AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias -Japanese having revolution

Ajisai = Hydrangea [Wikipedia]

AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias


AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias 2


AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias 3

↑ Protest of 7/6/2012



16 months have passed. None of the official data has been released from the government,but thousands of the death are suspected to have something to do with radiation. From children to old people, from Fukushima to Tokyo, and even to California, countless number of lives are threatened, unborn lives are deprived.

Men and women, who were healthy until 311, are suffering from unknown symptoms and government is prohibiting hospitals from treating them properly.

To downplay the worst nuclear accident, governments, massmedia, companies and public organizations have been concealing information, kept manipulating people.

On the pretext of “stable power supply”, Japanese government and power companies are boiling water in the worst way in space -nuclear power. From India, England, and to Japan, you see numbers of dead bodies in the bottom of the vessels.

It’s not only fallout from Fukushima, but it’s also radioactive debris and contaminated food to kill us survivors. Knowing they are all contaminated, Japanese government is moving the debris to all around in Japan, and even to Saipan US, instead of moving children and citizens.

and now, no food is left uncontaminated.

What can we feed our babies ? Japanese government made our babies the final disposal site.


We have no information, no safe food, nowhere to go, but the government restarted Ohi nuclear plant and they are planning to restart Monju, fast-breeding reactor in August.

Will we let them kill ourselves to the last man?

No, we won’t.

What the government restarted was not the nuclear plant. They restarted our spirit.

We will fight to the last man.

but we are having more and more last men. From Osaka, Chiba, Ohi, and in Tokyo, more and more people are joining protest.

Ohi three hundred showed us how to fight. Japanese government restarted the nuclear plant, but we will never give up.


Please watch us standing. We were the sleeping crane for years. Wings are broken, feathers fell out, but we are finally waking up. We are going to stand up again and spread the wings to kill all the ticks that bred while we were sleeping too long. We are already exposed too much, but there are still new lives underneath the feathers.

On 6/29/2012, the wings of 200,000 people surrounded official residence.

The next Friday, police tried to keep us underground though streets and official residence are all made by our own tax.

but this is just the beginning.


Japanese and French named the series of protest “AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias”. Ajisai is hydrangea.

It blooms in June, a lot of small flowers make one big flower. It has variety of colors and one flower changes its color as well.

This protest has nothing to do with ideology. This is the survival instinct of human nature.

We will never forgive the government, and will never forget what they have done.

We are going to change our country by ourselves.

This is the war of the truth to annihilate all the lies of government.


Please keep us supported and tell your neighbor what we are doing. This is the war against mass media, power companies, and all those tax eaters to get our land back.


“No restart. We don’t feel “the life” in it.” [Link]

Ajisai revolution


Reference 1 2


<Settlement report 7/9~7/11/2012>

Settlement report 7/9~7/11/2012


Settlement report 7/9~7/11/2012 2



    (President Abraham Lincoln, USA)

    1. When the govt screws over 100% of their population, they no longer deserve a population to reign over, if you look at the numbers, the govt is 100% toxic, what are the odds of that>obviously quite good “so sick”. So who’s to say next election truly honorable, righteous people will be elected>piss poor, the only way to survive and not be abused well fulfilling your life’s endeavors is to leave and starve them, starve the govts and corporations, it’s not hard but it’s not exactly easy either. What corrupted=greed and $$$ and whatever other corruptable whims that are contained in their psyches, ie italy’s last president burlesconi/others, etc etc. You can see the predictability, these are simple men and have proven they are to simpler to choreograph something as complicated as a country in many ways. Stark human fallibility at it’s finest/ I think it would be good for the govt to employ impartial “uncorrupted” ethical/moral handlers, to help prevent them from being PIGS and destroying the nation that they believe is “under” them. /Will not happen, So Starve Them.

      1. This is simply a pissing contest amongst the 13 families who control the world:

        The two choices they had for instigating this “nuclear event” were either Japan or France.

        Japan having the largest amount of nuclear sites per capita on the Pacific ocean or France having some of the worlds largest nuclear waste management facilities and massive surplus of Uranium storages for Japan (Yes, France stores fissionable nuclear material for other countries.)

        France is really the only country that could completely wipe out the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea at the same time with a nuclear incident.

        The powers that be chose the Pacific side for many reasons:

        1.) Less salinity – means radioactive isotopes bombarding less elements in the water.
        2.) Larger water mass which will much more easily and quickly disperse radioactive fallout because of it’s currents and direction of rotation.
        3.) At least 6 of the 13 families live near France (wouldn’t want to hurt 1/2 of the total powers that be and their families.) (They are English, French, German, Irish, Italian, and Greek).

        This is where it gets scary:

        4.) Baraq Obama is part Irish.
        5.) Ireland has had unregulated and uncontrolled / untested water fluoridation for decades leading to fluorosis in children’s teeth and unnecessary exposure causing disease. (I’m not sure if it’s still regulated)
        6.) Japan has less than 1% total water fluoridation in their country but has massive industry requiring large amounts of fluoride for manufacturing and reprocessing (Japanese are 1 of the 13 families).
        The byproduct Fluoride of these industries is unaccounted for as far as where it goes. It usually is sold to water districts in foreign countries to go into public water supplies unprocessed.

        All I have to say is I hope Japan doesn’t need to publicly apologize to Ireland.
        Oh wait, That’s probably England needing to apologize to Ireland.

        Anywho, Everyone understands that the main agenda is a NWO or one world rule.
        This will be done by eventually combining all 13 families through marriages and breeding. The remaining families will either faction together or knock each other off which is what I think is currently happening to Ireland and Japan.

        By the way, I can connect the last 25-30 years of US Presidents with the Fluoride waste “by-product” industry. I haven’t gone further back than that time period but I’m sure it goes back to around 1945 when WW2 ended.

        …..Either that or,

        as the Earth reaches the galactic plane in Dec. 2012 an increasing number of asteroids will come in close contact with the Earth. Knowing the time of year and direction of galactic rotation coordinated with the direction our solar system spins, it seems logical that the Northern Hemisphere would be mostly likely bombarded with asteroids and .

        The only thing known as a universal poison to all known forms of life is radiation.

        Humans being wary of Extra-terrestrial intelligence, probably thought of a contingency plan regarding asteroids hitting the ocean and spreading a new alien creature or “super bug”.

        This would be putting large amounts of radioactive material in STRATEGIC LOCATIONS TO SPREAD RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL EVENLY AND QUICKLY THROUGHOUT AN ENTIRE OCEAN in the northern hemisphere.

        The side of the earth traveling into the galactic plane FIRST would theoretically have dramatic weather disruptions and irregular weather patterns. This would be the Northern Hemisphere which happens to be where the largest HAARP antennae arrays are located.

        Either way, it’s the super rich pissing on the rich pissing on the poor people paying for all the piss.

        There’s always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!

        -Men in Black

  2. My prayers to the people of Japan. What all our governments and corporations are doing to us is wrong. and it is a sin. and it is a crime. Father, In Jesus Name, I pray justice for the good people of the world. Amen.

  3. We are proud that japanese people have finally opened their eyes…Now, people are facing the crisis, and every disgusting lies, and all the blackout, and all the dramatic symptoms of the irradiated victims…and what is left is anger and sadness.We can all say that we are feeling betrayed by our governments. “Ajisai Revolution” : what a beautiful thing! It’s the voice of the street, of democracy and freedom! We are supporting “La Révolution des Hortensias” in France, with love for Japan and for this earth, we wanna live, we gonna scream for the truth. We gonna fight to stop these plants of death. Expect us.

  4. FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias – Japanese having revolution.
    Par Mochizuki, le 11 juillet 2012.

    Ajisai = Hydrangea [Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrangea%5D

    (3 photos de la manifestation du 6 juillet 2012)

    11 juil 2012

    … 16 mois sont passés. Aucune donnée officielle n’a été communiquée par le gouvernement mais des centaines de morts sont suspectées d’avoir un lien avec la radioactivité. Des enfants aux plus vieux, de Fukushima à Tokyo, et même jusqu’en Californie, d’innombrables vies sont menacées, des naissances sont avortées.

    Des femmes et des hommes qui étaient en bonne santé avant le 11-3 souffrent à présent de symptômes inconnus et le gouvernement interdit aux hôpitaux de les soigner correctement.

    Pour minimiser le pire accident nucléaire, le gouvernement, la grande presse, les entreprises et les administrations font de la rétention d’information, pris en flagrant délit de manipulation.

    Au prétexte d’une “fourniture d’électricité stable”, le gouvernement japonais et les compagnies d’électricité font bouillir de l’eau de la pire façon possible dans l’univers – électricité nucléaire. De l’Inde, d’Angleterre et jusqu’au Japon, on voit nombre de cadavres au fond des vaisseaux.

    Ce n’est pas qu’à cause de Fukushima, c’est aussi à cause des déchets nucléaires et des nourritures contaminées que meurent les survivants, nous. Sachant que tout est contaminé, le gouvernement japonais répartit les déchets nucléaires sur tout le Japon même jusqu’à Saipan et en Amérique au lieu de déplacer les enfants et les gens.

    et maintenant il n’y a plus aucune nourriture non contaminée.

    Que donner à manger à nos enfants ? Le gouvernement japonais fait de nos enfants son dépotoir nucléaire final.

    Nous n’avons pas d’information, pas de nourriture saine, nulle part où aller mais le gouvernement redémarre l’usine nucléaire de Ohi et programme le redémarrage de celle de Monju, le surgénérateur, en août.

    Allons-nous le laisser nous tuer tous jusqu’au dernier ?

    Non, nous ne le devons pas.

    Ce que le gouvernement a redémarré n’était pas la centrale nucléaire. Ils ont redémarré nos esprits.

    Nous combattrons jusqu’au dernier.

    Nous avons de plus en plus de dernier homme : A Osaka, Chiba, Ohi et dans Tokyo, de plus en plus de gens rejoignent les manifestations.

    Les trois cents de Ohi nous ont montré comment nous battre. Le gouvernement japonais a redémarré la centrale nucléaire mais nous n’abandonnerons jamais.

    Regardez-nous nous dresser. Nous étions la grue endormie pendant des années. Les ailes sont brisées, les plumes sont tombées mais nous nous réveillons finalement. Nous allons nous lever à nouveau et écarter les ailes pour tuer toutes les tiques qui se sont reproduites pendant que nous dormions trop longtemps. Nous sommes déjà trop exposés mais il reste toujours de nouvelles vies sous les plumes.

    Le 29 juin 2012, les ailes de 200 000 personnes ont encerclé la résidence officielle.

    Le vendredi suivant, la police a essayé de nous enfermer sous le sol alors que les rues et la résidence officielle sont construites avec nos propres impôts.

    mais c’est seulement le début.

    Les japonais et les français ont baptisé la série de manifestations du nom de “AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias”. Ajisai, c’est l’hydrangea, l’hortensia.

    Elle fleurit en juin, un tas de petites fleurs qui s’unissent pour en faire une grosse. Elle existe en une variété de couleurs et une même fleur peut changer la sienne aussi.

    La manifestation n’a rien à voir avec une quelconque idéologie. C’est l’instinct de conservation de la nature humaine.

    Nous ne pardonnerons jamais au gouvernement et nous n’oublierons jamais ce qu’ils ont fait.

    Nous allons changer notre pays par nous-mêmes.

    C’est la guerre de la vérité pour annihiler tous les mensonges du gouvernement.

    Ne nous abandonnez pas, dites à vos voisins ce que nous faisons. C’est une guerre contre la grande presse, contre les trusts électriques et contre tous ces mangeurs de budgets publics pour qu’ils nous rendent notre terre.

    “Non au redémarrage. Nous ne sentons pas “la vie” dedans.” [http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150916678538157&set=a.10150898581038157.418035.531493156&type=1&theater]

    (photo : Ajisai revolution)

    References :
    1- http://japon.aujourdhuilemonde.com/vers-une-revolution-des-hortensias-au-japon
    2- http://fukushima.over-blog.fr/article-la-revolution-des-hortensias-107576812.html

  5. A revolution is a serious sad thing.

    I don’t know for how long, nor which are the current ways to drop Noda and his mafia out, nor what is done to do so before being forced to see blood on pavements for that, but I know that Justice can’t be won without unity and organization.
    I know too that it CAN be won WITHOUT leaders: Spokewomen & spokemen are enough. Classic leaders are weak links.

    We are billions, we are the 99%, worldwide.
    Stop your lies, stop your omerta, stop your spreadings of nuclear wastes on children, stop your radiation releases in the sea and in the air, stop your nuclear plants, empty it all, for yesterday. We know your crimes and your lies.

    You devote us to mass deaths since 16 months now, and for decades.
    Expect us, now, and for fewer.

  6. FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias – Japanese having revolution.
    Par Mochizuki, le 11 juillet 2012 · 4 Commentaires

    Ajisai = Hydrangea [Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrangea%5D

    (3 photos de la manifestation du 6 juillet 2012)

    11 juil 2012

    … 16 mois sont passés. Aucune donnée officielle n’a été communiquée par le gouvernement mais des centaines de morts sont suspectées d’avoir un lien avec la radioactivité. Des enfants aux plus vieux, de Fukushima à Tokyo, et même jusqu’en Californie, d’innombrables vies sont menacées, des naissances sont avortées.

    Des femmes et des hommes qui étaient en bonne santé avant le 11-3 souffrent à présent de symptômes inconnus et le gouvernement interdit aux hôpitaux de les soigner correctement.

    Pour minimiser le pire accident nucléaire, le gouvernement, la grande presse, les entreprises et les administrations font de la rétention d’information, pris en flagrant délit de manipulation.

    Au prétexte d’une “fourniture d’électricité stable”, le gouvernement japonais et les compagnies d’électricité font bouillir de l’eau de la pire façon possible dans l’univers – électricité nucléaire. De l’Inde, d’Angleterre et jusqu’au Japon, on voit nombre de cadavres au fond des vaisseaux.

    Ce n’est pas qu’à cause de Fukushima, c’est aussi à cause des déchets nucléaires et des nourritures contaminées que meurent les survivants, nous. Sachant que tout est contaminé, le gouvernement japonais répartit les déchets nucléaires sur tout le Japon même jusqu’à Saipan et en Amérique au lieu de déplacer les enfants et les gens.

    et maintenant il n’y a plus aucune nourriture non contaminée.

    Que donner à manger à nos enfants ? Le gouvernement japonais fait de nos enfants son dépotoir nucléaire final.

    Nous n’avons pas d’information, pas de nourriture saine, nulle part où aller mais le gouvernement redémarre l’usine nucléaire de Ohi et programme le redémarrage de celle de Monju, le surgénérateur, en août.

    Allons-nous le laisser nous tuer tous jusqu’au dernier ?

    Non, nous ne le devons pas.

    Ce que le gouvernement a redémarré n’était pas la centrale nucléaire. Ils ont redémarré nos esprits.

    Nous combattrons jusqu’au dernier.

    Nous avons de plus en plus de dernier homme : A Osaka, Chiba, Ohi et dans Tokyo, de plus en plus de gens rejoignent les manifestations.

    Les trois cents de Ohi nous ont montré comment nous battre. Le gouvernement japonais a redémarré la centrale nucléaire mais nous n’abandonnerons jamais.

    Regardez-nous nous dresser. Nous étions la grue endormie pendant des années. Les ailes sont brisées, les plumes sont tombées mais nous nous réveillons finalement. Nous allons nous lever à nouveau et écarter les ailes pour tuer toutes les tiques qui se sont reproduites pendant que nous dormions trop longtemps. Nous sommes déjà trop exposés mais il reste toujours de nouvelles vies sous les plumes.

    Le 29 juin 2012, les ailes de 200 000 personnes ont encerclé la résidence officielle.

    Le vendredi suivant, la police a essayé de nous enfermer sous le sol alors que les rues et la résidence officielle sont construites avec nos propres impôts.

    mais c’est seulement le début.

    Les japonais et les français ont baptisé la série de manifestations du nom de “AJISAI revolution / La révolution des hortensias”. Ajisai, c’est l’hydrangea, l’hortensia.

    Elle fleurit en juin, un tas de petites fleurs qui s’unissent pour en faire une grosse. Elle existe en une variété de couleurs et une même fleur peut changer la sienne aussi.

    La manifestation n’a rien à voir avec une quelconque idéologie. C’est l’instinct de conservation de la nature humaine.

    Nous ne pardonnerons jamais au gouvernement et nous n’oublierons jamais ce qu’ils ont fait.

    Nous allons changer notre pays par nous-mêmes.

    C’est la guerre de la vérité pour annihiler tous les mensonges du gouvernement.

    Ne nous abandonnez pas, dites à vos voisins ce que nous faisons. C’est une guerre contre la grande presse, contre les trusts électriques et contre tous ces mangeurs de budgets publics pour qu’ils nous rendent notre terre.

    “Non au redémarrage. Nous ne sentons pas “la vie” dedans.” [http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150916678538157&set=a.10150898581038157.418035.531493156&type=1&theater]

    (photo : Ajisai revolution)

    References :
    1- http://japon.aujourdhuilemonde.com/vers-une-revolution-des-hortensias-au-japon
    2- http://fukushima.over-blog.fr/article-la-revolution-des-hortensias-107576812.html

    (Rapport financier du 9 au 11 juillet 2012)

    Dons : 114,00 $
    Frais : 118,00 $
    Reste : -4,00 $

    Objectif : 2 000,00$
    Total … : 201,00$
    Trouver : 1 799,00$

    Acquis = 10,1 %
    Manque = 89,9 %

  7. You lead the way to a brighter future. I wrote this note using an iPad that uses ten watts, plugged into a $44.00 inverter, that is connected to a 12V battery (about $125.00), which is connected to a solar panel (about 500¥) which does absolutely nothing in total silence, while it stares at the sky and sun, all day long. I have no cables to the electric power company. I get no bill, each month. I am free of the fear of blowing up my own backyard, but I worry about the rest of our world. There are two nuclear power plants in preparation in Georgia, USA, and another one being planned in Lithuania, and one more in Poland. I wish everyone had this little dream of being free of a utility company that terrorizes the world. Nuclear power can never be as safe as my little inverter, 12v battery, and solar panel. Let’s build a new world. GE brings good things to life, but sometimes they fail. Hitachi would make far more money focusing on solar and wind. I wish we could put ten thousand windmills of hope along the beaches of Fukishima and nearby areas, each a tribute to those who lost their lives in the great tsunami of 2011.

  8. All the destruction in the world is deliberately caused by the bankers. Technology has empowered the people and is a threat to the bankers. Tech allows masses to become wealthy, eliminating need for bankers. That is the reason for all “banking crises”. These delusuonal old men are dying dinosaurs and their response is to KILL the people, whom they can no longer control. 3/11 was manufactured disaster created by banking elites as Japan’s punishment for refusing to globalize. In all liklihood, DPJ is controlled and paid off by international bankers. Bring back the LDP.

  9. I am an American who was fortunate to live in your country from 1949 to 1952. Duran those troubling times I witnessed the strengths of the Japanese people rise up and take back their country which was by must part destroyed. There is know dote in my mind with the people united, you will do it again. Your government as well as mine has know right keeping things of this importance form its PEOPLE. We stand up know and put a stop to this. We DEMAND the truth.

  10. Chernobyl was hard to take and I was only 6 at the time. Now at 31 I can barely take this any more, the worst thing is no-one around me cares. Keep going lori, thank you for this site.

  11. I just hope this revolution also raises the whole question about the concept of maintaining centralized governance and monoltihic profit-driven institutions, and not just a particular instance of a government or a greedy company.

    With the state of current technology, we can already transition into distributed/networked governance (bottom-up), focusing the economy on multi-dimensional prosperity-driven settlements instead of uni-dimensional profit-driven companies. Regional coordination can be done in Peer-to-Peer clusters of settlements.

    Free and Open Source Technology and Knowledge, as well as Permaculture, can help with this transition into post-scarcity.

  12. All you describe IORI, has been predicted in the Divine Messages I get and publish to hopefully alert at least those who will believe in them.
    Latest warning :
    There is a GIGANTIC earthquake to come in Japan with dramatic consequences given ongoing release of radiation following destruction of the nuclear reactors.
    The many early recommendations in 2011 to LEAVE URGENTLY JAPAN were well justified, as there is still more to come, unfortunately, for the present generation and future generations.
    Read the Divine Messages on http://attentiondanger.over-blog.com

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


July 2012