Because of radiation, 2630 tones of melted slag has no place to go in Tochigi at the end of February.
They measured over 8000 Bq/kg of cesium from about 80% of them (2170 tones), which are supposed to be processed by the government as specified radioactive waste, but disposal site must be basically in Tochigi prefecture. Because there is no controlled landfill site in Tochigi, it is impossible to landfill 2630 tones of the contaminated melted slag.
Melted slag is produced from sewage sludge. It used to be recycled for construction material, but it is stopped since they measured radiation from the slag. They are kept in 4 water purifying facilities at the moment.
溶融スラグ、8割が8000ベクレル超 県内、処分の見通し立たず
Iori Mochizuki