Following up this article Public Enemy
The next day when Gunma University served a written warning to Prof Hayakawa Yukio, he held a press conference in his lab.
Before starting it, a department chair of faculty of education tried to stop the conference.
The department chair said:
- 1) Prof Hayakawa offered time-off from 2PM – 4PM, he mustn’t be in his lab.
2) The facility is for education. Press conference is disturbance for other staff.
3) Because Prof Hayakawa is his time-off and the conference has nothing to do with the facility purpose, they mustn’t use electricity.
Prof Hayakawa turned off all the lights and PCs and the journalists submited their ID to the department chair to manage to open the conference.
Having this conference, one of the major newspaper companies Yomiuri wrote this article.
(2011年12月9日01時53分 読売新聞)
Verbal abuse of Gunma University’s professor “Fukushima farmers are the same as “Aum shinrikyo” ‘s adherents.” (Aum shinrikyo = A Japanese cult group, which contaminated Tokyo subway with Sarin gas in 1995.)
12/7/2011 Gunma University served a written warning to Prof Hayakawa Yukio (55), who made radiation map for Fukushima nuclear accident. He tweeted comments to describe Fukushima farmers as “Aum shinrikyo” ‘s adherents.
According to Gunma University, the issue is about his tweets,
– Growing rice in cesium rice field is the same act as spreading Sarin gas.
– Fukushima farmers are trying to kill me.
Prof Hayakawa held a press conference on 12/8/2011 to state “In order to inform as many people as possible of radiation risk, I tweeted controversial comments on purpose. Gunma University’s warning against me is a suicidal behavior for academic freedom.”
Horikawa Mitsuhiro, Administrative Manager of Gunma University says “It’s not an academic achievement. It is not gag. A lot of complaints came to the university.”
The University is going to consider to take disciplinary measures if he does not stop verbal abuse.

In the conference, Prof Hayakawa said, in 1991, Unzenfugendake (A volcano in Kyushu) erupted. 43 people died and his friend was a victim too. He knew where his friend was staying was dangerous but he thought it was his own choice and didn’t warn him. He deeply regreted it and decided to warn everything he knows before something happens.
In March and April he bashed the Japanese government and Tepco but he thought it would take too much time to change them. He wanted to protect his family and himself too so he targeted something closer to him: “Fukushima farmers”. He thought he could stop them growing and selling cesium rice by bashing them. At least he wanted to discuss if 500 Bq/Kg is acceptable or not.
Additionally, Gunma University is co-operating with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency since 3/5/2010. It is to study nuclear energy co-operatively and exchange staff with each other.
Japanese TV news reports that vegetables from Kanto area, such as Chinese cabbage or green onion, are unusually gigantic and cheap this year. They stupidly recommend to buy them more and consume.