A Japanese citizen tweeted a shop said they are no longer allowed to sell foreign dosemeters.
マジ?!RT @yasaitabeteruガイガー不調。修理の為、店に聞いたら、外国産もう売れないんだって!国からのお達しじゃないけどお達しだそうだ。計測数値が確かじゃないから混乱を招くとのことだそうだ。今市場に出てるのは?水面下だってさ何だか日本こえーし真綿で首絞められてる感。
— kazukazu721 (@kazukazu721) March 19, 2012
My geiger counter got out of order, went to the shop to repair. They said, they can no loger sell foreign geiger counters from the order of Japanese government. Government says, foreign geiger counters are not accurate, may cause panic. I wonder what they will do for the geiger counters that have already been bought by normal people. They also said it was ordered backstage. I’m scared of Japan, feel like I’m being killed quietly.
— ごろごろ (@yasaitabeteru) March 19, 2012
I wonder the shop is under surveillance because they seem to have a strong pipe with foreign makers. Just after 311, geiger counters were out of stock all over Japan but only that shop had stock. I’m sorry because I wanted to buy a better one made in “a” country. I don’t want to disturb the shop, so will delete this tweet soon.
<End> (Back up tweet)
After 311, a lot of the dose meters were donated by variety of countries, but still over 40,000 of them are missing.
To measure beta and alpha ray, we need to buy foreign brands.
Iori Mochizuki