Donation : 17.00 USD
Expense : 12.50 USD
Left in hat : 4.50 USD
Thank you for your support all the time. I could even buy a coffee.
Last month, I had a lot of donation especially for 311 anniversary.
However, it has been a little slow since then. I was sad sometimes. (There were good days too.)
What I do is like NPO, but it does need money to keep me alive.
Only 1 cent from each reader is enough for me.
I would really appreciate if you could consider donation. If it’s recurring donation, I can appreciate it more because my life becomes a little bit more stable, so I can even pay more to the admin.
To me, this is not only money, this is my food and feedback for what I do.
Oh anyway, some (most of ) people are disturbed by what we do on FD. They always try to intimidate me and waste my time.
As more symptoms come up, I guess they will be more active. I wonder if anyone can be my legal attorney or something like that.
Also, I would be very happy if someone can give me a bed and internet in New York for this autumn.
Thank you for reading this.
Iori Mochizuki