolare il nostro punto di vista. La NHK riporta quando un panda partorisce i piccoli ma mai come stanno andando le cose a Fukushima. E le persone sono disposte ad essere ingannate. Questa è la loro vittoria a breve termine.

Ora è tempo di sopportare il dolore. Ho bloggato ieri, oggi, domani e dopodomani. Questi passi sono importanti.

Siamo andati ad un ristorante messicano stasera. C’era una famiglia asiatica accanto a noi. Avevano un bambino, forse di 2 o 3 anni. Con le guance paffute stava mangiando lentamente qualcosa di morbido, ed è diventato birichino  I bambini come lui sono ancora a Fukushima e ad est del Giappone. Questa è la realtà.

Almeno secondo me sto facendo qualcosa di giusto. Ma spesso ho la paranoia su quello che potrei subire dal potere. Probabilmente sarebbe molto più facile per me saltare dalla loro parte e diventare cieco, ma non posso mentire a me stesso.

Sto aspettando pazientemente di abituarmi a questa vita in cui mi nascondo tutto il tempo.

Se vedremo Fukushima Diary qui intorno l’anno prossimo, sarà una delle vittorie della fazione anti-nucleare.


Français :

[Édito] Après la demie-vie de la mémoire humaine

Le mec assis en face de moi a demandé “Alors, qu’est-ce qui n’est pas rapporté sur Fukushima en Amérique ?”
Les caméras nous filment.
Le 5 novembre 2012 à 19:30, j’étais en interview TV à San Diego.
Ma tête m’a renvoyé “#VALUE!”.
Je me rappelais Daniel Craig dans le film Layer Cake. La question était trop large.

Rien n’est dit aux USA, et même au Japon. Pour essayer de dire tout ce qui n’est pas rapporté aux USA, je devrais donner lecture de tout ce qu’il y a dans le Fukushima Diary. La plupart des être humains n’ont pas la patience de lire plus de 3 mots sur quelque chose qui ne leur est par vraiment familier mais je ne voulais pas avoir l’air idiot à dire “(1)Ça (2)c’est (3)terminé.”

J’ai augmenté le volume des nouvelles sur le Fukushima Diary depuis septembre. Je savais que les gens commencent à oublier Fukushima. Ce n’est pas lié aux événements du 11 septembre. C’est lié à la demie-vie de la mémoire humaine.

La demie-vie de la mémoire humaine est plus courte que celle de la plupart des radionucléides.
mais les problèmes de santé commenceront à apparaître en 2013 ~ 2015. Plus nous oublions, plus grave sera notre futur.
A présent c’est à mon tour de nager à contre-courant.

Ils disent que le Fukushima Diary était une importante source d’information sur Fukushima l’an dernier.
mais je pense que le Fukushima Diary existe pour des temps comme celui actuel.

Le Fukushima Diary a commencé à diffuser de l’information en dehors du Japon mais maintenant la mission est d’attirer l’attention internationale sur le Japon sinon lorsque les problèmes de santé vont apparaître, personne ne va y prêter attention.
Si nous perdons l’attention de tout le monde, il sera terriblement difficile de l’attirer à nouveau.

Maintenant c’est à mon tour d’être patient.

Il y a un paquet d’experts au monde mais il n’y a pas d’expert sur l’accident nucléaire lui-même.
Il y a des ingénieurs de centrales, des physiciens, des docteurs, des ingénieurs informaticiens, des chercheurs en politique, des comptables mais il n’y en a aucun qui soit également familier avec toutes ces choses ensemble. C’est aussi pour ça que je peux me tenir ici.
Quand on en vient à l’accident nucléaire, tout le monde est amateur.
Tirer avantage de ce fait, les gouvernements et les grands médias l’ont fait pour le moment.
Ils se sont arrangés pour manipuler notre attention. NHK publie lorsqu’un panda fait des petits mais n’a jamais rien dit de ce qui se passe dans Fukushima. et les gens veulent être trompés. C’est leur victoire à court terme.

Maintenant il est temps de présenter la douleur.

J’écris sur mon blog hier, aujourd’hui, demain, après-demain. ces étapes sont importantes.

Nous sommes allés dans un restaurant mexicain ce soir. Il y avait une famille asiatique juste à côté de nous. Il y avait un petit garçon avec eux, de 2 ou 3 ans. les joues potelées, il mangeait doucement des trucs doux et il est devenu espiègle. Il y a toujours des bébés comme lui à Fukushima et dans l’Est nippon. C’est la réalité.

Au moins, dans ma définition, je fais quelque chose de juste mais je tourne souvent parano sur ce que le pouvoir pourrait faire de moi. Sans doute me serait-il plus facile de sauter de leur côté et devenir aveugle mais je ne peux pas me mentir à moi-même.

J’attends patiemment de m’habituer à cette vie clandestine en permanence.
Si nous lisons toujours le Fukushima Diary l’an prochain à la même époque, ce sera une de nos victoires à nous, les anti-nucléaires.


  1. There is some way in which the people who get ill from the contamination are being bought out or threatened.No-one has reported a child with leukemia or any birth defect problems. This is impossible. Those who believe themselves to have been contaminated (correctly so) number at least 10 million (200km radius). The background rate of child leukemia 0-4 is about 6 per 100,000. If there are 1/14th age group 0-4 then the child population of this radius is 714285 and in one year there will be diagnosed normally (no radiation) 42 cases. How can it be that none of these certain cases has not screamed out loud and blamed the contamination? What we see so far is the control of the sick. What would it cost them to pay each of these familes 1 million dollars? Compared to the overall nuclear opower process and the loss of their weapons, the cost of a few Cruise missiles. I imagine that this will continue, and those who get sick will be threatened or bribed in the same way that they are currently clearly being threatened or bribed.This is a pre-emptive version of what happens in the USA where radiation cases are always settled for large sums out of court and the lawyers and experts are sworn to secrecy and have to shred their reports. I have done several of these cases, which, for the plaintiffs have been (effectively) won, but in terms of the education of the world (effectively) lost.
    Keep up the good work. But it is a lonely, tiring and frustrating game. I have been playing it for 20 years.

    1. it’s pointless to pursue any legal action as the govs are controlling the courts. These people need to do something way more aggressive to get a little bit of justice.

  2. I always wonder why the japanese people are so blinded by loyalty… can someone explain this to me please?

    1. I also wonder the same thing. Even though this is not the first case, the latter cultures still repeat the same mistake the former ones did. How come people never break out of that “cultural” circle? Because they got used to giving their own responsibility away to others if it’s in an exchange for a sense of comfort.
      One thing will end for sure: either the abnormality of the mankind or the mankind itself. The choice among the two is the mankind’s solelyonly. Paradoxally, it’s very good incentive to have all these worldwide problems, if that’s the only way to shake up the counsciousness of the humans. However, that’s the last effort (because if we destroy the Earth there’s nothing for us beyond).
      Don’t give up, Mr. Mochizuki. However lonesome you may feel in your struggle, that’s just an illusion. It might not be recognizable at times, but noone’s really alone with anything 🙂 I understand the toughness of your experience and I appreciate everything you wrote.

      1. Don’t forget it is only 200 years ago that they where a Fudal society and change takes time, old habits die hard and powerful people hold on to their power.

    2. I grew up in the southeastern US. The common culture here says we’re “Rebels.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Southerners follow leaders who work against their best interests like sheep being lead to slaughter. It’s expected that southerners will follow their “leaders” from the cradle to the grave. It’s called “Tradition.” When one speaks out about this they are called “troublemakers” and lambasted.I have often heard other southerners tell me, “You just think you’re better than we are,” when pointing out bad leadership. There are sheeple in all cultures.

  3. You are a hero to Japan and the rest of the world and you should be given Japan’s highest civilian award, your words do not fall in deaf ears, you are making a difference, don’t lose heart, nobody said it would be easy, you know it’s tuff at the top.
    You are not alone, we rally behind you and keep fighting the good fight that is your right and a fundamental right in a democracy. Power to the people no more nuclear facilities.

  4. Thank you for updating this blog diligently.

    I will never forget about Fukushima because it has changed many things. I hesitate to go to Japan to visit my family now. If I go there, I don’t think I can enjoy my stay as much as before. I have to be careful about food and drinks, not to touch dirt, etc. Things aren’t the same.

    I hope to be reading Fukushima Diary around this time next year.

  5. Americans are blind too. Just sit back and wait Iori. The governments WILL be coming to you for help very soon.

  6. Translation to Portuguese

    [Coluna] Após a meia-vida da memória humana

    O rapaz que estava sentado à minha frente perguntou, o que não é mostrado sobre Fukushima na América?
    As câmeras estão nos filmando.
    Às 19:30 do dia 11/5/2012, eu estava participando de uma entrevista de TV em San Diego.
    Meu cérebro me retornou”#VALUE!”.
    Eu me lembrei de Daniel Craig no filme chamado Layer Cake (Nem Tudo É O Que Parece, no Brasil). A pergunta foi um tanto expansiva.

    Nada é mostrado nos Estados Unidos, ou até mesmo no Japão. Para tentar falar tudo o que não é mostrado nos EUA, eu teria que ler todo o conteúdo do Fukushima Diary. A maioria das pessoas não tem paciência para ouvir mais que 3 palavras sobre algo que elas não são realmente familiares. Mas eu não quero parecer estúpido e dizer, “(1)Isto (2)está (3)acabado.”

    Eu estou aumentando o volume de notícias no Fukushima Diary desde Setembro. Eu sei que as pessoas estão começando a se esqueçer de Fukushima. E não é por causa de eventos ligados ao 911. É por conta da meia-vida da memória humana.
    A meia-vida da memória humana é menor que a maioria dos radionuclídeos.
    Mas os problemas de saúde apareçerão em 2013-2015. Quanto mais nos esqueçemos, pior o nosso futuro será.

    Agora é a minha vez de nadar contra a correnteza.

    Eles dizem que o Fukushima Diary foi uma importante fonte para se conseguir informação sobre Fukushima no último ano.
    Mas acho que o Fukushima Diary existe para épocas como esta.

    O Fukushima Diary começou a espalhar a informação para fora do Japão, mas agora a missão é manter a atenção internacional ao Japão, ou então, quando os problemas de saúde aparecerem, ninguém vai percebê-los.
    Se nós perdemos a atenção de todos, será terrivelmente difícil consegui-la de novo.

    Agora é a minha hora de ser paciente.

    Existem muitos expecialistas no mundo, mas não existe nenhum especialista sobre acidentes nucleares em si. Existem engenheiros de produção, físicos, médicos, engenheiros de computação, pesquisadores políticos, contadores, mas nenhum que é familiar a todas essas coisas igualmente. E é por isso que eu posso estar aqui também…
    Quando o assunto é acidente nuclear, todos viram amadores.

    Tomando vantagem disso, os governos e a mídia de massa estão ganhando até agora. Eles conseguiram manipular nosso foco. A NHK mostra até quando um panda tem bebês, mas nunca informam sobre coisas que acontecem em Fukushima. E as pessoas se mostram dispostas a serem enganadas. Essa é a vitória deles a curto-prazo.

    Agora é hora de suportar a dor. Eu bloguei ontem, hoje, amanhã, depois de amanhã. Esses passos são importantes.

    Nós fomos a um restaurante mexicano esta noite. Havia uma família de asiáticos perto de nós. Entre eles, havia um menino pequeno, com provavelmente 2 ou 3 anos de idade. Com suas bochechas rechonchudas, ele estava comendo coisas macias vagarosamente, e tornou-se travesso. Bebês como ele continuam em Fukushima e no leste do Japão. Essa é a realidade.

    Ao menos em minha definição, estou fazendo algo certo. Mas, algumas vezes, tenho paranóias sobre o que eu podia ter feito com o poder. Provavelmente, isso seria muito mais fácil para mim se eu saltasse para o lado deles e ficasse “cego”. Mas eu não posso mentir para mim mesmo.

    Eu estou pacientemente esperando que eu mesmo me acostume com essa vida de se esconder o tempo todo.
    Se nós vermos o Fukushima Diary durante esta época no próximo ano, isso será uma das vitórias de nós, do lado anti-nuclear.

    Iori Mochizuki

  7. Fukushima Dai’Ishi is right now an extinction level event. Anyone who can get to the southern hemisphere needs to get there as soon as they can, while airplanes can still fly and before the herd wakes up and smells the fallout. Doing so will buy a person more time. What the quality of that time will be is up for debate, but certainly the southern hemisphere is not being hit with radiation to the extent that the northern hemisphere is. Once the northern hemisphere is trying to emigrate to the southern hemisphere, it will be too late.

    Thanks to Fukushima Diary and all those who are trying to get the word out.

  8. Thank you for telling it like it is. We are not in Japan, but regularly associate with other Japanese where we live. Within this Japanese community, one cannot talk about this topic at all. It is a silent taboo. The white elephant in the room.
    I am so grateful that we are not in Tokyo now, but my (Japanese) husband wants to return soon. I don’t want to raise our children there. Our marriage has turned into a huge ball of stress over this issue. Does anyone have advice for someone who doesn’t want to be there, but their partner does?

    1. i would tell him, “send us (you and the kids) an occasional post card and best wishes.” then take the kids and move somewhere safe. good luck to you.

  9. Be very careful Lori. I don’t think the government will be coming to you for help – it’s more likely that they’d very much like to shut you up.
    People are ignorant by choice. There are very few of us who are awake. At the end of the day the question really is even if we wake everyone up, is there anything that we can do about Fukushima? I think it’s too late to cover it in concrete. What ever happened to the cosmic ray scan they were doing to find out where the cores are located? From the timescale of the article I assumed this test was being done right away. My gut tells me they found out where the cores are and will hide this to the bitter end. I’ll bet they’re at least 100 feet underground.
    My instincts also tell me that those in power are busy building themselves safe places to evacuate to. They should all be dragged to Fukushima to help clean up the mess and then made to live in the boxes they’ve given to the evacuees. SAfe for them to go back in 2020 – who believes this s**t?

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


November 2012