Democrat member “The center of gov is getting scared of the protest. They will start blocking.”

Some of the Democratic party members joined the protest, and one of them, a member of the house of councilors tweeted like these below,




Called the key person of Cabinet Committee about the interruption of police. Trying to have him pressure police. He promised me, and I will check too.





The center of the government is getting scared, they are starting to interrupt the protest, I think. In short, the demonstration is starting to work. I received “advice of the good will” too. It’s going to be the long way but let’s walk together.




  1. 15o,ooo protesters once a week is a good start but the gov . will brush it off and media will continue to downplay it. It would be powerful to see a million person march and shut it all down for a day. This, they will pay attention to.

  2. I don’t know. It seems to me like there’s a real chance of change in Japan, albeit at the horrific cost of the accident and so many people getting sick and dying as a result.

    By contrast, we Europeans are utterly insane and are turning on each other like rats in a cage due to the bad economy. Please read up on our history before settling here – we were attempting genocide on each other as recently as the 1990s! (ie in Former Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Bosnia and suchlike). And that’s just white-on-white! I don’t even want to think about what they’ll do to ethnic minorities.

    I’m saying this because where I live is about to be targeted by skinheads – and I honestly think I’d rather be nuked, simply because radiation isn’t personal, it doesn’t hate you like people do. I mean the nuke lobby wants to make money, sure, but they’re not malicious in the same way as fascists are. It’s not “personal” with them.

    Sorry, I’m probably talking crap. Wish I had some money to give you. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Andy,

      Fascism has become a global epidemic, influencing the majority of the nations and their leaders as cardboard governments working for multi-national industries instead of having concern for the well being of people. When the Occupy Wall Street began in New York in front of the stock markets, it was easy to choose our support. As the demonstrators marched; the elite moneyed people on the balcony above laughed, took photos and drank toasts with champagne. Those below were named “human debris” “the unwashed multitude”. The “parasites” spoken about by Ayn Rand who once they have contributed are no longer necessary and are viewed as leaches draining society. This is not survival of the fittest, it is survival of the richest. The system has always been in place, now it is undisguised.

      1. That’s just imperial business as usual, and it’s bad enough. Fascism is when all the little gits with bad sex lives try to get in on the act, come round your area and start “ethnically cleansing” all the minorities, Kristallnacht style. Pray it never happens again.


    FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – Un membre Démocrate: “Le gouvernement commence à avoir peur de la manifestation. Ils vont chercher à la bloquer.”
    Par Mochizuki, le 7 juillet 2012 · 3 Commentaires

    Certains membres du Parti Démocratique avaient rejoint la manifestation et l’un d’entre eux, membre de la chambre des représentants, a tweeté ceci :

    — 谷岡郁子さん (@kunivoice) 7月 7, 2012
    (Traduction) J’ai appelé la personne clé du Cabinet Committee (=cabinet du gouvernement) sur les blocages par la police. Pour essayer d’avoir son avis sur l’origine de la pression de la police. Il m’a promis de me rappeler et je vérifierai aussi.(Fin)

    — 谷岡郁子さん (@kunivoice) 7月 7, 2012
    (Traduction) Le centre du gouvernement commence à avoir peur, je pense qu’ils sont en train d’essayer d’empêcher la manifestation. En bref, la manifestation commence à fonctionner. J’ai aussi reçu une “mise en garde d’une personne de bonne volonté”. Ça va être une longue marche mais marchons ensemble.(Fin)

  4. What is most disturbing — NO comments by foreign press or nations about Japanese crowd control during the peaceful protests. Do you think they are all quietly back channeling to Japan’s Noda to see how THEY will respond when THEIR citizens realize they are/have been raditated by nuclear fallout? That THEIR governments have not protected them? Radiated and ignored — its almost a government which says “get radiated, get sick, go away, we dont want to hear about it” (I.E. we are not sick because we knew to take steps to prevent contamination)! Am sure the heads of state, and government officials have their familys in safe zones…How about it US and EU officals –have you move your families to safer areas? Just in case??

  5. The meti/japanese government geigers are phony, reactor four pool fissioned june 29th, reactors 123 FISSIONED AND ARE FISSIONING “can’t make steam without fission” along with their associated FUEL POOLS, tokyo is not evacuated, this is much worse than what is being put out here in the media, japan IS UNLIVABLE, meaning everyone there aren’t going to be alive very much longer. It’s not my fault everyone is still in japan and doesn’t believe me. I know nuclear gdmnt. I said leave, LISTEN! TAKE A VACATION AND COME BACK WHEN THE NUCLEAR FUEL HAS EITHER ALL FISSIONED OR HAS STOPPED FISSIONING.

    1. A poster here said “my airconditioner was 200,000 bq” 200,000 bq is 200,000 disintegrations a second and, AND THAT WAS JUST BETA AND GAMMA, THEY DIDN’T TEST FOR ALPHA<<<that would have likely added at least an additional 50,000 bq to the count, my point is if it's 200/250/900,000 bq it doesn't seem to matter, so we are going to watch a nation die and it's terrible and that's the way IT IS! /and maybe we'll die too, not yet, but have ALL FUEL at daichi "light up" AND IT WILL BECOME A VERY REAL POSSIBILITY./NO FUEL REMOVED.

      1. That example is complacency and it literally means death, I can’t spell it out any clearer/better than that, what can I say that would explain it better, I think crayon drawings would not be in good taste/respectful.
        Nuclear fuel contamination may be acceptable to to some but I find ANY AMOUNT UNACCEPTABLE! Leave please, I beg of you, I do not want to watch a nation die, and no, I will not IGNORE IT WHEN IT HAPPENS.

  6. IE, “the black stuff outside my house is 250,000bq”, and it’s not going to find a way to get to you? not unlike eating lunch/working at a construction site where the dirt is the3 consistency of flour or having a picnic at the beach?… This is the height of madness people, recognize it, the height, we are capable of GREAT MADNESS, look through history, we’re capable of madness even today, even moreso. Get away from the madness! IT IS!

  7. The japanese civilian population should say, “you said it was safe, we find any amount of nuclear contamination unacceptable and dangerous. We will leave and return only when you have returned japan to PRE FUKUSHIMA LEVELS*”
    *global dispersion of fallout from weapons testing/compulsory radionucleide contamination for /all.
    It is a fair and just response and LIFESAVING. I am trying to save lives, and the only way to do that is leave japan, it will also serve to teach the government a lesson.

  8. /and if there is a god, everyone in japan will not lose their lives to this.

  9. some posts from enenews>
    July 8, 2012 at 12:53 am Log in to Reply
    Very High detections this week west coast,

    I saw this one in real time, (not there now)

    July 6, 2012 at 10:20 pm · Reply

    Vancouver now 113 CPM.;

    Anne has been reporting large detection at Longmont Colorado for about a week. The Longmont monitoring site has now been taken down for maintenance. I saw it get to over 10 uSv/hr.

    July 6, 2012 at 10:39 pm · Reply

    Radiation Monitor ‏@LongmontRadMon
    Calibration error found. Part on order from Mouser to fix. Will be offline for a week or so.
    4:44 PM – 6 Jul 12

    Radiation Monitor down for calibration for a few hours, possibly the weekend.
    3:37 PM – 6 Jul 12 via web

    930 CPM, 7.5516 uSv/h, 7.1085 AVG uSv/h, 26 time(s) over natural radiation
    3:28 PM – 6 Jul 12;

    Plus another detection in Washington state at around the same time of 3200 CPM.

    July 5, 2012 at 6:35 pm · Reply

    A great guy who lives in Washington State has been reporting to me his radiation numbers. He defintely knows how to use his Geiger counter and tests in various methods and not only in and and around his house but also in a city somewhat aways. The numbers are extremlely high. On July 1st he reported numbers of 80CPM within the ambient of the vehichle and 2,600 CPM outside. On June 30th CPM of 3,200 in Port Orchard Washington.
    me> this coincides with the fuelpool at four going nuclear and fissioning june 29th, it continued to fission after the initial event.
    I see no one got the “memo” not even the japanese, of course even this will be seen as b.s… well then.

  10. some posts from enenews>
    July 8, 2012 at 12:53 am Log in to Reply
    Very High detections this week west coast,

    I saw this one in real time, (not there now)

    July 6, 2012 at 10:20 pm · Reply

    Vancouver now 113 CPM.


    Anne has been reporting large detection at Longmont Colorado for about a week. The Longmont monitoring site has now been taken down for maintenance. I saw it get to over 10 uSv/hr.

    July 6, 2012 at 10:39 pm · Reply

    Radiation Monitor ‏@LongmontRadMon
    Calibration error found. Part on order from Mouser to fix. Will be offline for a week or so.
    4:44 PM – 6 Jul 12

    Radiation Monitor down for calibration for a few hours, possibly the weekend.
    3:37 PM – 6 Jul 12 via web

    930 CPM, 7.5516 uSv/h, 7.1085 AVG uSv/h, 26 time(s) over natural radiation
    3:28 PM – 6 Jul 12



    Plus another detection in Washington state at around the same time of 3200 CPM.

    July 5, 2012 at 6:35 pm · Reply

    A great guy who lives in Washington State has been reporting to me his radiation numbers. He defintely knows how to use his Geiger counter and tests in various methods and not only in and and around his house but also in a city somewhat aways. The numbers are extremlely high. On July 1st he reported numbers of 80CPM within the ambient of the vehichle and 2,600 CPM outside. On June 30th CPM of 3,200 in Port Orchard Washington.
    me> this coincides with the fuelpool at four going nuclear and fissioning june 29th, it continued to fission after the initial event.
    I see no one got the “memo” not even the japanese, of course even this will be seen as b.s… well then.

  11. I can put up a video of reactor4 fissioning, but it will just be used as toilet paper.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


July 2012