Breaking News: Children have started to get thyroid disease

10 children from Fukushima had a medical check at Shinshu University Hospital to see if there are any changes in their thyroid gland function.

The medical investigation was conducted on 130 children from Fukushima prefecture, at the Shinshu Uniiversity Hospital on the expense of an authorized NPO (nonprofit organization) named “Japan Chernobyl Foundation (or JCF)”.

From the results of the medical investigation, gathered on September 4, it became clear that in case of 10 children there was a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones.

It is not clearly spoken if there it has anything to do with the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi.

Considering the fact that in case of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, which took place 25 years ago, the peak in the outbreak of thyroid cancer in children was about 5 years after the accident, Minoru Kamata, Chief Director of the NPO, said “At this stage, we cannot talk about a disease, but a long term monitoring it necessary. ”.

The medical investigation was made on children between 0 ~ 16 years old who are refugees from Fukushima Prefecture and lived in Chino city from Nagano prefecture at that time.

It has started to affect children.

Also, some people are giving up decontamination and starting to evacuate.

One last post of a citizen’s group to save children

[Notice: We are closing this group]

We have been helping each other, but because more and more people are evacuating from Kashiwa, where is one of the worst hot spots in Chiba, it has become impossible to continue this group.

All for the children, we have been trying our best to measure radiation and decontaminate the ground, but we could not leave any remarkable achievement.

However, we hope it would become someone’s light to bright their way at least.

Every time the truth is revealed, we can not help getting disappointed at the government, but we still believe in our own power.

It’s really hard to accept the fact that our town was contaminated, but we shall try our best individually.

source link

Probably evacuation is the best way in this worst situation.

Daughter of the friend of our correspondent has turned out to be internally exposed.

She was sick, went to a hospital. It was cesium to cause the illness after all.

She is in Kyoto, where is in western Japan.

Here is another post to report internal exposure.

My nephew’s urine tested positive for cesium. He lives in Suginami Ward [a suburb on the western side of Tokyo]. He forces back his tears at preschool because [his parents have told him that] he has to stay inside alone while the other kids play outside. My sister and brother-in-law have been twice as careful as other people with the food he eats since the accident. Despite taking these precautious, cesium was detected in his urine. When my sister and her husband found out the results of his test, they said they would go to Kyushu [in western Japan] to look for a place to live. In my nephew’s body, the radionuclides don’t stop emitting radiation. But he is just an innocent child. People would probably rather not know, but we are in an extraordinary situation. Apathy is no different to irresponsibility. Let’s do the things that anyone would do, as a reasonable adult, or person.

Der Urin meines Neffen wurde positive auf Cäsium getestet. ER wohnt in Suginami Ward [ein Vorort im Westen von Toyko]. Er zwingt sich, seine Tränen in der Vorschule zurückzuhalten, weil er alleine drinnen bleiben muss, während die anderen Kinder draußen spielen [seine Eltern haben ihm gesagt, dass er dies tun soll]. Meine Schwester und mein Schwager waren doppelt so vorsichtig wie andere Leute bezüglich Ernährung seit dem Unfall. Obwohl sie diese Vorsichtsmaßnahmen getroffen haben, wurde in seinem Urin Cäsium entdeckt. Als meine Schwester und ihr Mann die Ergebnisse des Tests bekommen hatten, sagten sie, dass sie nach Kyushu [im westlichen Japan] gehen würden, um dort nach einem Platz zu suchen, an dem sie leben können. Im Körper meines Neffen emittieren die Radionukleotide unaufhörlich Strahlung. Aber er ist nur ein unschuldiges Kind. Die Leute würden es lieber nicht wissen wollen, aber wir befinden uns in einer außergewöhnlichen Lage. Apathie ist nichts anderes als Unverantwortlichkeit. Lass uns die Dinge tun, die jeder als ein vernünftiger Erwachsener oder Mensch tun würde.

source link

The situation is getting worse and worse. Supermarkets are full of deceptive labeling of origin of food.

We must choose one of two possibilities: Starvation or Cancer.

Whatever stops you, I think everybody must evacuate sooner or later. I think this is the responsibility for our genome.

  1. My first thought was, “How could a civilized people do this?” Then again I live in a country where those without enough money cannot get medical attention, the elderly are being robbed of their pensions, the young are left to go hungry, hundreds of thousands are being evicted form their homes and millions cannot find work. Has the entire world gone mad?

  2. We are fortunate enough to be able to choose life in Australia at this time, but we have family and dear friends in Japan, and it breaks my heart to read these posts.
    I urge each and every one of you reading this who seriously consider to evacuate as far away as possible (to another country if you can, or at least to the very edges of your country), start new lives, and consume only locally grown foods and waters if you remain within the borders of Japan.
    I also urge you to demand, with passion, with action, with the force of lawful resistance and revolution if you must, and for the sake of our children and theirs, that your government and business sectors take immediate and decisive action to protect you and your families’ lives.
    The economic concerns that have been guiding your government and business sectors decisions – concerns such as the price of clear and comperhensive tests, advertising of test results, appropriate warnings, compensations to injured parties – concerns such as international export and diplomatic relationships – all of these concerns and others like them should NEVER come into consideration when childrens’ lives are at stake!
    I beg you to stand up and take your families’ lives into your own hands – so that our children will have their entire lives ahead of them, and the beautiful, rich and enriching land of their ancestors to live in and call home.
    Our hearts and prayers are with you, each and every hour of each and every day, as we long for the day in which an honest, reliable and concerned administration will make life safe, or at the very least a calculable risk, in Japan once again.

    It’s in your hands.

  3. They should have geiger counters to rent out to/for the customers use at all supermarkets.
    If they don’t, don’t shop at that place!

  4. Maybe when it gets clearly bad enough that it can’t be denied, God will in His mercy send His Holy Spirit to pass over the land and remove the radiation and pollution. Jesus Christ created Japan and the Japanese people and loves them dearly. If He created all, He can heal all.

  5. I think that increased thyroid cancer incidence of children from irradiated parents would be first manifestation of the induced genomic instability:

    by Goncharova R.I.

    Institute of Genetics and Cytology, National Academy of Sciences

    Akademichnaya St., 27, Minsk, 220072, REPUBLIC OF Belarus


    She also protested infront of the W.H,O.:
    She said:
    “Mrs Rosa Goncharova, Belarusian Geneticist
    We need a lot of support from other countries because the health consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are being covered up. For that reason I give my thanks to our foreign supporters for this help. I am absolutely certain that without this international support, there would be almost total silence about the health consequences of Chernobyl. So, thank you very much. I am very impressed by these people who have been protesting for such a long time, for a whole year. It is not easy, because everybody is very busy, everybody needs their time and their money. To come to Geneva, to stay there, to find lodgings. It is a very impressive protest. So I thank you very much, both as a Belarusian citizen and a Belarusian scientist.”

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2011