Another acute lymphocytic leukemia man ate fish and camped out

Following up this article Another man died of acute leukemia on 11/17/11.

Just after this post was published, the editors of the magazine stated he did not eat fish and camped out.

For that denial, you can refer to this article. Angler Who Died of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Didn’t Live Inside 30 Km Radius of Fuku-I

However, in his memorial article on Rod & Reel, it’s clearly written:

“Trying to save up money for hotel and food. better spend on transporting. I want to stay here as long as possible. Of course I don’t have a bath. just jump in the river / pond. go wherever I want to go. Fish until I can fish. Camping.
When I’m hungry, I fish and eat it.”

When he caught a 49cm fish in Fukushima in May of 2011:



More fishing



There is no clue to tell he did or did not camp in the 30km evacuation zone but as we see in these pictures above, he was in Fukushima and fished.

“Who” gets “what” by denying the fact that this 24 years old man died of acute lymphocytic leukemia by eating Fukushima fish?

It’s the magazine company. They were afraid that it damages the sales of magazine.

Don’t be deceived. Don’t be naive.

Also, according to the JP gov’s data, leukemia increased by 6.6% in men since last year.

Male: + 13.3%

Female: – 1.8%

This data was taken in June, so now it might be worse by now.

In the nuclear accident at JCO, victims got leukemia immediately after the accident.

Leukemia may show its symptom quicker than we were taught.

6-6 – 第6表(8-1)                                                                                      

  1. Mochizuki-san,

    You are my personal favorite source for Fukushuma information.

    Unfortunately, I believe a lot of what you say, and I just want to thank you for sticking by your story about the fisherman who died of leukemia, because if you ask me, it appears you were correct not to redact or edit your reporting.

    It seems clear that he was in Fukushima, fishing and eating.

    Ask yourself, why else would Rod & Reel lavished so much attention on this fisher?

    If you leave Japan and have no place to stay and are thinking about the east coast of the US of A. Let me know, and I’ll do my best to help you find a place.

  2. “Leukemia may show its symptom quicker than we were taught.”

    Maybe… or maybe these plants have been leaking a lot longer than just since March. I’m no doctor but I was fairly sure that cancer and leukemia take years to incubate, not months. It is however well known that there are “clusters” of cancers around N-plants – here in Britain they’re actually allowed by law to pollute the environment by a certain amount, much of Sellafield is rumoured to have Chernobyl levels of contamination in the soil dating back to a 1950s-era meltdown.

    1. These are all acute leukemias. Acute means sudden onset.

      You’re right to be concerned though. The acute cancers are probably just the tip of the iceberg; it’s the chronic cancers in a few decades that pose a real threat.

      Sellafield scares me, as do all the UK plants. England is such a small country that if something happens where do we run to? 🙁

      1. to France… and praying for nothing to happen there…

        The rosbifs and the frogs together, can you imagine it ? lol

        1. They have nuclear reactors in France too. In fact there was an explosion scare at a reactor in southern France (somewhere near the Rhone river) some time in September this year. One person is known to have died.

          1. This explosion wasn’t in a nuclear reactor. In fact it happened in a plant where they “recycle” waste with low nuclear level. The incident was an explosion in an oven where they were melting radioactive metal and the worker died because he was burned by melt metal. Another worker was severely injured. This was more like an industrial incident – but the company and the authorities were very reluctant to give precise informations. Anyway there are so many reactors all along the Rhone valley… we’ve got everything in France to create our own nuclear disaster one of these days !

    1. Could be a reporting issue or something to do with the size of the Japanese govt survey sample. Let me give a hypothetical example: if one person on a remote island had leukaemia in 2010, and two people on that island have leukaemia this year, that’s an increase of 100% incidence. The next year 2012, if three people on that island have leukaemia, the increase is 50%. In 2013, if four people have it, the increase is about 33%. What you see in the figures given in the report above gives you no information about how many men and women were surveyed in the first place.

      The other possibility is that fenales have two X-chromosomes and males have only one so the extra X-chromosome might give more protection. Girls and women in Falluja in Iraq have been advised not to have babies because male babies will be stillborn and female babies will be born with birth defects due to the amount of radiation exposure that city has had since 2003.

      1. hmmm? I saw a study that male births are decreasing worldwide due to toxins in utero and females statistically survive the womb better than males by a wide margin. However, women/girls are more prone to radiation illness due to their smaller size and having more reproductive tissues.

        It’s universal that young men take far more risks due to peak testosterone levels in their 20s. They also are more accident-prone. As a result, they have to pay more for car insurance, etc. It follows that they might take more risks and continue an active lifestyle during a nuclear disaster, leading to leukemia… That seems to be the case here!

  3. It amazes me that people can still chitchat about running away from nuclear power as a solution. That is an evasion not solution. Is it not obvious that all four hundred reactors worldwide are ticking time bombs placed in heavily populated regions of the world? The spread of radioactivity from only one site is so grave that to think of running away from four hundred meltdowns is not very practical. The thing to work on for all you unemployed would be shutting down and burying deep down all reactors, fuel assemblies, centrifuges, nuclear weapons, DU, and uranium mining. This is the real and only war on terror, the mission to bury the nuclear industry that is terrorizing Japan and is poised to crap out all over the eastern seabord of the US where there are many GE six sigma reactors and spent fuel pools. Think of all the jobs that the Treasury could create in this mission instead of spreading US nuclear waste all over the world in the form of uranium soot from burned up DU weapons. Society today ruled as it is by madmen does the opposite of what sane people would voluntarily do. The nuclear industry was created in a secret conspiracy and the conspirators intentionally gave the secrets away so that other nations could spread the harm inherent in weapons of mass destruction. If people do not reach a consensus soon that we need to protect our lifeboat on planet Earth from permanent radiologic terrain contamination, there will be no undoing the damage done as there is now in eastern Honshu no hope of reversing the permanently unhealthy conditions.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2011