News: We may be too late to evacuate

As to the previous post,

In Chernobyl, 0.09 uSv/h → Children started having symptoms. (near radiation level as westen Tokyo)

0.16 uSv/h → Adults got leukemia within 5 years. (near radiation level as Adachiku)

0.232 uSv/h → Mandatory evacuation area in Cheronobyl. (near radiation level as Asakusa or Tokyo Disneyland)

I received a lot of queries.

I would like to add some more explanation to this.

This is a lecture of Ms. Noro Mika, who runs the NPO “Bridge to Chernobyl”

She has been visiting Chernobyl for 25 years and help children to accept in Hokkaido for one month etc..

Currently, the radiation levels in some parts of Kanto area are 3 mSv/year.

Annotator’s comment: According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the numerical values announced by the local government prove only the emission of gamma rays. The iodine and the cesium decay while emitting beta rays. If we have to deal strictly with gamma rays emissions, the degree of contamination can be understood, but we can’t measure the level of individual external exposure. Besides, the numerical values detected at the monitoring posts are measured at 10m above the ground level or even more.

In Chernobyl, an area 30 km from the nuclear plant, where the radiation level was 0.232 μSv/hour, was declared “no-entry zone”. In Chernobyl, in area where radiation levels were daily even 0.16 μSv/hour have been admitted as being dangerous, and in fact, adults got leukemia and died.

Annotator: In case, in Kamakura, were I live, the level is 0.16 μSv/hour.

Concerning the gamma dose rate in a certain spots one meter above the ground level, the radiation levels declared officially for Kamakura city are generally between 0.11〜0.14 μSv/hour.

Radioactivity, in case of of iron, concrete, etc causes the oxidation and corrosion, but in humans accelerates the aging process and cause them sickness.

And the effects start appearing in 2~3 years.

We didn’t understand from the beginning where the hot spots were.

But after checking later the areas where a lot of children got sick, in Belarus probably the radioactive substances were easily carried by the wind because the flat level ground, but it became clear that in areas 20~30 km from the plant there were places contaminated about just as much as Chernobyl.

Kamakura is about 300 kilos away from Fukushima in a straight line.

Based on the results of the investigations made after the nuclear accident in Chernobyl, in Europe the fact of assuming that 800km from the nuclear plant might be contaminated has been made taken into consideration as a basic rule for safety.

In Chernobyl, because contaminated farm products were made served in school lunches, about 70% of the children suffered from various kinds of health damages. Those (health problems) were not limited to their generation, and when those children became parents their problems passed to their children too.

Because radioactive substances have similarities with nutrients like calcium, the mammals will feed a lot of them to their babies. Radioactive substances get easily out of their bodies by milk – hence, there were many cases when after giving birth to their first baby, a large quantity of radioactive substances were passed to the (first born) child and the mother’s health improved, but those children had serious congenital disorders (became people with serious disabilities).

Annotator’s comment: Because I believe that breast-feeding has a tremendous influence not only on nutrition, but also on the mental aspect; that’s why I hope that the mothers who are breast-feeding their children pay strict attention also to the their level of internal exposure and evacuate as soon as possible.

Because the danger of the radioactive substances is known well enough, the world is watching the way Japan is dealing with the situation. A country which abandons its children and doesn’t value their lives is not a country worthy of trust.

Besides, there is no country who would buy things from a country that loosens it’s standards.

The gov and Tepco spread misinformation (misinform the population).

They should think about requesting the farmers give up growing farming products which are contaminated, give them compensation, and provide them new and safe farmlands.

In case of Chernobyl, party members, doctors and a nurses, teachers could afford to evacuate, because they could keep sustaining themselves even if they moved, but the poor people could not afford to evacuate.

The symptoms which appeared at children who remained were the following:

  • Headache
  • nosebleed
  • diarrhea
  • thyroid problems
  • not growing taller
  • hard to recover after catching a cold
  • swelling of the lymphatic glands, easily get sick with pneumonia
  • kidney pain
  • renal cancer
  • [that I have a] (because while radioactivity leaves the body, the urinary tract is affected)
  • pain in the back side of the knee
  • arthralgia
  • wounds that take a long time to cure
  • asthma
  • hair loss
  • problems with their hair growing
  • alteration in visual acuity
  • poor appetite
  • poor concentration
  • fatigability/easily getting tired
  • cardiac pain (cardialgia)
  • low resistance to diseases.

The school lessons were shortened to 25 minutes, and because their kidneys became week, there are primary school children who wet their beds.

Even after becoming adults, the following cases were recorded:

  • increase of myocardial infarcts
  • an increase in the nr of sudden deaths
  • death of young people in their 30th
  • Accumulation of cesium in heart – even if eliminate from their bodies it (cesium) enters the body again after eating
  • being exempted from the military service for having small holes in their hearts

Regarding their children, the following medical cases were recorded –
Brain damage, proved by the fact that they were slow in eating their meals.

Mothers of many children who were different from the other normal children give them to adoption, even if they didn’t have renal surgery or health problems, or a handicap.

This kind of things are happening.


German Translation

Im Moment liegen die Radioaktivitätswerte in einigen Teilen der Kantoregion bei 3mSv / Jahr. Anmerkungen des Kommentators: Nach dem Ministerium für Erziehung, Kultur, Sport, Wissenschaft und Technologie, zeigen die numerischen Werte, die die lokale Regierung herausgegeben hat, nur die Emission von Gammastrahlung. Iod und Cäsium zerfallen und setzen dabei Betastrahlung frei. Wenn wir uns mit Gammastrahlung beschäftigen, können wir den Grad der Kontaminierung erkennen, aber wir können nicht das Niveau der internen Verstrahlung messen. Außerdem wurden die numerischen Werte an den Messstationen 10m oder höher über dem Erdboden erhoben.
In Chernobyl wurde zu einem Gebiet 30 km von dem AKW entfernt, wo die Radioaktivität 0.232μSv/Stunde beträgt, der Zutritt gesperrt. In Chernobyl, wurde in einer Gegend, in der eine Strahlung von 0.16μSv/Stunde freigesetzt wurde, als gefährlich betrachtet und tatsächlich bekamen Erwachsene Leukämie und starben.

Kommentator: In Kamakura, wo ich lebe, ist das Niveau bei 0.16μSv/Stunde. Was die Gammstrahlungsrate an bestimmten Orten einen Meter über dem Erdboden betrifft, so sind die offiziellen Werte hierfür in Kamakura zwischen 0.11〜0.14μSv/Stunde.
Radioaktivität verursacht im Fall von Eisen, Beton, etc. Oxidation und Korrosion, aber in Menschen beschleunigt es den Alterungsprozess und verursacht Krankheiten. Und die Auswirkungen beginnen nach 2-3 Jahren.
Wir wusste nicht von Beginn an, wo die „hot spots“ waren. Aber nachher haben wir die Gegenden überprüft haben, in denen Kinder oft krank geworden sind. In Weissrussland sind wahrscheinlich die radioaktiven Substanzen leicht durch den Wind verteilt worden, weil das Land flacht ist, es hat sich herausgestellt, dass in Gegenden von 20-30 km von dem AKW entfernt Bereiche waren, die ungefähr so verstrahlt waren wie Tschernobyl.
Kamakura ist ungefähr 300 km Luftlinie von Fukushima entfernt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Untersuchungen nach dem Unfall in Tschernobyl, muss man als eine Basisregel für die Sicherheit in Betracht ziehen, dass auch 800 km vom AKW entfernt Kontamination auftritt.
In Tschernobyl erlitten 70% der Kinder starke Gesundheitsschäden, da kontaminierte landwirtschaftliche Produkte beim Schulessen verwendet wurden. Diese waren nicht auf ihre Generation begrenzt und als diese Kinder Eltern wurden, gaben sie auch ihre (gesundheitlichen) Probleme an ihre Kinder weiter. Da radioaktive Substanzen Ähnlichkeiten mit Nährstoffen wie Calcium aufweisen, füttern Säugetiere diese in starkem Ausmaß an ihre Babies. Radioaktive Substanzen gelangen über die Milch leicht aus dem Körper. Daher wurde in vielen Fällen nach der ersten Geburt große Mengen radioaktiver Substanzen an die (erstgeborenen) Kinder weitergegeben und die Gesundheit der Mütter hat sich verbessert, aber diese Kinder erlitten ernsthafte Erbschäden.

Anmerkungen des Kommentators: Weil ich glaube, dass das Füttern mit Muttermilch einen großen Einfluss nicht nur auf die Ernährung hat, sondern auch vom psychischen Gesichtspunkt her, hoffe ich, dass Mütter, die ihre Kinder mit der Brust füttern gut auf ihr Niveau der internen Kontamination achten und sobald wie möglich evakuieren.
Weil die Gefahren radioaktiver Substanzen gut bekannt sind, beobachtet die Welt, wie Japan mit der Situation umgeht. Ein Land, das seine Kinder im Stich lässt und ihre Leben nicht wertschätze, ist ein Land das kein Vertrauen verdient. Außerdem würde kein Land Dinge von einem Land kaufen, das seine Standards lockert. Die Regierung und Tepco verbreiten Fehlinformationen.
Sie sollten darüber nachdenken, die Bauern, aufzufordern, ihre kontaminierten Produkte aufzugeben und ihren Ausgleichszahlungen und neues und sicheres Land zu geben. Im Fall von Tschernobyl konnten Parteimitglieder, Ärzte, Krankenschwestern und Lehrer es sich leisten, zu evakuieren, weil sie sich selbst erhalten können auch wenn sie umziehen, aber die armen Leute konnten es sich nicht leisten, zu evakuieren.
Die Symptome, die bei den Kindern auftraten, die dort blieben, waren folgende: Kopfschmerzen, Nasenbluten, Durchfall, Schilddrüsenprobleme, kein Wachstum, Schwierigkeiten nach einer Erkältung wieder gesund zu werden, geschwollene Lymphdrüsen, sie bekamen leicht eine Lungenentzündung, Nierenschmerzen, Nierenkrebs, den ich habe (weil die Radioaktivität den Körper verlässt, wird der Urintrakt in Mitleidenschaft gezogen) , Schmerzen an der Hinterseite des Knies, Arthralgie, Wunden brauchen lange Zeit um zu heilen, Asthma, Haarausfall, Probleme mit dem Haarwachstum, Veränderungen in der Sehschärfe, wenig Appetit, schlechte Konzentration, leichte Ermüdbarkeit, Herzschmerzen, schlechte Widerstandsfähigkeit im Fall von Krankheiten.
Die Schulstunden wurden auf 25 Minuten verkürzt und weil die Nieren schwach wurden, nässten die Grundschulkinder ein. Auch nachdem sie erwachsen wurden, wurden die folgenden Fälle festgestellt: Ein Anstieg in Myokardinfarkten, ein Anstieg in der Anzahl der plötzlichen Todesfälle, junge Leute starben in den 30ern, Akkumulation von Cäsium im Herzen – auch wenn es aus dem Körper abgeleitet wird, kommt es durch Nahrung wieder herein, sie wurden vom Wehrdienst ausgeschlossen, weil sie kleine Löcher im Herzen hatten.
Wenn man Tschernobyl zwei Jahrzehnte später betrachtet, wurden die folgenden Fälle festgestellt: Hirnschäden, die sich so äußerten, dass sie nur langsam essen konnten, Mütter vieler Kinder die anders waren als die anderen, gaben sie zur Adoption frei, auch wenn sie keine Nierenoperation oder Gesundheitsprobleme oder eine Behinderung hatten.
Diese Art von Dingen sind passiert.


  1. Occupy Japan kindly requests that you, as a nuclear and TEPCO specialist, go to J Village and make your way to the nuclear plant for occupation. Help us create a human Bridge to Fukushima,evacuate your apartment and occupy life. Thank You, Anon

  2. “In Chernobyl, an area 30 km from the nuclear plant, where the radiation level was 0.232μSv/hour, was declared “no-entry zone”./–/ adults got leukemia and died.”

    Check out the ground contamination in that area:

    The map reads minimum 1 Cu/km2 (1 Ci = 3,7 · 10`10 Bq). Divided by 1 k m2 (10 000) is 370 000 Becqurel per m2.

    So, the air readings there was 0.2 and the ground was hot with 370 000 Becqurel per m2?

    Please correct my math if I am wrong.

    1. i am also wondering the same things… It’s especially difficult to understand for me. I think it really depends on weather eographical situation for contamination soil… soil are highly contaminated when it’s rainy, all the particles fall on the ground, so catching them in air is kinda difficult (it could explain why readings look low for no go-zone chernobyl area, although i am not an expert Plus geiger counter doesn’t catch the whole thing, particles are too tiny for most of them to be caught. It’s even more difficult for beta rays and only a few geiger counters are able to catch alpha rays.) However there is no safe limit when it’s radioactivity, and it can be really spotty. I often hear about reports of readings in western japan area that are around 0.1~0.2 microsievert per hour so like these readings in kanto area, but contamination in soil is really different, sometime it’s even lower than those we got in france for western part of Japan. (the highest in france during chernobyl was 40000Bq/m2 Eastern japan levels of contamination on soil are disastrous because they are often under winds of fukushima fall out, even constantly sometimes.) In france we have same readings of radioactivity than western japan, and because of contamination in france, we got thousand cases of cancers there and deffect over some fishes in lakes. The number of cancers grow up each year, around hundred cases in france, since the fall out over France. So i am concluding it would be same for western Japan area, okinawa to kansai. The thing is radioactive particles are nasty and you have sometime already inhaled, eaten, drunk or caught them before you can catch them in geiger counter. That’s why there is no safe limit for radiation.. radioactivity in air can be low, but in soil it can be really catastrophic, as it can be low too, as i said it must depend on geographic and weather situation during fallout. For more information about contamination in Western japan there is a link, but of course, it is only about gamma rays like iodine and cesium contamination. I think it can be reliable source, because this organization was among the firsts about whistle blowing the terrible situation in kanto area about contamination.

      1. After I watched a serious documentary about waste from uranium mines waste in France, given that Japanese really do not lead the healthier life that stereotypes convey, and although France has a better social health system, I have now a doubt that the difference in life expectancy comes from the nuclear industry. Japanese drink, smoke, eat beef and mercury ladden fish, deep fried dishes, work longer hours, favor apartments in location where walking distance to their station is the least, have car and bike accidents like everybody else, lots of polluting factories still, drink less red wine, etc. and still live ten years longer than French. 20% nuclear electricity in Japan, not much uranium mines – here it is.

  3. I’m really confused here… You wrote: In Chernobyl, 0.09 uSv/h → Children started having symptoms. (near radiation level as westen Tokyo)

    0.08 uSv/h is the “normal” pre-Fukushima radioactivity level in Tokyo… One of the lowest in the world and I have never heard it was dangerous… so now, you are saying 0./09uSv/h is dangerous??? I am really confused with this post… – and I have been reading it for 2 monhts –

    Then you add: 0.16 μSv/hour have been admitted as being dangerous, and in fact, adults got leukemia and died
    0.16uSv/h is the “normal” radioactivity level in Hong Kong… Is my misunderstanding wrong? It is the level in major part of the USA… (New York among others… ) So you are saying that Hong Kong is like Chernobyl or like Tokyo?? I have never heard Hong Kong was dangerous before…

    So, I have to rely on Michael comments about “accumulated” particles on the ground and look at the Bq/kg because your uSv/h information does not make sense today. Yes above 40kBq/m2 was a voluntary evacuation zone in Chernobyl, so the amount in Tokyo today is too high, but I don’t think 0./09uSv/h implies anything.

    Did I misunderstand your post?

  4. If I may add… I’m looking to move out of Japan now, but I’m also looking at other places and as Michael wrote: sometime it’s even lower than those we got in france for western part of Japan.

    Which means, I should remove France from my potential place to go (If I only take into account uSv/h), as it is as bad as western Japan… I removed Seattle area for the same reason, … Where is it safe today? I’m not saying Kanto is safer… it is not, and I will move out this year, but there are many bad stuff all around the world… France is one of them… do you think Shanghai is better??? Maybe South America is best…

    1. I realized very recently that the level of radiation worldwide had been indeed artificially raised in not such an harmless way. No place is really safe. We have to accept the fact and it is harder for people like us who are used to live in security – or so we used to believe. Radiation alone should be the criteria. Look at longevity stats, index of human development, etc. They are still relevant. We may live a shorter life but there are tens of other dangers. Hint:food. Life eventually ends badly. West-south of Japan is OK, Scandinavia too, there are issues – and good things almost everywhere. China and South America are not the safest choices anyway. Relax, try to choose where you would like to live, assess costs vs benefits and place your bet. For exactly one day, I considered Thailand – 180 Japanese companies there – look what is happening there even now!

  5. I think that people are confused because there are MANY ways to measure radiation.. gamma, alpha and lots of different types of numbers and readings.

    What I am hearing is that the radioative MOX fuel which is uranium and plutonium from Fukushima was deposited in Tokyo, and it is emitting neutron rays, which are causing the children’s health problems.

    This neutron ray is hard to measure, as a standard geiger counter will not pick it up, but it is deadly.

    Then we also have the standard radioactive iodine, cesium, strontium, and others that also cause damage, but in different ways, both externally and internally.

    Then the water is highly contaminated because it comes from the mountains which collect more radioactive rainwater than the lower flat plain areas.. But this water slowly moves through the system and ends up in the city water and sewer systems, concentrating there.

    I am not a scientist, and this is my understanding.. Please correct if mistaken.

  6. From:

    “A longer stay in the so acclaimed visitor areas may cost the health and life. The radiation exposure is enormous. Yuri Israel, Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and admit the highest-ranking knife radiation, must have known that his agency has “about 10 000 square kilometers, the contamination by cesium-137 of 15 curies per square kilometer and higher,” noted.

    And a Curie – that means 37 billion nuclear decay processes per second, ie 37 billion becquerels.

    At 15 curies per square kilometer radiates from every square inch 550 000 becquerels. For comparison: Before the Chernobyl cesium loading was as a result of above-ground nuclear weapons tests about 1,000 becquerels per square meter. 15 curies per square kilometer is not the maximum value: Hundreds of villages are contaminated with 60 or more Curie. 147 workers in Israel were, Tschudjany Curie, in Nowojelna 390 Curie (this corresponds to 14.4 million becquerels per square meter). All these villages – a total of more than 500 – are still inhabited.

    Areas with radiation exposure from 550,000 to 1.5 Millionen becquerels per square meter are officially called “zones of permanent controls.” “Strict control zones” are areas where the beams of radioactive fallout Super-GAU still with more than 1.5 million becquerels per square meter.”


    “The two Belarusian villages Lumatschi and Tulgowitschi lie under a layer of plutonium, which emits at 5.4 curies. Plutonium is one of the most toxic substances on earth, an artificially produced radioactive metal with a half-life of 24 000 years. The two villages are part of a state farm (a “State Farm”), whose plan requirements for milk and meat in the last year have been increased to five times. Ales Adamovich, the People’s Deputy of the region: “How right before our eyes on the bureaucratic mechanism of the genocide, a blind, senseless, or even malicious murder, simply the usual functioning of the bureaucratic cogs.”

    The apparatchik thinks of himself first. When the Chernobyl reactor still smoking, one loaded with cesium and strontium cloud front course on the 750 kilometers away, threatened to take Moscow. Aircraft climbed on, sprayed silver iodide above the clouds, leaving them as artificial rain down on the territory of Mogilev. There, the earth radiates now with 3.7 million becquerels per square meter.

    How it happens in areas that are “only” contaminated with about five Curie (and are provided for the reason of state because no action), says Alexei Tarasewitsch, chief physician at the field hospital of Choiniki: More and more children suffer from thyroid disorders, anemia, amblyopia. Nosebleed is commonplace. Infant mortality is rising. “In just the first nine months of last year, 15 newborns died in our hospital to birth defects – and to those that were previously unheard of at all here with us,” such as Wilms’ tumors. These are cancers (especially of the kidney), which develop in the womb.

    Of the 248 children who are in the Belarusian village Bartolomewka at home, half suffering from chronic tonsillitis, epistaxis and resulting anemia, more frequent colds and general immune weakness. Physician assistants Suglob: “Even the eyesight deteriorates more and more.” Bartolomewka in Belarus V


    by the way: Yuri Israel, Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology was also responsible for censoring radiation during weather forecast and did not tell the people to keep their children inside.

  7. Pingback: Virus Support
  8. Vidable, man höre und staune!Gute News seit Anfang September und das ist vielleicht nur der Anfang. Sieht aus, als hätten die Jungs den Schalter umgelegt. Was denkt Ihr?

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2011