Having the excessive security of police being scared of the protest, the organizer arranged lawyers.
素晴らしい!「官邸前見守り弁護団」が発足しているそうだ。メンバーは黄色い腕章つける予定との事。万が一、警察官職務執行法の範囲を超えた過剰警備や、人権を脅かす不当行為などに遭遇した際は相談してみよう。#脱原発 #紫陽花革命 #緑党
— アッサム山中:アニマルライツ・脱原発新潟さん (@assam_yamanaka) 7月 20, 2012
They say protest supporting lawyers have been organized. The members will have yellow armbands, if police have excessive security or malicious arrest to violate human rights, let’s ask them.
↓ Former Japanese prime minister Hatoyama was found in the protest. Stated “I’m regretting to have pushed nuclear policy.”
Iori Mochizuki