As I’ve been telling,world economy got into recession.
I feel like this will be the LAST recession in the history.
Japan had three crisis at once,earthquake,Tsunami,and Fukushima,
but Fukushima is an artificial crisis.
I see Fukushima,recession,and the London riot share the same root deep in under ground.
It’s the domination.
We have believed 20th century was the age of democracy and capitalism,
but actually,economy,politics,and mass media were all dominated.
As the result,inefficient system got to be the de facto standard.
Nuclear,credit card loan,irrationally high barrier to entry of business
We have been brainwashed to think this is the best way,and banned to think out of the square.
I was called paranoid around 3/12 to worry about the nuclear plants.
I think people who called me paranoid should be punished with Tepco and politician as well.
Riot broke lots of the shops,hurt people and even killed some.
That’s absolutely criminal,no doubt. but I am sorry for them too.
I wish they could have found other ways.