Tokyo people as guinea pigs

Japanese government seems to think they can reduce radiation by burning.

Since morning of 12/13/2011, the Ohta incineration plant has been incinerating radioactive debris from Onagawa nuclear plant. The debris is made of wood, plastic and cloth etc.. They have been incinerated from the morning of 12/13 to 12/14 evening, for 34 hours in total. The total amount to be incinerated was 60 tons.

NHK reports it was to check how much radiation is emitted by incinerating but they also say that the debris was checked in Onagawa cho and was found to be safe, which does not make any sense.

The result will not be published until mid January. They are trying to reduce the radiation level of the debris by incinerating until it becomes lower than 8,000 Bq/Kg, but it means the excessive amount of radiation will evaporate into the air. If they become lower than 8,000 Bq/Kg, they will use it for landfill in Tokyo bay or for material of concrete. They have already made a plan to accept 100,000 tons on the assumption of that they can make the citizens understand “right”.




  1. It is becoming clearer everyday that there is an agenda in play.

    Question: When will Tokyoites decide to evacuate the city?

    It reminds me of a story about slow-boiling frog.

    The slow-boiling frog won’t jump out until it is too late

  2. It is asserted by some websites that Brown’s Gas flame, actually will greatly reduce the radioactivity in a radioactive substance. The Japanese military ought to try this, if they haven’t already. If it works, that should be the only way anything is incinerated. If it works, it might also make it possible to decontaminate areas around the reactors, though the chemically harmful nature of elements like uranium and plutonium would remain.

    1. yes someone should try that, on a small incinerator exhaust, pass the exhaust gases through that flame and check radiation just before and after the flame. sounds like browns gas is just an oxygen-hydrogen flame, it is not, it does not have the same characteristics of a oxy-hydrogen flame. and if i remember correctly browns gas is a gas that comes from the MIDDLE and not the sides of a hydrolysis apparatus. that is, it does not come from the 2 electrodes but from the plates in between. one characteristic of browns gas is that the harder a substance is to vaporize the faster this gas melts it like butter, like tungsten for example the flame vaporises immediately, however other things like paper or wood or flesh, it takes its time. something else to try would be a singlet hydrogen flame, that is on the hydrogen supply line, an electric arc is passed through the hydrogen gas (with no oxygen present, it does not explode) which breaks the H2 molecule apart forming just H it is then immediately burned as H will quickly recombine to H2. and yeah i know physicists say whatever elements decay at a constant rate and thus the half life and nothing changes that, not heat or cold or chemistry only fission or fusion. well our sun seems to alter the constant, as there were articles published this year, that seem to show somehow it alters the constant a little via sunspot activity or coronal mass ejections or something. albeit this effect is on one particular isotope, and what is the sun mostly? a big ball of what? isnt it mostly H? but alas, where is there more money? stabilizing nuclear waste or not stabilizing it? for the nuclear industry obviously not stabilizing. this idea was submitted to some commission in the u.s. years ago, but was covered up either as fraud or no $$$ in it and buried. there is a video of that somewhere. i think it was in the late 70′ or 80’s. they used americium-241 from smoke detectors, they hit the disk briefly with the flame and no more radiation. the commission assumed the element was vaporized-hence no radiation. so no more reasearch. i think it was a colonel presenting in the video. what matters isnt whether science can explain how it works or if it should or shouldnt work, but whether it DOES work. and that just would mean some science ‘laws’ would need to be updated and upset a lot of people that perhaps stand of ground like that of fukushima, that is, shaky. those same people say this guy is a fraud now goverments are looking a cold fusion or whatever you want to call the ANOMALY. if mr. rossi is right then the market and not science committee will determine whether mr. rossi is right or wrong and possibly others will come forward with better ideas. and again he is using what element H2 or is it H, who knows, but does it work? in less than a year we should all know. and what about biological transmutations, the Russians have found bacterias that will digest 1 isotope or whatever element and exude another nonradioactive element, exactly what elements they have that they can do this with i do not know. and what about a simple chicken, they say if you that a chicken thats laying eggs and deprive it of calcium, the major element in an egg shell, that is no calcium in the diet, that it still lays eggs even after one takes into consideration the possibility of the animal pulling the calcium from it’s bones. but remove phosphate and no eggs, give phosphate back and eggs. hmmmm.

      1. the last part of above should have read:
        they say that if you take a chicken thats laying eggs and deprive it of calcium, the major element in an egg shell, and that is no calcium in the diet for a long time, that it still lays eggs even after one takes into consideration the possibility of the animal pulling the calcium from it’s bones. but remove phosphate and no eggs, give phosphate back and eggs. hmmmm.

        and also a better link for above:

  3. 1. Forlks, time has come to begin boycotting Japanese made imports and Japanese tourism all together. The Japanese politicians are knowlingly subjecting its citizens as well as international communities to sustaining radioactive re-contamination. It is no longer safe to visit any part of Japan, it is not safe to buy products that contain a Japanese made part.

    2. Knowingly spreading radioactive contamination amounts to environmental criminal act, it is most likely illegal in the U.S. and many other countries. Is there a way to enlist Interpol to name these Japanese politicians and TEPCO officials as international environmental criminals?

    1. From the day that it happened, my first thought was…wow..”they just lost Tokyo.” I had a vision of the place as a ghost town. I concluded that all products coming out of Japan would be potentially radioactive and that the fallout would encompass the tiny island, rendering it unihabitable. All of this is now in the making and the impact will be global.

  4. How the hell can your government be as stupid as ours! Honestly I thought Japan cared more for the there people had more pride and more brains!

    By now it should be evident that everything is getting worse not better and real ways of fixing and controlling it need to be issued not lying!
    Is this another one of those Corporate BS conspiracies! I think it is I think this has everything to do with who controls the energy in Japan.

    and you this is BAKA! this is also a great beginning to get away from TEPCO and nuclear power. There are many safer cleaner ways of powering a city.

  5. Does burning actually destroy the radionucleides?

    no-it will spread the toxin all over the country side as it drops out of the air-or comes down in snow or rain

    1. Incenerating waste as described is like using the leaf blower to clean the garage or basement, stirring everything up (from the ground) in a bigger dust cloud, only to (re)settle elsewhere, the cars… the boxes stacked in the corner… Making everything else dirty too. Dreadful…

  6. Who do you think pays Interpol’s salary? I’m sure Japanese gov writes a check along with the other nations.

  7. The Japanese “STILL” a;re getting “Censored” information from their own Gov’t. and that is often suspect considering the news releases from other Japanese Professionals that are saying that what the Gov’t. and TEPCO are saying is just so much Nuclear Baloney (NB), especially about Low, Low dosages of radiation!

  8. I’ve reached the stage where all the news and all these comments just make me sigh rather than get angry. I live in Tokyo, surrounded by lies and denial. No-one (Japanese?) here cares, no-one wants to know, everything must just stay the same. Three monkeys syndrome. If there is no problem, you don’t have to do anything about it. The J sheople will just carry on smiling and shoganai-ing until… The gaijins will carry on ranting and raving (on the internet) and doing nothing (yes, just like me) until… (the booze runs out?) Get your family outahere and pray to your God

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2011