— 日の本まもる(脱原発に一票) (@JYCEagara) April 14, 2012
We measured Cs134/2602Bq/Kg、137/4170Bq/Kg from a replica of bouquet made in a wedding hall, which is processed dried flowers called preserved flowers. It is assumed because of solvent drying.
— cmk2wl (@cmk2wl) April 15, 2012
I wonder if urine test result is honest.. I heard that even the result of whole body counter is manipulated from a city councilor of *** city. The entire organization is probably tying to play down the situation.
@KinositaKouta ヤフージャパンですが、がれき汚染により病気になった人、放射能が出ている事、ぬまゆさん、それらの記事が全てヤフーによって削除されていますのでお知らせいたします。ぬまゆさんのヤフーブログが操作されている話は本当のようです。多くの人に情報が伝わらない
— YM (@EMtwiter2012) April 15, 2012
Articles about sickened people because of the debris incineration, radiation measurement, Numayu (Minamisoma blogger) are all removed by Yahoo Japan. It seems true that the blog of Numayu is under a control.
@WalkingKame @tokaiama 今週水曜、高1次女のクラスメートの甲状腺疾患が発覚。埼玉在住の女の子。昨日は浦和在住の知人に会ったのですが、翌日の今日、ママ友の赤ちゃんの葬儀に参列すると話していました。女の赤ちゃん、起きたら冷たくなっていたそう…偶然であってほしい。
— なな (@SevensevenE) April 14, 2012
This Wednesday, the classmate of my second daughter of the first grade of high school turned out to have thyroid disease. She lives in Saitama. Yesterday, I went to see my acquaintance in Urawa Saitama, and she told me she was going to attend at a funeral of the baby of her friend today. The baby was found cold and dead in the morning. I hope it’s just coincidence.
Iori Mochizuki