The protest of 7/6/2012 was interrupted by police from the beginning.
Because police shut down the exits, people were stuck underground. The organizer commented 150,000 people joined, police stated 21,000 people joined. [Link]
Protesters tweeted like these below,,
RT @ykabasawa: 国会議事堂前駅から全然出れない。出口を一箇所しか開けない警察。完全にコントロールされている。しかし地下でも再稼働反対コールが炸裂してます。
— Angamaさん (@Angama_Market) 7月 6, 2012
<Translate>(I retweeted the original)
can’t get out of the subway station “Kokkaigijidomae (= in front of National Diet)”. Police shut down all the exits except for just one. It’s completely under control. but people are yelling against restart of nuclear plants underground.
RT @tsubotaryusaku: とてつもなさすぎて官邸前には程遠い!こりゃ官邸前抗議行動を超えて、国家中枢総結集抗議行動だぞー!! #脱原発
— Angamaさん (@Angama_Market) 7月 6, 2012
<Translate>(I retweeted the original)
It’s too huge to go to official residence! This is beyond the protest in front of official residence, but is the protest in the center of national center.
— ジャーナリスト 田中稔さん (@minorucchu) 7月 6, 2012
<Translate> (Journalist)
I’m in front of official residence. There are more than 100,000 people. Police blockaded the public street in front of Member of the House of Representatives meeting place to violate the right of petition.
国会議事堂前駅、混雑しているからという理由で外に出れないように警官が封鎖している。デモに行きたいのに出れない人たちが何百人も警官と言い合っている。 instagr.am/p/MvIWGPuJQ6/
— mizuhoさん (@mimimizuho) 7月 6, 2012
At “Kokkaigijidomae (= in front of National Diet)” station. Police is blockading the exits for the reason that outside is too full. People are arguing with police.
— ジャーナリスト 田中稔さん (@minorucchu) 7月 6, 2012
Riot police made the “breakwater” in front of official residence by using 6 cars to prevent people from joining. However, people are yelling “No restart” like a storm. It’s started raining hard.
“@kikko_no_blog …警察が地下鉄の出口を次々と閉鎖して遅れて到着した人たちを地下に閉じ込め。地上に出らない人達で寿司詰め状態の地下鉄のホームや改札では女性の悲鳴…国民の声を抑え込もうとする政権末期の野田一派”今日は本当にかなり危なかった。
— Mademoiselle Mさん (@mikushka719) 7月 6, 2012
Police is shutting down the exits of subway station one after one, people are stuck underground to come late. They can’t get out, platform and ticket gates are full like Sushi, women are screaming. Cabinet of Noda is trying to oppress the voice of people. It was really dangerous today.
— Jさん (@tinytambourine) 7月 6, 2012
just back from in front of official residence. Today I got out of the exit No.4 of Kokkaigijidomae (= in front of National Diet) station (Only exit No4 was open.) but it was so full of people, took me so much time to get out. Police shut down other exits for security, people couldn’t get out to come late. From next time, maybe they should walk from further stations.
途中で街灯消えたのもそういう意図かな?RT @deEerens: 先週の「民で埋め尽くされた官邸前」の画を二度と撮らせるなってことか。それだけあの光景はインパクトあったのではRT @kamiyann: RT @ishii_maki:twitter.com/ishii_maki/sta…
— 上野祥法さん (@900dohc) 7月 6, 2012
The streetlights were turned off, maybe it was for that reason? > Maybe government doesn’t want us to take the picture of “official residence surrounded by people” never again. It had that much impact.
— Genki Futamiさん (@yataragenki) 7月 6, 2012
I think a lot of people were irritated today. Subway exits were blockaded by police, the queue was made long, finally arrived at Kasumigaseki (government district) but kept on the corner of the sidewalk. However, people kept yelling “No restart”. It was raining hard but they didn’t stop.
↓ People protesting underground space
↓ Police stopping people trying to get out
↓ Subway station 30 minutes before the protest ended
Iori Mochizuki