Japan and the US government are discussing what to do with the debris from Japan.
The earthquake caused 25 million tones of the debris and 3 million of them have drifted to Pacific ocean.
In September ,a russian boat found the debris from Japan around Midway,where is 3,100 km away from Japan. They were the small boats and electric appliances marked “Fukushima”.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimated the debris will arrive at the north west part of Hawaii in 3/2012 at the soonest ,and they are assumed to arrive at west coast of USA in 3/2013.
The radioactive debris may cause severe contamination and damage sightseeing industry ,also transportation.
Japanese government has made 70,000,000 JPY of budget to simulate how and where the debris floats,which was outsourced to Kyoto university.
Currently there is no international rules about floating debris.US government is concerned about the situation ,offering to collaborate with Japanese government to avoid international lawsuit.
PS ,I won’t quit blogging. Stay tuned.
漂流がれき日米協議へ 300万トン、費用や汚染懸念
2011年12月30日 07時05分